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SEW Friday Night Anarchy #7

Started by Simon Lee Nash, January 26, 2014, 12:20:21 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

11:59:59 PM Eastern on Feb 7, 2014
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SEW Anarchy Owner
Kristin Fox
The Owner handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.

SEW Anarchy General Manager
Carlos Mitchell
The GM handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.


Event Staff
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Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN

Theme Music


Main Event Match
SEW Heavyweight Title
Ladder Match
Taylor Andrews vs Winner of WAR 1/29 match between Simon Lee Nash and Phoenix Winterborn(c)
Referee: Smokey Mcweed

Match 4
SEW Light Heavyweight Championship
Steel Cage
Simon Lee Nash vs Brady Henderson(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 3
Carlos Mitchell and Kristin Fox checks into the Hardcore Hotel with The Mack

Match 2
Nashville Country Style Brawl
Josh Rodgers vs A Native Americano
Referee: Tom Walker

Opening Match
Matt Ward vs Jordan Cut
Referee: Doug Melvin


A cold night on this Friday in Nashville with the crowd sold out for tonight's show making it red hot inside the Bridgestone Arena.

Welcome to Friday Night Anarchy everyone! Nick Miller here with Shady-

"Lowlife" plays over the pa cutting off the voice of SEF and here comes Mack spinning out in his cargo shorts with both World Titles strapped around his waist. His eyes covered by cheap sunglasses and a pair of sandals cover his feet flop down the ramp with Mack grinning sarcastically and confidently to be The Showsteala he is stopping the show on a dime. He skips down and around the ring slapping a few hands even, in a good mood with the usual sarcastic smirk and then Mack makes his way over to the announce table next to Shady Smack. Mack yanking the midget up and takes his blunt, then sends him flying over the table to the floor and plops down. The Mack taking a swig from the bottle of Jack Daniels and Nick Miller welcoming him.

Well if it isn't Daddy Mack!?! How are ya? What do we owe the honor to seeing you out here?

Mack shrugging.

Thought I'd scope out a few wrestlers who seem want my attention and since I got nothing better to do, let's get on with the show Nicky!?!

Nick nodding yes.

I agree with that Mack and its a good one with two titles on the line, one being the SEW Title in a ladder match when Phoenix Winterborn defends-

Mack cutting him off sarcastically.

Yea, yea, we know, Phoenix gets shown up cause the kid can't keep up and the Golden Gal is walking away with the gold, I promise you all that.

Mack winking with that sarcastic smirk curved like the prick he is.

We also got the Hardcore Hotel tonight and get to see Carlos confront Kristin over Anarchy, so stay tuned as we open with Matt Ward back to his old tricks of no showing Jordan Cut who is gonna be getting better soon or leaving soon!?!

Nick asks.

What? Jordan Cut may be leaving?

Mack shrugging.

Naw, I just be saying Nicky, he gots to learn the tricks of the trade from the man who know them all, from the man who invented twice as many as that, so yea, moving on to see him sweep Matt!!!

Opening Match
Matt Ward vs Jordan Cut
Referee: Doug Melvin

Matt looking for a lock up with Jordan who moves in to slip a side headlock on his opponent. Jordan wrenching hard, but Matt shoving him to the ropes looking ready for a shoulder block. The cool cutter slamming into Matt who stands his ground and both men run to the ropes ducking by each other to build up more speed and hit shoulders again staggering each other. Jordan leaping into The Cutter, but gets shoved to the canvas and Matt stalking him for The Smack. The Mack hopping up and strolling around the ring with a whistle leaving his titles on the announce table. Mack hopping to the apron nodding to Matt, then does a crotch chop over the ropes luring him over. Mack leaning back as Matt tries to slap him and then hops to the floor as the ref comes over. Jordan with a low blow to Matt, then pulls him around into The Cutter and makes the pin to win the match.

Winner: Jordan Cut

"Don't Give Up" plays and Jordan eyeballing Mack a bit confused, but takes the victory like he won it all on his own spreading his arms out arrogantly as Nick Miller says.

A slight assist by Mack luring Matt Ward into a distraction and the ref missing the low blow. What was that all about Mack?

The Mack kicking back next to Nick with a smug smirk of sarcasm.

