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SEW Friday Night Anarchy # 5

Started by Simon Lee Nash, January 06, 2014, 12:42:31 AM

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Simon Lee Nash

11:59:59 PM Eastern on Jan 10 2014
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SEW Anarchy Owner
Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.

Anarchy General Manager
Carlos Mitchell
The GM handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.


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Richmond Coliseum in Richmond VA

Theme Music


Main Event Match
Jordan Cut vs Phoenix Winterborn
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 4
Tim Stone vs Zilus Zion
Referee: Tom Walker

Match 3
Open Challenge to any tag team
The Mack & Brady Henderson vs any tag team
WAR Tag team championship
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 2
Kristin Fox vs Danika
Referee: Tom Walker

Opening Match
Matt Ward vs Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed


Welcome to Anarchy live in the Richmond Coliseum here in sweet Virginia. Hello everyone, Nick Miller here and we got a good looking show lined up with a Tag Team Title match against any team willing to show up.

Shady chiming in.

Dude, Tina is so fucking hot, she needs more gold around her waist, so the Golden Gal all the way and Jordan can run along for the ride long as he keeps his ass out the way.

Nick saying.

A threat to the titles they may be as I see that team growing into something bigger, but not sure about tonight being the golden cutters night. Jordan is in the main event as well against a lackluster World Champ who is laying low tonight. Could be an interesting match between the two, but up first is Matt Ward facing former Light Heavyweight Champ Simon Lee Nash.

Going backstage first we find Jordan Cut laying on a sofa in his dressing room with Jenom sitting on his face getting her twat licked. Tina is riding Jordan's cock while reaching around to play with Jenom's tits. Jordan making Jenom moan as she cums and Tina moaning softly cumming with the cool cutter. Tina getting up to her feet as Jenom turns to bend over on the sofa and gets Jordan's cock plunged into her pussy. Jenom with moans and Tina laying on her back wrapping her legs around Jordan's neck to bring him down to lick the Golden gal's twat. Jordan enjoying it and Tina arches back as Jenom rears back in pleasure as they all cum again.

Opening Match
Matt Ward vs Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Matt and Simon engage in a lock up when "Justice" plays over the pa bringing A Native Americano rushing down the aisle sporting black swat gear. He slides in the ring eyeing both men before deciding to run into Matt with a hard shoulder tackle to the ribs laying him out hard on the canvas. A Native Americano springs up looking wild eyed at Simon who readies for an attack, but gets none as the ref calls it.

Winner: Matt Ward

A Native Americano sneering at Simon.

Be Ready for WAR.

Then "Justice" plays as he climbs out of the ring to head up the aisle and to the back.

Match 2
Kristin Fox vs Danika
Referee: Tom Walker

Danika rushes into Kristin sending her down with a shoulder block, then runs the ropes skipping back. Kristin staying down as Danika goes to the other ropes springing back to the Fox girl who looks for a spinning kick. Danika ducking it and running back into the ropes. She bounces back for a clothesline, but Kristin slides between her legs tripping Danika and flips over into The Canadian Maple Leaf. Danika screaming and gives up the match.

Winner: Kristin Fox

Match 3
Open Challenge to any tag team
The Mack & Brady Henderson vs Tina & Jordan Cut
WAR Tag team championship
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack and Tina starting this match with cocky smirks flashed at each other. They engage in a lock up with Mack clamping on the side headlock. Tina bouncing him off the ropes and Mack springing back into an arm drag, rolls up and the Golden Gal tries for another. Mack flipping over to his feet and arm drags Tina down, then leaps into a dropkick to her shoulder. Mack rolling up to his feet and Tina bolting up to hit him with a shoulder tackle, but misses when The Showsteala leapfrogs the Golden Gal. Mack turning to fly into Tina with a roundhouse kick knocking her down. The Mack getting up to yank Tina up for a piledriver. The Golden Gal back dropping Mack over to the mat, then leaps up stomping his head. Tina making the tag to Jordan who comes in stomping all over Mack and stalks him for The Cutter. Mack shoving Jordan away and looks for Da Shows Ova, but the cool cutter dropping back in a corner with wide eyes. Mack with a crotch chop to Jordan who pulls himself up charging on over. The Mack meeting Jordan with punches and then chops to his chest before whipping him to the ropes. Jordan reversing him to ready for a powerslam, but Mack rolling through to bring Jordan down in a ddt. Both men rolling to their corners and Mack inches away as Jordan leaps to tag Tina. Brady making the tag and leaps over the ropes into a dropkick to Tina, then leaps up with a knee drop to her head. The Tag Champ pulling Tina up for a suplex, but the Golden Gal flipping down to her feet and flooring Brady down with a spinning heel kick. Tina into the pin,




