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RAW IS SEF 54 {2/24/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 13, 2014, 01:16:17 AM

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Taylor Andrews

February 24th, 2003

Pyros shoot off as Across The Nation by Union Underground plays and Raw kicks off live from the sold out Air Canada Centre In Toronto, Ontario, Canada! Jim Ross and Stephanie McMahon-Mack begin the show from near the stage at the announce position!

Jr: Hello everybody and welcome to Raw! I am jim ross alongside stephanie mcmahon mack and tonight is looking to be good!

Steph: Yes it is jr! four titles on the line with the tag titles being defended against the hardy boyz in a ladder match!

Jr: Should be great considering hbk invented them! Also though, hbk is in the opening match where he defends his us title against outlaw who is looking good and fights mack for his ic title!

Steph: My man mack and hbk, a great match ahead of us! Also cassidy defends her womens title against patricia tonight!

Jr: Yes she does and also in singles action scott steiner battles sabre helmsley while ashley gabriel fights torrie wilson in a lingerie match! Now lets get started with the show!

SEF United States Championship

Details: Outlaw starts off hammering hbk with some thunderous right hands, rocking him back into the corner, then stomps him down into the mat! Outlaw then picks up hbk on his shoulder and looks for a powerslam, but hbk slips down and pushes him to the ropes and looks for sweet chin music, but outlaw catches his foot and pulls him close, clotheslining hbk out of his boots! He kneels down and begins pounding away at him with rights nad lefts, then picks up hbk and whips into the ropes nailing a big boot on him! HBK gets to his feet and swigs at outlaw, nailinga few punches, but outlaw shrugs him off and clock shbk a good one, then lifts him up and hits the outlaws edge and pins to win the match!

Winner: Outlaw via Pinfall

Jr: Wow, outlaw sure was impressive tonight, winning the us title from hbk!

Steph: Yea he was I must admit, but that isn't right, it just isn't!

Tag Team Match
Winning Team Get Torrie Keibler As Their Manager

Details: James varga and eddie gueerrero fail to show up so hayabusa and lil rocker are awarded the match and get torrie as their manager who is nowhere to be found!

Winners: Hayabusa&Lil Rocker via No Show

Jr: Well, I suppose james and eddie didn't want torrie!

Steph: How dare those two ingrates no show my show!

Lingerie Match

Details: Ashley wins the match when torrie fails to show up!

Winner: Ashley Gabriel via No Show

Jr: Well I guess torrie didn't want to win either!

Steph: Maybe the slut is with james and eddie cause they sure have a lot in common!

SEF Intercontinental Championship

Details: Shawn and mack both just look at each other with serious faces, then mack grins as does hbk and the bell rings! They circle one another, then hbk points his finger in macks chest and he falls to the mat with hbk running the ropes and eventually tripping over mack and pinning him to win!

Winner: Shawn Michaels via Pinfall

Jr: Well, that was certainly interesting and doesn't really suprise me much knowing those two!

Steph: I told you the match would be great!

Singles Match

Details: Sabre and steiner start off with a lock up which steiner overpowers sabre in and throws him to the mat! From their sabre hits a few moves, but mostly steiner uses is power and throws sabre around and soon locks him in the steiner recliner and wins the match when sabre gives up!

Winner: Scott Steiner via Submission

Jr: Wow, steiner sure took it to sabre in that match!

Steph: Yea he did! What a victory!

SEF Womens World Championship

Details: Patricia begins by laying into cassidy with some chops, but gets knocked down soon and hit with a suplex and a ddt, then locks in a half crab! Patricia screams and struggles for the ropes and when the ref isn't looking, triple h grabs her hands and pulls it to the ropes! The ref makes cassidy break the hold and andy runs over to triple h but gets laid out with a right hand for his troubles! In the ring cassidy looks for a an dirish, but gets reversed and hit with the chick and pinned for two! Patricia picks up cassidy and ries for a bulldog, but cassidy backdrops her, then goes up top and hits the declaration of death to win the match!

Winner: Cassidy Dawn McPherson via Pinfall

Jr: Cassidy did a good job of defending her title again just like last night!

Steph: Yes she did! She is turning out to be quite the womens champion! Makes me proud!

Tag Team Ladder Match
SEF World Tag Team Championship

Details: Jeff and matt run at hbk and triple h only for jeff to get hit with sweet chin music and matt to get kicked in the gut and pedigreed! Triple H goes and grabs the ladder and sets it up, then gets a sledgehammer and keeps jeff and matt down as hbk climbs the ladder and grabs the tag titles to win the match!

Winners: Triple H&Shawn Michaels via Grabbing Titles

Jr: Well, that match was quite short!

Steph: Yea, but considering how good shawn and hunter it don't suprise me!

Jr: Yea, well anyways, thats it for the show tonight, so goodnight and we'll see ya next week!

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