What was what about Nicky?!? I saw Matt trying to use a move I made famous and wanted a closer look cause last time I saw him perform the move it was a bit sloppy. Figured I would give him a tip or two, but he got in my face and took his eyes off the prize, or rather his opponent. Matt lost this match, so yea, what was what about!?!

Match 2
Nashville Country Style Brawl
Josh Rodgers vs A Native Americano
Referee: Tom Walker

Josh in the ring as A Native Americano reaches the base of the ramp just staring in looking indifferent. The Rodgers with a guitar in hand and A Native Americano keeping his eyes on Josh while sliding in to pop up past his swinging guitar. A Native Americano coming off the ropes getting his left leg up after a long step into a boot smashing Josh in the face. The SEF Director stomping all over Josh on the mat and flips his hair back, then drives one hard stomp to his head. A Native Americano picking up a old washboard from the old days of scrubbing laundry by hand to smash it over the head of Josh Rodgers as he kneels up. The Director pulling Josh up into a suplex, then sits him up in a surfboard type of maneuver standing to place a foot in his spine while ripping back on the Rodgers' arms. Josh struggling to get free and refusing to give up while A Native Americano finally let's go to slam a boot to the back of his opponent's head. A Native Americano backing up to run in with a kick to Josh's spine, then yanks him in a waistlock looking for a german suplex. Josh holding himself down and kicks back with a low blow to A Native Americano. The Rodgers getting free now and running to the ropes springing back into a spear and the pin,




kickout! Josh pulls A Native Americano lifting him up for the Border Toss, but the Director gets free to his feet behind the Rodgers. A Native Americano ready as Josh turns into a clothesline and the Director able to counter around and into a german suplex launching the Rodgers on to the back of his head. A Native Americano getting up see the guitar and lift it up shrugging and ready to take a swing. Claire Fox running down the ramp in a skimpy outfit to leap on the apron, but gets ignored, so she comes in to get in the Director's face. A Native Americano backing up from her, but swings the guitar over Claire's head laying her out. Taylor Andrews coming down to leap off the top rope into a missile dropkick to Josh's head and A Native Americano pulling the Golden Gal up to direct her out of the ring. Taylor arguing that she was here to help, but her boss pointing and she goes as The Mack jumps up from his announce table to roll in the ring and hit Josh with Da Shows Ova, do a crotch chop and drop down rolling out. A Native Americano turning to see Mack heading back to his seat and shakes his head no at him. Mack sitting down and looking like he don't care, so A Native Americano looks down to Josh and yells.


The Director pulling Josh up into a powerbomb, then steps over him with a foot on the Rodgers chest to pin him and win.

Winner: A Native Americano

"Hell Yea" plays over the pa and A Native Americano with his arms in the air roaring as the true warrior he is, then exits near the announce table with a few words for Mack.

Stay the fuck out of my affairs cause as much as I love ya, I'll have no problem bringing the Justice to you.

The Director walks off as Mack just sits their looking smug as ever while Nick Miller says.

Well that was a bit interesting. Why'd you get involved this time Mack?

Mack shrugging.

Cause I felt like it and Joshy needed a wake up call. A Native Americano cares about justice while The Mack cares about the show.

Match 3
Carlos Mitchell and Kristin Fox checks into the Hardcore Hotel with The Mack

"Welcome To Reality" plays over the pa bringing Carlos Mitchell and Kriston Fox out with the GM offering an arm to the Owner which she takes. They head down to the ring where the bed for the Hardcore Hotel is with its mirror and lights. The Hardcore Hotel sign blinking on the ropes with the vacancy light glowing and Carlos holding the ropes for Kristin to get in. The Fabulous Beast standing next to the bed hanging back by the ropes in a nice suit and sunglasses watching everything. Carlos taking a microphone from the bed and hands one to Kristin, then takes another mic for himself standing a couple free in front of his boss as Nick Miller asks.

Um, Mack, your segment is starting, gonna go host it?!?

Mack shrugging.

I'll get up if need be, but this blunt seems better, even Jack Daniels knows The Mack better than these second rate scumbags. Well, Carlos is doing a good job for his experience and seems to be the only with any knowledge of wrestling!?!

Nick shrugging and in the ring we see Carlos look out at Mack confused, but smiles to the host.

I appreciate the time Mack, so I'm going to say what I have to say now. I am sure you'll let me know when to stop!

