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Danger: Fun Times Ahead

Started by The American Tradition, January 23, 2014, 12:25:43 AM

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The American Tradition

Open scene on Phoenix Winterborn standing backstage before the Hardcore Hotel. He is mostly in the dark, as the only light is glistening from his Heavyweight championship belt that is strapped around his waist. He is ready for a war tonight in the main event against Taylor Andrews in the Hall of Fun match for the SEX Heavyweight championship.

"Taylor, I heard what you had to say earlier in the evening, and I have to say. It's nice to see someone that has a measure of respect around here so thank you for that. But, I suppose that this match isn't about respect, is it? This is about this championship that I hold dear." He patted the belt around his waist. "Now, I have to admit...this match is one of the few things I haven't seen before. But ya know what? I'm not going to let this deter me in my quest to retain this title. You said you may be tempted to kill me to take this title from me? Well, you may end up having to, because the only way you walk out with MY Heavyweight championship."

Phoenix brings out from behind him, his trademark black baseball bat, resting it on his shoulder.

"Taylor, you really want to do this? I mean, I honestly have nothing against you. Like you said, you and I have never faced off one-on-one before, but is this really where you want our first match to me? This brutal, sadistic match where our careers could very well be ended? All for what? A championship belt? Well, I know I want nothing more than that. I worked too hard to get this championship back around my waist after it was unfairly taken from me last year. But that is a different story for a different day. What we're focusing on tonight is you and me. We're going to take the name of this show to a whole new level, and ya know what? I for one, can't wait. Myself and this here baseball bat will be waiting for you to step out of your locker room so we can get this shindig underway."

Without another word, Phoenix walks off, baseball bat in hand as he hears his music to cue up for the Hardcore Hotel.

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