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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Brady, Phoenix, and Jordan Check Into The Hardcore Hotel

Started by Showsteala, December 26, 2013, 11:04:38 PM

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Daddy Mack

"Lowlife" by Kid Rock plays over the pa bringing the crowd up and explosively loud for The Mack who struts on out sexually dancing for the fine females to ogle him. A pair of camo work boots and blue jeans on with a black sleeveless shirt reading, The Showsteala, across the front in red is what Mack wears while carrying his Underground Title and Tag Team Title over each shoulder with a pair of black sunglasses over his eyes. The Mack's hair down and swinging as he struts down the aisle arrogantly, the fans reaching for him and he just leaps up to the apron with a cocky grin. Mack flashing them dimples making the ladies woooo for The Showsteala who bends under the top rope to step in and circle around throwing his arms out with each title held in his hands. The Mack dropping into his muscle pose showing off the championship gold instead, then pops up slinging the titles to his shoulders and does a crotch chop. Mack catching his belts and heads over to the bed laying in a corner under the blinking Hardcore Hotel sign on the ropes with the vacancy light glowing. The Mack with both titles on his left shoulder as he sits back on the bed picking up a microphone with a loose grip.

So here we be for another Friday night Anarchy and once again we got the Hardcore Hotel because ain't no one draws like The Mack, so ya gotta book him. But since I get the night off from the in ring action, unless my guests tonight want to mix it up in a fatal four way!?!

Mack moving his brow up and down liking that and looking as sarcastic as ever.

Or we can find out what ya all been up to as of late? We know ya all got huge title opportunities ya capitalized on what with Brady and myself snaring the Tag Titles while Jordan Cut picked up the Light Heavyweight Title. Phoenix with a World Title shot against the winner of a match between my tag partner and the Light Heavyweight Champ right here tonight, so who knows what we gonna see happen, but that's why this bee happening in the Hardcore Hotel, the real home of controversy. The new World Champion has the opportunity to check into the highest rated segment right here tonight, but who will it be!?! I be wondering why Jordan decided to drop the ball after our deathmatch while I continued to be number one over all of you?!? Wondering what Phoenix does cause he sure as hell ain't much of a full timer, then again, who else can do it like The Mack?

Mack all cocky and arrogant just smiles with a calm sarcasm.

That's all I got for now, just waiting to see some action and get involved if need be. Hell, maybe a tag match and if Brady wants to, we'll put up the Tag Titles cause I be down to defend my gold anytime, anywhere, against anyone. But I be content to just kick back and shoot the shit, so take it easy and stroll on out to get a load off about whatever ya got going on. Otherwise I'll go mack on some chicks and let a few lucky girls in Providence in the back to rub my gold!

The Mack winking at some girls who go crazy for the host of the Hardcore Hotel and the Underground Champ off in his own world ready for anything with that shit eating grin of arrogance befitting a man who can only be called The Mack, even if he gets called every other name in the book and wrote a few chapters!!!!! Mack scooting off the bed to his feet adjusting his titles with arrogance while holding the mic at his waist relaxed and ready.


Just then "Monster" by Skillet hits, and Brady walks out behind the curtain. He stands on the ramp, and holds up his half of the tag team championship as the boo him. He rolls his eyes, and walks down the ramp mocking the fans making them boo louder. He just laughs, and walks up the steal steps. He poses for the fans, and he just ignores the fans boos as he gets a mic as he gets talking.

Brady Henderson: Thanks for inviting me out here, and I can't wait to get this show started.

Brady puts the tag team championship on his right shoulder, and holds it while he holds the mic in his left hand.


The Mack and Brady Henderson look at each other for while suddenly Jordan Cut music started playing as he comes out from the curtain makes his way down the ramp. He gets inside the ring stares at The Mack and Brady Henderson grabs a microphone, and he started speak.

Alright The Mack! I'm out here say what you got to say I got this asshole (points to Brady Henderson)in a match, so let's get this boring talk show over with!

Jordan Cut lifts his championship in the air scream at The Mack and Brady Henderson "I AM FUTURE OF THIS FUCKIN COMAPNY!"

The American Tradition

So...the Tag Team champions are loungin around in the ring without a care in the world, more interested in the women around Providence than they are about defending the titles. Peachy. Our champions, ladies and gentlemen. Cue it up.

Linkin Park's "A Light That Never Comes" starts to blast throughout the arena, as a refreshed and renewed Phoenix Winterborn steps through the curtain, scratching his head.

"HOLD ON! HOLD IT! STOP THE PRESSES! SOMEONE CALL WALTER KONKRITE! Cut the music...So, lemme get this straight. I got invited to the Hardcore Hotel here tonight ahead of my world title match and a match against Viper at Sacrifice, and you invite me out here to this? Three jackasses who all think that they are God's gift to pro wrestling and/or women? C'mon, guys. To quote New York's Ed Lover...'Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.' You know DAMN well that I have more important things to do than sit out here and bullshit with you two dunderheads."