He grins and Mack nodding as he takes a swig of Jack to that. Carlos looking at Kristin now.

We have a good looking Anarchy tonight with two title matches to come and I got ideas for the next show already, but that isn't what this is about. My job was questioned, so I did what no other GM has done and did something about it before I could get a job evaluation from you or any other executive. I got no problem with anyone and love coming to work to put together shows these fans clearly want to see. Maybe I am new, but I been here longer than you Mrs. Fox, however, I am willing to learn what you have to offer, if your offering your creativity that is!?!

Kristin nods yes and shifts her eyes back and forth between the GM and Mack, the latter of which she gets that twinkle of lust she tries to deny, yet her body gives her away.

I'm sorry Mack, for making you bored and I have someone to come out and-

Mack with a mic in hand and hopping to his feet cuts Kristin off grinning as sarcastic as ever.

If you expect to take me serious, then stop fronting like I told ya the first time we met. I didn't know you and I looked forward to seeing who this new girl was, then heard ya try to run me down and over thinking ya knew me when I could only ask, do I know you!?! So spare me this bullshit and keep your pussy of the week in the back cause only pussy you need to open up is your own or don't eve bother trying to make up for no selling who in the hell Daddy Mack is!?!

Mack climbing in the ring via the steps taking cocky steps making Kristin uneasy because she fights her attraction, something that makes her far off from a Whitney Marret wannabe, so anyone who would come up with that line has no clue who Whitney is. Mack approaching his bed to lay across it arrogantly and sarcastically looking up at himself ignoring his guests, however, commands the stick like only he can letting 'em know he knows who be there.

Kristie sweetheart, Carlos called you out, so only one you gotta worry about disrespecting is your GM. Mack don't sweat no dis from anybody cause until they back their mouth up, its all just piss in the wind that'll splash their own ass!!! Now, Carlos had some words for ya, I be closer to let ya ogle my body, so get to business honey.

Kristin just smiling and blushes a little as she looks at Carlos who acts like its no big deal.

Mack is right, so what do you think, boss!?

Kristin just smiles at both, still lusting for Mack, but sticks to business directing her attention to the GM.

I realize you were here before me and have been running Anarchy since its inception well I was originally just a legal aid to Whitney Marret. Viper made me an offer and after I got played by the Dominant Player, he eventually sold me stock in SEF. I have been working around behind the scenes and perhaps running off at the mouth, but I have ideas to offer for Anarchy, mainly booking myself against Josh Rodgers in a loser leaves SEW match.

Carlos nodding ok.

Sounds good, but what about this I hear of my job needing review?

Kristin smiling and glancing at Mack who offers no guidance being the sarcastic prick he is.

Well, what about the superstars who were mislabeling War as Raw?

Mack laughing now.

What?!? Isn't RAW just WAR backwards? Wasn't it RAW IS WAR years before SEF existed!?! Oh wait, we had RAW IS SEF in the early days here, them were fun times, course, its always fun in the Hardcore Hotel!!! Answer the GM's question and stop fronting honey, or come over here and suck up the right way!?!

Kristin stepping that way to lay down next to Mack looking at him in those baby blues with lust in her eyes.

Here I am, so take me to the back and have me how you like me!?!

Mack smirking and directing Kristin down to his crotch undoing his shorts, so she can start sucking The Mack's cock which gladly does, insistent even. Carlos looking laid back, but shifting his gaze away from the bed as Mack lays back letting the Anarchy Owner do her best work. The SEFTRON lighting up to show Josh Rodgers taking up the view with his arms folded over his bare chest.

Enjoying Kristin's oral skills I see, but while she is being a whore, I got to let her know, Barry is getting his own piece of ass.

The tron goes to another scene where Barry Boudreax is laid back getting his dick sucked by some redhead while a brunette enters the scene and appears to be in the early stages of pregnancy!?! Then we hear Mack say.

Cut this shit out and let's get on with the show cause your killing the crowd.

The tron fading out to show what is happening live in the ring with Kristin sitting up confused at what she saw. Mack sitting up with an arm around her kissing the Anarchy Owner on her cheek.