kickout! Tina clamping a sleeper hold on Brady trying to get her legs in a body scissors for more pressure. Brady swinging around trying to get free and fights up to his feet backing into a corner. Tina letting go and sinks down the turnbuckles as Brady steps out, then turns and charges the Golden Gal with a knee to her face. Brady waiting for her to get up and stagger out for the Vampire Black Out, but Tina twisting out of it sending her opponent to his back. Tina flipping over into a leg drop across Brady's neck and turns into the pin,




kickout! The Golden Gal rolling to her corner making the tag and Jordan comes in stomping Brady and stalks him for The Cutter. Brady able to avoid it and let Jordan fall to the mat, then backs up to tag Mack who comes in to send Tina out of the ring as she tries to dart in. Brady distracting Jordan and he gets hit with Da Shows Ova sending him back into the Vampire Black Out for the Showsteala. Brady rolling out as Mack falls into the pin to win the match for his team.

Winners: The Mack & Brady Henderson

"Lowlife" plays over the pa and Brady comes back in with both belts handing one to Mack and The Showtime raise their titles high as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a tag team match from the champs who had a real threat from the newly formed team of Jordan Cut and Tina, the Golden Cutters!?!

Match 4
Tim Stone vs Zilus Zion
Referee: Tom Walker

Tim waits in the ring as Zilus is walking down the aisle when "Justice" plays over the pa and here comes A Native Americano charging out from the curtain in a full head of steam. Zilus turning and gets tackled to the floor like he got hit by a freight train. A Native Americano in his swat gear still and heads to the ring sliding in and pops up to rear back in a primal scream. Tim on him with hammer like punches sending A Native Americano to a corner, but gets shoved out and hit with Smoked getting choked out. A Native Americano latched on like a pitbull makes Tim tap out and scream to break the hold which eventually happens when the SEW Talent Director gets up. He pulls Tim up and into a powerbomb, then kicks him from the ring standing tall.

Main Event Match
Jordan Cut vs Phoenix Winterborn
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Phoenix getting rocked to a corner from some fast punches from Jordan whips the American Tradition to the opposite corner. The cool cutter running into him for a clothesline, but Phoenix with a drop toe hold to Jordan sending him to the turnbuckles. Phoenix helping Jordan up into a suplex, but slams him forward to his stomach, then drops an elbow to his back. The American Tradition rolling Jordan into the pin,



kickout! Phoenix clamping on a side headlock and drags Jordan up for a bulldog, but gets shoved to the ropes and caught with a diving clothesline. Jordan into the pin,




kickout! The cool cutter pulling Phoenix up to nail a European uppercut, then scoops up the American Tradition slamming him to the mat. Jordan with a knee drop to his head and begins stomping Phoenix when "Justice" plays over the pa. The cool cutter looking and here comes A Native Americano from the back rushing down to slide in the ring. Jordan on him with forearms to the back and whips A Native Americano to the ropes. He bounces back leaping into a shoulder tackle whipping Jordan to the mat snapping hard to the canvas. A Native Americano getting to his feet as the ref calls the match.

Winner: Jordan Cut

Phoenix sitting up in a corner looking at A Native Americano who stares down the American Tradition. The World Champ getting up and A Native Americano looking ready to attack just says with a sneer.

Be ready for WAR.

"Justice" plays and A Native Americano climbs out of the ring heading to the back while Nick Miller says.

A decent match developing between Jordan and Phoenix, but cut off by A Native Americano running in making the third time tonight. Twice he told people to be ready for WAR which he directed towards Phoenix just now and Simon Lee Nash earlier. Made the night a little more action packed and intense for sure and with the show stealing tag team title match Anarchy was a good one. We'll see ya in two nights for Sacrifice and net Wednesday for what looks to be a pretty solid WAR. Until then, have a goodnight.

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