Phoenix continues walking towards the ring, shaking his head. He couldn't believe he was partaking in this facade, but it is what it is. He had contractual obligations to fufill, and this was one of them. As he climbs into the ring, he steps in between all three men, backing them up. He looks over at Mack with a smirk.

"Sorry homeboy. You can't run this for shit, so in the infamous words of Kevin Nash...I'm takin over!"

Cheers erupt from the crowd, as Phoenix continued on.

"Now, lemme get this straight. Last week on War, I took out three other people to become one of the number one contenders to the world title, and my opponent is standing on either side of me. That's right, folks. Either Jordan Cut or...Brady Henderson..." an eyeroll from Phoenix, "will be challenging me for the strap at Apocalypse. Now, I don't mean to go tooting my own horn here, but..."

Phoenix held his arm up, imitating a trucker pulling his horn rope with a smile.

"Y'all might as well just hand me the title now, cause I can knock around either of these chuckleheads with a flu and a broken leg."

Both Henderson and Cut glared at Phoenix, ready to jump him, but Phoenix looked at both of them, one after the other.

"It would be in the best interest of the both of you to not do anything right now. Wouldn't wanna risk getting your ass laid out with just moments before your match, amirite? Of course I am. Now Mack..." Phoenix turns around, "You are probably seething right now. Have I sufficiently rustled your jimmies coming out here and hijacking your show? I bet I have. It's quite alright though, young man. For you see, this has been awhile in the making. For the longest time, I've been sick of you running around here like you're hot shit. Fucking anything with a pair or set of legs, and you think in that junior high mind that that makes you the best thang smokin. Speakin of which, ya really need to lose the herb, bro. It's makin me wanna vomit. I digress, though."

Phoenix cleared his throat, taking a sip of his Mountain Dew Livewire he had stashed in his back pocket.

"The time is slowly ticking down to when I run things around here as the world champion, Mack. And when I do? This Hardcore Hotel crap? It goes poof. See, SEF needs a dose of clarity here. Away from the thick cloud of weed smoke that infiltrates the hallways. I can see you looking at me like I'm some sort of retard, and that's totally understandable. But all I can do is speak the truth, Mack. It's game on. You're looking at the next Sports Entertainment Xtreme World Heavyweight champion. Not your half-assed tag partner, and not this toolbag who thinks he's the next big thing. I am the best pound-for-pound wrestler in this entire company. Fuck what ya say about accomplishments or titles or whatever like that. I'm talking pure skill. You, as well as these two...are staring at pure skill, Mack."

More cheers erupt from the crowd, as Phoenix stands up straight, cracking his back in the process.

"Now that all the shenanigans are out of the way, this is where I take my leave. I'm gonna watch you two beat the piss out of each other while I go prepare for Apocalypse and the world title match. We now return you to your regularly scheduled filth flaren filth. Good evening."

"A Light That Never Comes" begins to play again, as Phoenix bows through the ropes, and heads to the back slapping hands with the fans up the ramp. Standing on the stage, he motions around his waist, signaling that he's coming for the world title before turning towards the curtain, and the backstage area.

Daddy Mack

Actually, Mack stood back with a half cocked smile of sarcasm the whole time all three of these chumps made their way out and now he stares at the biggest chump watching him run his mouth the most while Mack just wonders who in the hell this is. He let's the kid ramble on until being questioned on getting miffed over having his show hijacked, that is when Mack cuts him off meaning what happens next is this.

Shit son, you couldn't hijack my sack!

Mack all cocky and sarcastically grinning while Phoenix gets a grimace of anger.

Settle down jack and listen up cause ain't no way you can take over when you ain't even known around these parts. I mean hell, who are you? Are you Phoenix cause I don't recognize the new look.

Phoenix rolling his eyes and says.

Yes, I am Phoenix-

Mack cuts him off with a sarcastic exclamation.

Good for you kid, but I am Daddy Mack and there ain't no one here who has enough skill to match a tenth of mine or else they would do it, otherwise they don't deserve a damn dime. I don't give a shit what you think of me or what I do when I ain't got a match which I already said I was down for from the start of this segment that out draws you any night of the week. If you think you can hang, then let's put your money up front instead of this fake facade all ya new kids want to bring. What do ya say boys? Fatal four way? Or do we go for a tag match and put up the gold like I said earlier, then again, I ain't so sure this chump here done anything to deserve it?

Mack pointing to Phoenix all cocky, then shoots off Da Shows Ova to Jordan planting him perfectly to the mat. Phoenix with a clothesline to Mack and Brady all over the American Tradition. He tries to hit the Vampire Black Out, but gets shoved off and floored down with a roundhouse kick to the head. Phoenix spinning around to find Mack who is a step ahead cocking his leg for Da Shows Ova sending the American Tradition to the mat. Mack dancing over him bending down to yell in his face.

How's that for skill, boy?!?!

Mack just a laughing sarcastically and picks up his titles brushing them off arrogantly and hopping out of the ring to swagger up the aisle as "Lowlife" by Kid Rock plays over the pa.

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