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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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One More Time......The Marret Gets Hardcore And Beats Greatness!

Started by founder, February 12, 2014, 09:49:22 PM

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The scene comes back to a view of the ruckus crowd going nuts from action from the night and Nick Miller is looking to say something when the arena goes black and the opening beat of
"The Catalyst/Cocaine" by Eminem featuring Linkin Park hits the loudspeakers and as the music grows louder and the lyrics are heard, a bunch of purple, red, blue, and green lights pulsate to the sound of the music and circle the area at the same time and a woman comes out from the back and with closer inspection, this woman is none other than the she's is the SEF Founder, 60% Owner, Chairwoman, CEO, and SEW WAR Owner, Elizabeth Marret. She is wearing a sparkly pretty sky blue (almost the same blue as the color of her eyes) haltered tank top that has a circle cut out in the middle for all to see her ample mommy cleavage, a pair of a sparkly pretty sky blue (almost the same blue as the color of her eyes) designer belt looped booty shorts with a diamond studded belt, a pair of a sparkly pretty sky blue (almost the same blue as the color of her eyes) designer wrestling boots and she sports a necklace from Jewelmint collect called "Renegade" that is a necklace  that goes down her chest and the blot at the end that's encrusted with pearls, rubies, citrines, and peridots that rests beautiful on her cleavage that only being a mom could give her. She's got her dark ruby red slightly curly hair down and it cascades down her back and in front over her shoulders. She also sports a black leather business jacket and as she spins around, in a bold red color is the Renegade of Peace swastika. She walks out to the top of the stage and waves her finger and out from the back, two men come out with her and flank her. A tall Native man, A Native Americano to her left his pure black S.W.A.T gear and the leather cut of the MC. A equally tall man comes out wearing nice red and black bowler button up and blue jeans with the RoP leather cut on, that man is none other than the RoP Warrior, Phoenix Winterborn. All three walk down the ramp to "Rev Theory's "Justice" and  Phoenix makes a run to the ring and slides in on his back while Whitney and ANA walk down and ANA hops on the apron while Whitney climbs the steel steps and gets to the middle. ANA opens the bottom rope by stepping on it while lifting the middle on open for her to step through. She does and she points to the turnbuckles and her Native one takes the one nearest the announcer booth and roars like a protective lion over his lioness as Phoenix scales the turnbuckle near the ramp and points to the crowd and throws his arms in the air while Elizabeth points to ANA with a proud smile on her face. The two men dismount and ANA grabs a mic for Elizabeth and hands it to her with dipping her back in a raving manner, laying a wild, passionate kiss on her and they are tongue swapping pretty hot and heavy before he brings her to her feet and hands her  the mic. Elizabeth takes it and soon speaks her mind.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
Yes, this is my High Chief and our prospect, and together we are the Renegades of Peace. I've got two pieces of business to address to everyone. One is the, in my view, the screw job of Winterborn on Anarchy. I know that shit was how it looked and it is what it is I know that there's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna get their undies in a twist, but I am the founder and owner of this company for a damn reason and that is to make the wrongs, right. I am making it official that on WAR that happened on the February 19th, there will be a main event match of Taylor Andrews defending that title she holds against RoP Warrior, Phoenix Winterborn in a Chain Match and to make sure that everything gets done fairly, I am assigning my true Native King, A Native Americano to the be the outside enforcer. I know that there's no one in the back or alive for that matter that's man enough to seriously come out and try to get the match thrown out on a technicality of outside interference if my baby is out here. So.......

Elizabeth takes a look at the prospect and says.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
You had best get in this ring and show Taylor and everyone in SEF, on the SEW network, and on this fucking blue pebble we are on why I chose you to be the future when the time came to change the guard. Come out, take that chain around your wrist, and if you have to, whip that Golden Gal's ass like there's no tomorrow, and then once again walk out the SEW Champion. I believe in you. You, Phoenix, I have faith in you to just do that and more. Please don't let me down and made to look like a fool because no offense, Winterborn, I can make sure that life's hell for you here. I put my name on the line to see that you shine brighter than the rest of the roster. So, in a nutshell, don't fuck up!

