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The SEW WAR Owner & GM Check Into The Hardcore Hotel For A Job Evaluation

Started by Showsteala, January 01, 2014, 04:31:20 AM

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Daddy Mack

"Lowlife" by Kid Rock plays over the pa and here comes a bandaged up Mack swaggering and strutting out like he is ready for another DOGG Fight right here tonight. That wide sarcastic grin across his face as The Mack almost skips down the aisle letting the fans stretch out to touch him. Mack hopping to the ring apron in his ring gear with the Tag Titles around his waist and the Underground Title over his left shoulder. The Showsteala stepping into a circle drops into a muscle pose, then pops up into a crotch chop catching his title belt. Mack laying it next o him on the bed he lays on in a corner under the blinking Hardcore Hotel sign with the vacancy light glowing on the ropes. The Mack lifting a microphone loosely in his right hand just looks around a bit cocky and definitely sarcastic at the cheering crowd that most of which hate him. Mack loving it and giving them something else to pop for.

Whaaaaassss uuuppp all ya all crazy muthafuckas?!?!?!?!?!

And they do indeed pop loud as The Mack smiles sarcastically without a care in the world.

Alright, alright, now let's get to business cause I got a big Tag Title match to get to as well on WAR. But that can be saved for another time. Right now we got Kira Darland as a guest in the Hardcore Hotel and her presence may need to be felt for she is going to have her job as General Manager of WAR evaluated right here by the Owner of WAR, Whitney Marret, who is also my guest. Gotta love this job!!!!

Mack smiling a bit lustfully now and just smirks sarcastically like an arrogant prick.

Kira, I personally think you were doing a good job as GM, but the brass think ya need an evaluation, so come on out and give them a reason to let ya keep your job. Unless ya don't want it? Hmm, maybe I could have it? Mack as GM of WAR?!?!?

Mack a bit unsure, but smiles at the idea.

Well, maybe not?!? But hey, what do ya say Kira? Or Whitney, maybe you want to come out first. Floor is yours ladies!

Mack lowering his mic and motions to come on out, then pats the Underground Title laying next to him and rubs the Tag Title around his waist looking as vain as can be.


"(Rock) Superstar " blares over the loudspeakers and the crowd jumps to it's feet with a deafening ovation as red, blue, purple, green, and white lights circle the arena. A woman comes out from the back and she's wearing a black dress with a red floral lace print, black lace-up detailing, ruffle trim and a tulle underlay and a pair of strappy Mary Janes. This woman is none other the SEF Founder and War/Anarchy Owner, Whitney Marret. She's looks especially hot with her dark ruby red hair down in curls cascading all over her shoulders and down her back almost touching her fine ass. She's got on the same "Renagade" necklace that she had on last time and a pair of matching earrings that dangle down to her  shoulders. She is smiling from ear to ear with a mega-bright smile as she walks down the ramp, she sways her ass from side to side to what seems to be the rhythm of the song and keeps on walking down and reaches the steel steps. Mack strolling over to sit on the middle rope and raise the top ring rope. She walks on the apron and Whitney bending over with her ass inches from Mack's face and he is staring at the fine booty of the boss's with a very wide grin of approval. Whitney gets in the ring and Mack shortly follows and he lays on the bed with one arm resting his head as Whitney stands at the tip of the bed. When Whitney gets a mic and looks to Mack, the men in the crowd let out a few whistles at her as she blushes with extreme pleasure of it all.

Honey, are you sure that you don't want one last romp with the Showsteala? You keep rocking those colors of mine, sweetheart. And with you being a mom.......goddamn........I would love to have one last sticking with you to say that I've banged the hottest momma on the planet.

Whitney opens her luscious ruby red mouth and then blushes a crimson red and says.

Whitney Marret:
I'm sure. These are my Normy's favorite colors and these are the Owensboro High School Red Devils main two colors. I have always paid homage to those helped me get to this point in my life where I am a very successful mother of two wonderful kids. Like all these fans that have and you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

The crowd claps and cheers wildly as Whitney claps with them with a couple tears rolling down her face with gratitude. She wipes them from her face and gets her business face then lets her oh so important voice be heard.

Whitney Marret:
Mack, I came out here first because as the War and Anarchy Owner, I've got to set a precedent on how business should be directed. Not to say that Kira doesn't know how to do that but that's why we are out here. I know that Norm should be with me but I feel like this should be between us girls.....from one business woman to another like it should be. I mean, she is the 2nd powerful woman here in SEF. That's just how it will always be. I've noticed that you've been slacking somewhat and I haven't seen her around here for what seems to be a long time, I want that skinny ass of her to march down that ramp.....into this ring.....and give me a full explanation. If she don't come out here and give me a believable one, I'll be glad to say the words of the greatest promoter known to mankind said to many superstars and employees.........YOU'RE FIRED!

