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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team


Started by kstancil13, January 25, 2014, 08:59:48 PM

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{Kristin walks through the arena talking on her cell phone.}

Kristin:"Yeah, I'll be okay.  I'm more pissed than anything else.  I told Carlos to take me off the card because you and Norm had approved me for time off to get over this crud. I'm here though.  {she enters the Anarchy owner's office for the night and props her gimmick bag against the desk.}  "No, its just a little headache now.  Nothing a beat down on Kim Pain won't fix.  Does she honestly think screwing Mack is going to honestly keep her job?  Well maybe, you're right of course but he earned it, she didn't.  Can you imagine if God forbid, he hooked up with Tina full time?  Then again it might spark things up with a few people around here.  I am feeling a little bound though.  I made promises and I have legalities to work around but since some of the girls around here are feeling bored, we may have to give them something to keep them occupied.  First though I am going to take care of this Kim problem.  Then I want to address Carlos, at the latest at the next board meeting if not sooner.  There is a certain protocol that you and Norm expect and if the general managers are not going to follow it then perhaps we should shake things up.  Just let me know how you want to proceed."

{Several minutes later Kristin comes out in her ring gear with a microphone.  She's not bothered by the mixed reaction.}

Kristin:"So, I guess I'm not showing enough skin for you, well {she winks} maybe later.  That's not what I'm here for and apparently what I'm here for doesn't seem to matter to the Anarchy General Manager.  He's not the first matter on my mind.  I am here, obviously because I was booked to wrestle Kim Pain but wrestling was not what I was brought in for, but it seems with the retirement of Julie there is a lack of talent to even pretend they are interested in wrestling Tina so she has moved on to bigger fish, well a bigger bird.   Now my beating Kim Pain is a given since she's already been fucked stupid numerous times.  Is that what her job is?  Funny, I thought this was SEF the grand daddy of all wrestling promotions; the promise land of all wrestling hopefuls.  {shakes her head} I am beginning to see why Tina is so bored.  So what do you say Kim, are you going to come out like a high class call girl or you going to come out and wrestle me?"

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