Phoenix nods as Whitney opens her arms like a true mamma at heart would do and invites him to hug it out. He walks over and she give him a hug and pats him on the back on his leather cut. ANA patting him on the back like a papa and throws an arm around Elizabeth proud of his hot mamma. Phoenix steps back as Elizabeth says.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
Two is tonight in this ring, The Mack and The Marret....High Priestess and the Ultimate Bad Boy....We've had some of SEF's hellaicious and bloodiest matches in history but tonight, we take it up a notch. Like only the once Extreme Dominant Couple can do. A glass rod on a pole match.....sounds very painful and well, quite bloody in fact. I will walk out of this ring with two things, one a broken glass rod and two my hand held high. This form of The Mack...I've dealt with him before and I can't wait to get in the ring once again with 'Da Hardcore Kid and really show the roster how to REALLLY steal the show. I hate to toot my own horn.....

Elizabeth makes a trucker horn pull motion with a beautiful smile on her face and continues talking.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
.....but it's a fact. Every single time we step in the ring together either to wrestle or to talk about shit, we always stole the show. Mack, throughout SEF's history, you were the main guy at my side to be my consort....my, and I can't believe that I'm gonna say this again but my "Daddy". You helped me more so with this company than Viper did and ever will think of because but in the end, you two were the same.....not willing to give me what I wanted with me making more sacrifices. Yes, you gave us everything in your soul and body but I always felt that there was never enough for me. Now that I've got Native King at my side, I've got everything that I've always wanted and more. You simply didn't measure up in my eyes. Please don't get it twisted, my Showsteala, I do appreciate what you have done for SEF. I do. But there's only so much that I'm gonna stomach and stand by and watch while my Rome burns. Mack, this match is my prep for your good old best friend, Viper, and just like this Sunday at Sacrifice, you and him will discover why my new move is like me......very beautiful....a work of pure beauty but when you're experiencing the Fall of a Kingdom first hand, you'll never forget the devastation in my wake. It's not something that I came up with because it sound good or cool. To me, with FoaK, it's my statement to the world that I am back on my throne where I belong. So after I climb the turnbuckle and grab the glass rod, I will proceed to whip that ass of yours like a government mule with everything in me. Then when you're lying on this mat, I'll introduce you to FoaK.

The crowd has a lil bit of a mixed reaction, mainly cheering for Elizabeth but there are some boos from diehard Mack fans. Elizabeth shrugs and continues to talk.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
Mack, tonight, your show comes to a stop and I've made sure that everything goes fairly. My Native One is going to make sure that there's no interference from Taylor or a certain lil boy of Kevin Nash's don't cause shit on MY SHOW! You can tell me all the shit you want, Mack. Tonight, The Marret rises and outshines you and truly shows that she's better than all the rest of Mack's so called students. Sorry to be so cocky and arrogant but it's a fucking fact. So ladies and gentlemen, this Renegade declares victory over Mack.

Elizabeth tears off her jacket in a sorta rush, tosses it out of the ring, and looks to the back with mic in hand looking like she wants to get down to business and fight with her nose flared and eyes glaring.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
Let's go Mack! I'm awaiting' for your ass!

Elizabeth drops her mic, raises her arm out and makes a motion of "Just Bring It!" as the crowd gives her a very rousing mixed reaction as she then turns around to face her Renegade brothers as "The Catalyst/Cocanie" plays and gives both of them a hug and sends the prospect to the outside. ANA leans back in a corner watching his old lady while she sits down in a Indian style fashion with a smile on her face, reflecting her brightly colored ring gear, waiting for her Showsteala to maybe to come out and get the match under way so they can show how to truly STEAL the show.
[ /font]

Daddy Mack

And now the lights all go out leaving everyone in the dark except for quite a number of cellphones lit up in the crowd, but not enough to see shit. Then a spotlight shines down on the stage where a man in leather pants, ring boots, and a white ruffled shirt swaggers out with long hair hanging wild over his face. A microphone on a stand in the center of the stage and the man flips back his hair revealing Daddy Mack shutting his eyes feeling the moment with a slight smirk of sarcasm.

I hear, a voice say "Don't be so blind"

And the sound of Saliva in the background to the tune of the song Mack started with the opening line is heard, "Always", and Mack keeps it going with the band in the shadows.

It's telling me all of these things
That you would probably hide!
Am I your one and only desire?
Am I the reason you breathe,
Or am I the reason you cry?

Mack lowers his head and the stage lights up a bit more showing the band behind him and Josey Scott holding a mic to take the chorus.