Whitney looks to the back with her nose a flaring and her eyes twinkling with anticipation of her WAR GM to walk down and maybe give her thoughts as she sits down on the bed and Mack scoots down and wraps his left arm around the voluptuous waist of Hot Bitch In Charge to await the arrival of Kira or Norm if he wants to make his presence known.[ /font]

Daddy Mack

Mack looking around the ring smiling sarcastically, letting those baby blue eyes roam over the candy, then glances to Whitney in her cute little dress. The Mack cozying up to her kissing on his boss's neck whispering in her ear making Whitney blush. The CEO trembling as Mack keeps kissing and down her chest now, then brings a hand to her legs going up the dress somewhat discreet considering where they are!!! Mack laying Whitney back on the bed while sliding over between her legs lays a kiss on her with a nice little makeout session while waiting for Kira to make her presence. Whitney blushing big time, but enjoys the activity, though not wanting to go farther as she keeps Mack's hands up top.


The lights go out, and "Let It Go" by Demi Lovato hits as Kira walks down the ramp slapping hands with the fans. She gets in the ring, and poses for the fans as they go wild for her. She gets a mic, and lifts it up as she gets talking.

Kira Darland: Happy New Year, and it is good to be out here. I know you all want to know where I have been, and I have a good explanation why I haven't been around in awhile. You see I was in the hospital due to a illness, and I was planning a show for the new year. I had some of the matches written down, and wasn't sure if what I had was going to work. I even asked Tristan to help me with the card, and we came up with a few matches that I will put up in my office to see if any of them will be able to be on the card that will be up soon.

She lowers the mic, and this is a good explanation to why she wasn't around as she waits for a reply.

Daddy Mack

Mack leaning back on the bed as Whitney sits up looking professional, but looking at Kira like she should have notified her sooner about the illness. The Mack bringing a microphone to his mouth with arrogance and sarcasm evident in them baby blues and cocky smirk.

Kira, your looking cuter and cuter. If ya need any help feeling better, Mack can console ya, he got the magic touch!?!?!

Mack winking at the GM who just puts on a smile while waiting for Whitney to say something.


Kira rolls her eyes, and wasn't impressed at all as she lifts the mic up to speak again even though she did smile.

Kira Darland: Flattery will get you nowhere, and your not even my type Mack as I have standards that you don't measure up to save that for women are willing to do what you want cause I am not one of them.

She takes out her cell phone, and goes to her messages. She scrolls down, and clicks on a text message that she sent then she talks again.

Kira Darland: Alright now back to what I came out here for, so I am ready for it.

Kira waits for a reply.


Whitney shoves Mack off her and she gets up off the bed and looks over to Mack with a serious look and says.

Whitney Marret:
Mack, cool the snake in your pants. 

Mack pout a little and looks a bit sad as Whitney walks up to Kira and smiles with a cocky smile and she holds the mic out and says.

Whitney Marret
You honestly think I'm gonna believe that? You're crazy. I've heard everything in this business. But that aside, you've got one month to ship up and book every card for these fans to come out to see because I can not let my flagship show fail. I can not and will not let it happen. You can not walk into MY ring and act like you don't have to respect me. I don't give a damn what you think your status a GM gives you around here, if you don't respect the one that fucking blazed a goddamn trail for you and the rest of these women that come in here, your straight up dead wrong. Once more, you either grow up, straighten your act up around here and let me know what's up and be the general manager that you signed on and what I need you to be, or........

Whitney gets nose to nose with Kira and smiles evilly with her nose slightly flaring to make this point and SEND IT HOME.

Whitney Marret:
You're FIRED!

Whitney stands there smiling without a care in the world as her green-blue-gray eyes sparkle and twinkle in anticipation of anyone......Norm.....Mack....Kira....to speak.[ /font]

Daddy Mack

Mack watching with a sarcastic smile ready for a fight between two power playing women, but nothing happens, so he slides off the bed making his way over to their sides looking at Kira with a smirk.

Sweetheart, don't be too flattered. You got no idea what my kind of woman is, so focus on your job and doing right by this woman, a real woman, the one we both call boss, boss.

Mack grinning wide and slaps Kira on her ass, then backs up to the ropes bowing to Whitney with an arrogant smile. The Mack exiting the ring as Kira scowls at The Showsteala skipping to the back ending the Hardcore Hotel.

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