What's your problem sweetheart, you blew me and your boy got blown, big deal!?! Don't dish out what ya can't handle little girl, so let's go get busy in the back, or-

Just the someone comes out from the back yelling something sounding mad. Some blonde haired guy, skinny, but no smaller than Mack. He has a microphone and makes his way down the ramp saying.

I can't let this happen to Kristin, so how about you and I Mack, one on one in that ring and we tear down the house!?!

Mack shrugging not even sure who the kid is and Carlos with an idea lifts his mic.

Ok, I got an idea. Mack and Talon O'Bannon one on one, and in an Anarchy Steel cage. Plus that match Kristin came up with sounds good, but I am thinking it could be a Last Person Standing match!? Also, the Taylor Andrews and Claire Fox situation needs to be answered and I say they have a falls count anywhere match with Whitney Marret as the special guest referee. I may not have the best communication with my boss on Anarchy, but unlike some GM's I know my place and show up to do my job. Of course I strive to do better, to climb higher, but SEF wants hard work overall and I'm going to give it to them to get noticed in return. Anarchy is on the fast track to becoming a major brand in this business and it is a team effort. I look forward to the future working with Kristin to make Anarchy bigger, working with Mack to see how much more he can draw, and to see Talon step into the primetime spotlight.

Carlos lowering his mic and looking at Talon, then to Kristin and Mack with approval gaining it from both.

Good job brother, so I guess this kid gets to step in here with Mack, but I guess I'm a ditch Nicky for a second to go give Kristie what she wanted since day one!?!

Carlos heading for the ropes to hold them motioning for his boss who gets up with Mack to stroll over. "Lowlife" playing as Mack let's Kristin exit first, then slaps Talon on his back.

Good luck kid, you gonna need it!!!

The Mack exiting the ring to escort Kristin to the back with a smack on her tight ass. The Fabulous Beast following his boss as Carlos heads up the back followed by Talon and Nick Miller says.

Well that was interesting as usual when the Hardcore Hotel opens for business. Kristin Fox finally does what we all know she wanted to do and it would seem Mack is off to give her more!?! Carlos Mitchell making a few matches for Anarchy in two weeks, but we still got the Light Heavyweight Title match which is next, in a cage, then the SEW Title Ladder match in the main event.

While the bed is removed from the ring and the cage set up we go in the back where Daddy Mack has Kristin Fox in the SEF COO's office on her desk spread eagle holding her legs far part. Mack whipping her shorts off to expose white panties which he pulled to the side and The Mack dives in licking and flicking with his tongue. Using his fingers to poke and stroke that pussy till something goes numb, Mack nibbles and licks the clit like a real Texas Tornado!!! Kristin screaming loud and cumming hard as Mack stands up to flip his shorts down slamming her with that cock of his. Kristin staring up into Mack's baby blues looking like she never felt this good, ever, and The Mack just keeping his trademark grin alive while plowing the field like a pro. Mack pumping deep into Kristin making her scream and wrap her arms and legs around the big bad mack daddy who swivels and grinds into that hot juicy cunt. Kristin gripping Mack's cock as she takes the shaft in and out at a pace that seems to be a blur compared to the cheap frill earlier from her boy toy. Mack showing Kristin how a man fucks going on and on working that pussy into a frenzy making Kristin moan steadily while scratching at The Mack's back. More battle scars as Mack grins on pumping hard and deep with every thrust into that pussy exploding his cum inside of her while Kristin cums again and again clenching her tight lips around Mack's cock. Mack keeps pumping every bit into Kristin who loves it all and holds on to The Mack kissing him quite passionately. The Mack standing up and pulls his shorts up as Kristin sits up gathering her shorts to cover up and back to ringside we go where Nick is speechless.

Match 4
SEW Light Heavyweight Championship
Steel Cage
Simon Lee Nash vs Brady Henderson(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