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always,
I just can't live without you!

I love you!
I hate you!
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you!
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you!

Josey hanging back now as Mack lifts his head to take the lead.

I feel, like you don't want me around
I guess I'll pack all my things
I guess I'll see you around
It's all, been bottled up till now
As I walk out your door
All I can hear is the sound!

Mack again lowering his head to let Josey take the chorus.

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always
I just can't live without you!

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.

Mack assisting Josey on the next two lines with his head still down.

I wrap my hand around your heart,
Why would you tear my world apart?

Josey fading out with a few.

Always, always, always, always.

Mack looking up to burn out a few more lines from the song.

I see, the blood all over your hands
Does it make you feel, more like a man?
Was it all, just a part of your plan?
The pistols' shakin' in my hands
And all I hear is the sound!

Then Josey takes over letting Mack lower his head and remove the microphone from the stand.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

Mack helping Josey wrap up the song now shaking hands with the lead singer, then heads to the ring.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you!
I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor,
And now I'm done with you.

Mack in the ring on his knees across the ring from Whitney staring at his opponent for the night and a woman of so much more that he needs not say it, or else you wouldn't ever understand.


Mack lowering the mic and flipping his hair back arrogantly forming that sarcastic grin, stays on his knees to stare Whitney dead in her exotic eyes relaxes knowing he can't be touched.

Tell me something I don't know about us stealing the show, time after time, showing up these new kids every damn night cause not even your chosen one has the passion to follow The Mack and that sweetheart is indeed a fact since you wanna spew that word around. By the way, Anarchy was more like justice being served since norm is giving Phoenix a free pass on not even defending the championship he got beat for. Rome ain't burning honey, its as alive as it ever was and that's because Daddy Mack is home. I am at home right here in SEF keeping the place alive like only I can do. Sign whoever the hell you want, bring them all in from the old days on MSN I want that because its about fucking time all these kiddos got to experience how wrong they have always been about me. Yea, its all about me, its always about Mack because everybody can't get over that fact, that I be number one. For years people spouted my name on their program when I never even stepped foot over there of wherever they were hiding!?! I always been right here in the open painting the biggest fucking target on myself whether I be champion or not, its why I can carry TWO World Heavyweight Championship titles and not be dead. I work more and yes, its not about who makes the most appearances, but who makes those appearances last a lifetime, well sweetheart, I got a lifetime of moments that stand out above so many other people and many more to come. I don't just work more, I work better each time I step in this ring. Some of these kids are starting to get it and I love it, but while they may have kick ass matches when they show an ounce of passion, I do that EVERY night. When Phoenix no showed last week, I was here still stealing the show. Its not my fault he can't keep up, so don't be trying to come out here and act like I'm going anywhere. My place is right here cause I will always fucking love you dollface. Tonight we gonna bleed and laugh and have a drink at the end of the night, take a toke, and you go tuck your kids in, tell them Uncle Mack said goodnight, cause I'll be moving on to another kickass show, or two in the next two nights actually. Win or lose, The Mack shines brighter than ever cause Whitney, as much as you do know me, ya know this Mack, well sweetheart, you forgot a lot cause you forget just how much I do care when I see others care for the same business I love with an undying flame. Its not I who was ever been unwilling to sacrifice for I did more than anyone in SEF history yet I remain to do it all again because its all I got and not you, not anyone in this company, this arena, this world, will ever take it away, now that is a fact, a fucking shoot. No lie, Mack loves ya, die for ya, hate ya, but its how we got to this point and tonight its gonna be fun, so yea, what you waiting for honey!?! No one else has to have your worry for what happened on Anarchy was like I said, our justice against your chosen one slacking off what we bust our asses for, the SEW Heavyweight Championship. Your boys don't cause no foul and my friends won't act on their own accord and have my back like I have theirs cause I will and can take any move making it bigger and better than anyone ever seen before. Hit me with with it all honey, I want your best, I want you to beat me cause I got no desire to own some victory of your sweet ass. I'd lay down for ya any damn day if its what ya wanted, but I know ya don't want that which is why we bleed, we fight, we go to WAR, and the chips fall where they may!!!

Mack lowering the mic and just relaxes down to his ass letting his legs flop to his sides looking in no position to pop off a move anytime soon, yet that is when Mack is most dangerous cause ya never see The Showsteala coming!!!

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