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Anarchy announcement

Started by kstancil13, February 03, 2014, 06:22:00 PM

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{{We open on Kristin sitting at a massive Espresso L Shaped Desk and dressed in a cute Armani for women gray pin stripe suit.  She is wearing silver wire rimmed glasses and her hair is pulled up in loose bun.  She's relaxed back in her chair with a wireless headset and making notes on an iPad.}}

Kristin: "I do want to be a major part of the future of SEF.  I know that the executives, at least Whitney and Mack are legends in this business, and Native Americano is currently doing more than his share doubling as an executive and an active member of the roster.  Claire will, barring an act of God, will lose her stock and her contract when Tina gets a hold of her.  With SEF's anniversary coming up, I am thinking that I really need to step up to what it is that SEF has come to expect of not just its stars but its executives.  Yes, Josh is a problem.  Barry and I were discussing that.  He's contractually obligated to Lone Wolf so as much as he wants to tear Josh apart then I think its time to really show people that I'm not going to be all talk.  I think that is something that I am going to address with Carlos and I'm going to invite Kira if Mack is okay with that.  They can pick my opponents but I do want to face Josh and then at the anniversary show I want to wrestle for Tina.  No, it doesn't matter if it is for the title, that is something that the GMs will decide or Tina herself can answer my challenge.  {She laughs at the question} "Honestly, Tina is doing me a favor by kicking her out of SEF.  {She rolls her eyes} No one cares what Claire has to say.  It's just personal family litigation that means nothing to anyone in SEF.  {Kristin pinches the bridge of her nose}  Buy the biography then.  SEF is a new chapter in my life.  There are only a few weeks till the anniversary show and if I have to wrestle more than once a card, then so be it.  Just because I own Anarchy doesn't mean that I can't work as much as everyone else.  I have to knock the ring rust off.  Tina and Mack are the best in SEF.  The other executives may not believe that I am not ready for a title shot and that will come at Wrestle X.  I'm also looking to take the Lightweight title off of Brady Henderson if I can.  In fact, he is not half the wrestler Tina is so perhaps I should challenge him first.  Then as I earn my bones in SEF then I'll challenge the Golden Gal."

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