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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team Titles? Interesting!?!

Started by Showsteala, December 17, 2013, 10:49:17 PM

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Daddy Mack

Kicked back on a metal box at the arena along a corridor backstage is The Mack sporting his ring gear and no shirt. He's just kinda slumped against the wall with his a smartphone in hand like most have these days. Mack poking the screen trying to navigate through something on the screen and then looks up with a sarcastic grin.

Alright, well now that the text is sent, yea, I learned to text, still not sure about it, but whatever. Its a line of communication and some would rather type than talk, but who gives a shit!?! Tonight on WAR The Mack is opening the show which means everyone else is gonna fail to follow The Showsteala as always. Tonight it is The Mack teaming with Brady Henderson and we get a shot at the SEW Tag Team Championship. Now I know I been tag champ like fifteen or twenty times, somewhere in there, and maybe I ain't got the best track record for maintaining a partnership since its all about The Mack. But ya see Brady, if ya stick with The Mack and work towards capturing your first taste of gold, maybe we can make something of a team last to give these Sweet Sensual Sexy girls one hell of a match!?! I can carry more gold than this company has to offer, so if you be down to tag The Mack, I be down to take the gold. Now to Julie and Tina, these two crazy cats are gonna be harder to take down than its said to be. They are a well oiled machine, but The Mack is just that on his own, so bring your big boy shoes tonight Brady. Be at your best and know that The Mack is always the best, so Julie my lovely Queen of SEF, I'm coming to take your title as Tag Team Champion. And Tina, no hard feelings honey, we'll see each other later on and I'll make it up to ya.

Mack winking lustfully and hops off the metal box walking off with phone in hand swaggering with that arrogance of being the man around these parts and commanding what no one else can handle.

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