A lock up begins this match with a bit of a struggle, but Brady forced to a corner where Simon lays in a few knife edge chops to the chest. Simon with an irish whip, but Brady quick to reverse it sends Simon into the opposite corner. Brady rushing in to leap with a splash, but gets caught by Simon and flapjacked into the steel cage. Simon taking him down with a running bulldog and turns him into the pin,




kickout! The son of Nash pulling Brady up into a suplex, but the Light Heavyweight Champion slipping over behind Simon to leap into the Vampire Drop. Brady holding on trying to wear Simon down, but the son of Nash rocking his body around struggling to get out of the hold. Taylor Andrews comes running down the ramp to scale up on the side of the cage and stand on the top of it looking down ready to fly. Simon rolling over to his stomach with Brady on his back and Taylor flipping off into a senton bomb slamming her back to Brady's. Taylor rolling away and Brady releasing his hold allowing Simon to stagger up to his knees when "Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Daddy Mack dancing out and down the ramp. Simon looking at him and at Taylor, sees Brady trying to get up and moves in to lift the Light Heavyweight Champ up into the F-5. Brady spinning out to his feet and leaps up hitting a dropkick on Simon to take both men down. Brady stirring and Taylor up as Simon is near the door calling for it to open. Mack comes over though and stands on the floor looking at Simon daring him to step out when Taylor comes flying over the son of Nash in a suicide dive headbutt through the ropes and door taking Mack into the guard rail. Brady coming up behind Simon for the Vampire Black Out, but gets shoved off to the mat with Simon turning to kick him in the head. Simon into a the House of Pain locking Brady up trying o make him submit, but the champ crawling into the ropes and up them forcing the break. Simon into forearms on Brady's back, then tries for a german suplex and Brady flips through it to his feet stumbling back. The son of Nash turning in time to duck a clothesline from Brady, then catches him coming back for a cross body lifting up and into the F-5. Brady launched high and hits the mat rolling near the ropes, so Simon heads for the door escaping out to the floor where he gets his new title.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

Taylor Andrews congratulating him, but The Mack up and shoves the Golden Gal back. Simon firing punches at Mack who backs up taking them to duck around and catch Simon with Da Shows Ova as he tries to turn getting spun around to his face on the floor. Taylor into a sto, but Mack keeping free of the T & A and both he and Taylor roll up eyeballing each other. Mack points to Simon and says with a smirk.

Take care of your boy cause I bet Brady ain't gonna let this lie if he got half the heart I think he got!?!

Taylor nodding ok and backs off to help Simon up and to the back while the cage is lifted up and Mack drags Brady out of the ring making sure he can stand. The Mack slapping his partner on the shoulder.

Maybe next time kid. We still got a rematch for the Tag Titles too, so if your still down, I got your back, but you better start showing you got mine.

Mack shrugging and winking sarcastically, then turns to head over to the announce table having seat next to Nick Miller who says.

We crowned a new Light Heavyweight Champion and thanks in part to Taylor Andrews who had it out with you Mack. Think we'll see the Golden Gal earn more gold tonight?

Mack shrugging and after taking a swig of Jack Daniels he says.

Sure, why not!?! What has Phoenix been doing anyways?

Nick a little confused.

Well I get what your saying, but are you indicating you may make another title change happen!?

Mack shrugging sarcastically still.

I think you should watch and see the rest of the show cause I bet its gonna be good.

Main Event Match
SEW Heavyweight Title
Ladder Match
Taylor Andrews vs Phoenix Winterborn(c)
Referee: Smokey Mcweed

As soon as Phoenix enters the ring he is sent down with a running dropkick from Taylor and the Golden Gal is all over the Americano Tradition. Taylor kicking Phoenix in a corner, backs up and runs into a high knee, then executes a monkey flip sending the American Tradition out and over to the mat. The Golden Gal heading to the top rope for a 450 splash, but hits the canvas with a crash as Phoenix rolls to the ropes. Phoenix pulling himself up on the ropes and springs off into a kick connecting with Taylor's head. The American Tradition pulling up Taylor I a front facelock looking for a ddt perhaps, but the Golden Gal twisting around into a sto. Phoenix with a quick elbow to her head runs to the rope springing back to set up the Reign of Fire. Taylor staggering up into the FireStorm and Phoenix rolling out to the floor grabbing the ladder and slides it in the ring as Nick Miller says.

Phoenix with his patented finisher and no whe may be on his way to a victory!?

Mack shrugging sarcastically.

Maybe, but I this type of match he may need to do more to keep Taylor Andrews down cause it ain't for no three count, but Phoenix need move quick like he only got three seconds!?!

