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universal6 star tag team

Screwed Again!?!

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 25, 2014, 09:09:48 PM

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Taylor Andrews

...:::|[(Opening up to one of the dressing rooms backstage of the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina we find Taylor Andrews in her ring gear looking furious. Her Womens X Diva Championship belt lays across the arm of the sofa she leans on and the Golden Gal leaning back a bit glazed over from burning one perhaps!?! Her eyes scorned and piercing like daggers showing a hunger to right a wrong.)]|:::...

*Phoenix Winterborn, tonight isn't about who wins, it is about who survives Anarchy because after the screwjob on WAR, its about to get crazy chaotic. I made the SEX World Heavyweight Champion give up, he tapped out, but pinfalls only!?! I don't remember seeing it say only by pinfall, just not specifying what kind of fall did win. That match stipulation could have been read multiple ways and no one confirmed anything, so why the referee picked that moment make a decision is very suspicious!?! Even Nick Miller thought the match was over, yet Phoenix, the two bit wonder boy who couldn't beat Julie one on one after being given many chances to try, continues to claim he was screwed out of the title he lost to her. Yet he was beaten cleanly, he did not make her give up or pin her to have it not count like what happened to me on WAR, so where is the proof!? Phoenix has no leg to stand on while I have every right to boast about being the real SEX World Heavyweight Champion! I made the American Tradition tap out in the middle of the ring and I dare that son of a bitch to come try his luck again, its bound to run out!?! Then again, I'd probably get screwed again, so if that's gonna be the case, well then, its a good thing I get to team with the legendary Daddy Mack tonight cause I know he'll screw me the good way, then we can go kick ass and celebrate what we do to the so called competition!!!*

...:::|[(Tina leaning forward a bit more serious and clasping her hands together over her knees showing a bit of cleavage from the top of her ring gear.)]|:::...

*Phoenix, I am out for your blood boy, I am not going to stop until that World strap is around my waist, so whether its one on one again or I gotta win The Hardcore Rumble, then again, I may choose a different World Title on that route!?! Anyways, that is not tonight, the future is not tonight for all that happens tonight is you get shown why I should be and am quite honestly the World Champion of SEW, the SEX Champion of the World and your going to tap like you did Wednesday night!!!*

...:::|[(Tina leaning back on the sofa looking up with her eyes shining bright and hungry for that blood, so much she can taste the iron red syrupy crimson fluid that may flow tonight on Anarchy!?!)]|:::...

Daddy Mack

The door to the room flies open and in walks The Mack in his ring tights and no shirt with that dirty blonde hair swinging as he struts arrogantly over to plop down next to Taylor. Mack kicking his boots up on the table in front of the sofa looking over at Taylor who looks over into The Showsteala's baby blue eyes. They both grin sarcastically and Taylor crawls over on Mack's lap straddling her favorite Showsteala like she belongs there, like she owns him. But Mack's eyes showing he ain't to be owned like Tina as he let's her do her thing yanking his thingy from his tights. Taylor standing up to drop her ring shorts and kick them off, then squats over Mack's face letting him taste her juices. Tina then sits down on Mack's stiff cock sliding down the shaft feeling it pulsate against the inside of her pussy she tightens up to give the man a real ride. Taylor bouncing fast, hard, and steadily as she hangs her arms around his neck staring into those baby blues. Mack with hands around her waist smiling up like a smug, sarcastic, cocky prick driving deep inside the Golden Gal. Taylor getting a bit wild arching back and driving hard on to Mack's cock comes to the climax cumming with The Showsteala and then drops down limp over his shoulder. Mack rubbing her back and still a grinning wide, then the Golden Gal laying a passionate kiss on the SEF Champion. Taylor rolling over next to Mack and grabs her shorts to pull them on clenching Mack's cum inside of her, savoring that hot cream. She lays back smiling as Mack still a grinning just breaks the silence.

So you out for revenge on Phoenix for that controversial main event on WAR I see!?! What if I want to win? How we supposed to get on the same page?

Mack all sarcastic and Taylor looks at him just as sarcastic.

Well I guess we better get to training, eat some vitamins and say our prayers if we have a hope in hell of winning against the ever dominant tag team of...of...of...wait, what?!?!?

Taylor laughing and Mack cracking up a bit too.

Oh yea, the American Cutters are gonna steamroll us if were not careful, they be on a roll like no one ain't ever seen before!!!! What we gonna do, what can we do, how, oh my, shit?!?!?!?

Mack looking up all excited, though quite sarcastic with that shit eating grin tasting it big time and Taylor laughing it up, then a knock on the door interrupts. Taylor looking up.

Who is it?

Mack's bodyguard responds.


Mack laying back motioning him in and realizing he is outside, so he says.

Come in bro, what ya want!?

The door opens and in steps The Fabulous Beast in a fancy suit as usual with glasses hanging from a pocket on the left.

You need me anymore?

Mack nodding no.

Naw man, go get ready for your match, A Native Americano's a big guy!

Griffin nodding yea as does Taylor who listens.

Yea, I figure he may not be much more interested in winning than I, however, things could get interesting between two big dawgs! See ya later.

A bit of a smirk from Griffin who slaps hands with Mack, then walks out of the room closing the door on Mack and Taylor who lean back.

So you up to fight your new tag team partner again?

Taylor shrugging at the question.

Eh, it don't matter to me and if Jordan can handle it, well good for him. Think he has a chance at becoming World Champion?

Mack shrugging now.

Eh, depends on how hard he drives himself to be the best. I think you have a better chance and hang in there, WAR happens, but perseverance makes you stronger. We get through tonight letting the world know who is here to be the best and not some two bit jabroni walking in for a show once in a while like Jordan and Phoenix have been known to do. Were here like we always are, so if we gotta get busy some more to bide our time until its showtime, so be it!?!?!

Mack looking cocky and sarcastic moving his brow up and down arrogantly and sexually. Taylor shrugging and pulling a joint and lighter up from the table sparking it up. Mack shrugs and lays back as the scene goes up in smoke. Will Smokey McWeed be in for a hell of a main event to referee when Anarchy comes to a head?!? Who will walk out the winner and more importantly, who will WALK out? Will Mack and Taylor show up the competition or will the SEX World Heavyweight Champion and cool cutter even show up?!?

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