The American Tradition with the ladder set up and begins to step up the rungs when Taylor gets up clubbing him across the back with forearms. The Golden Gal pulling Phoenix off the ladder looking for a back suplex, but the American Tradition twisting in mid air to fall on Taylor. Phoenix rolling off to his feet and stalks Taylor moving in with a clothesline to take her down. The American Tradition catching her as the Golden Gal pops up and looks for the FireStorm again. Taylor with elbows to his head and goes behind Phoenix for a german suplex. He drives elbows back to her head, then swings around with a roundhouse kick to Taylor's head sending her down. Phoenix stumbles to the ladder and begins to climb it while Taylor stirs up on the ropes looking to the back and flashes the wolfpac sign. Taylor pushing herself up as Phoenix is over halfway up the ladder ad the Golden Gal goes to climb up the other side. Simon Lee Nash comes running down to slide in the ring and climb up behind Phoenix holding his legs. Phoenix kicking at Simon and loses his footing, so he leaps to the mat. Simon dropping down and ducks a right hand to unload on Phoenix with punches. The son of Nash rocking Phoenix to a corner as Taylor nears the top. Simon climbing up the turnbuckles looking to rain down punches on Phoenix, but the American Tradition stepping out and drops Simon facefirst on the top turnbuckles. Phoenix catches Simon with the FireStorm and gets up to shove the ladder over on the ropes. Taylor hanging on to the title trying to pull it down, but its snapped up there good. Phoenix trying to pull her down by the Golden Gal's legs when Jordan Cut comes running down to the ring. Taylor dropping to Phoenix's shoulders and Jordan running in with a spear to the American Tradition while the Golden Gal leaps over the cool cutter. Taylor going for the ladder as Nick Miller says.

What is Jordan doing out here?

Mack shrugging sarcastically.

Maybe he wants to see the hot pussy he got to have win the World Title since his chump ass couldn't do it!?!

"Justice" playing over the pa and here comes A Native Americano rushing to the ring to slide in and Jordan meeting him with punches and kicks to the head. A Native Americano fighting up to charge Jordan into a corner where he buries a shoulder to the cool cutter's midsection. Taylor heading up the ladder as Simon stirs as well as Phoenix who heads up the other side of the ladder. Simon trying to stop him, but A Native Americano rushes over to clobber Simon down, then Jordan tackles the Director into a corner. A Native Americano tossing him over the top rope, but Simon charging with a shoulder to his midsection and slides out getting Jordan to help pull the Director out of the ring in a double ddt off the apron.


The Mack sliding in the ring to come up the ladder behind Phoenix quick as a cat yanking him off by his legs. Phoenix stumbling and in a flash gets floored by Da Shows Ova. Taylor reaching the top of the ladder and stands up steadying herself to grab the title, unsnap it and yank the gold down winning the match.

Winner: Taylor Andrews

"Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa bringing the crowd from the edge of their seats to their feet in a mixed response. Taylor standing on the ladder holding the SEW Title high as Mack motions Simon and Jordan to come on in, then orders Samantha to hand him his World Titles from the announce table. Taylor climbing down and gets her hands raised by Jordan and Simon, hugs both and hugs Mack who takes her left side lifting his belts in the air. Taylor doing the same and on either side of them stand Simon and Jordan lifting their arms high in celebration as Anarchy comes to a close, but Nick Miller with a few words.

What a twist of events here, although we know the friendship between Mack and Taylor, plus the recent alliances Taylor has made with Simon and Jordan, but this was more than total anarchy, they screwed Phoenix over. What do you expect with Mack involved except controversy?! Been a hell of a night though with two title changes, another crazy edition of the Hardcore Hotel, and a whole lot of The Mack who was indeed the whole damn show as well as The Showsteala. We'll see ya in two weeks for the next Anarchy where we already know Mack is in a cage, plus SEF stock is on the line in the main event while in another match, someone will leave SEW. All that and more next time we invade Friday night, but next week is the debut of XFW TV which will be on a Friday, so Mack is keeping the flow going, but probably a bit of a different direction!?! Were also coming up on Sacrifice fifty with the big Hardcore Rumble and Viper going one on one with Whitney Marret. But we'll see ya next on Wednesday for WAR, so until then, have a goodnight.

Dark Main Event Match: Tag Team
The Showtime v. Golden Cutters
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Showtime when Mack Superkicks Jordan into the Vampire Black Out from Brady who pins the cool cutter @ 27 Minutes 16 Seconds

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