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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team


Started by kstancil13, February 10, 2014, 10:57:02 AM

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{we open backstage where a blonde is forking over hundred dollar bills into Whitney Marrett's palm}

"That should cover my no-showing fine and another thousand for the bet we had on Claire. I hope she fucked Mack well so he doesn't get pissed about me not showing up but at least one of Sophie's parents showed up to her dance recital. She was especially excited that Auntie Whit skyped with her and sent her orchids. {Kristin sighs} At least she's little she didn't know why Rayne and I were crying. Can you believe the bitch sent it as a fax to the dance school? Couldn't even send it to one of my offices or knock me out and spray paint it on my face!"

{The camera pans around to show a close up of the two women.  The blonde is a depressed Kristin Fox who we noticed as she finally hands over the last hundred seems to have also gotten her forearm tat covered with a cluster of cherubs representing her children to replace the one she'd gotten to represent Barry's status as a Marine MP.  The ink still looks fresh and red with the piece of saran wrap still covering it.  A small child's pony tail holder is over Kristin's ring finger covering Barry's name there until she can decide what to put there.}

Kristin:"I..."  {she noticed Talon walking up to them and shakes her head} "I know what you are going to say but please tell me you looked the bitch in the eyes before Carlos led her out of the ring.  {she shrugs} "No.  It doesn't matter.  Madison screwed you over too. "


Talon looks like shit.  He looks like he's spent the weekend drinking

Talon:"Now I know what he wanted me to be your personal body guard.  No.  I didn't look until they broadcast the sexcast.  he shrugs  I heard you with Josh. I heard you with Barry.  He knows jack shit about what you want or don't want.  He wants to claim that he's the fucking Sable of this fed where all guys want to be him and all girls want to fuck him?  I'm sorry but I've been at the gorilla position every fucking time you've been to the ring and you've never ever touched him willingly!  That should have been the first indication to everyone when that whore kissed him on the cheek.  I heard you and Whit talking when your contract was outlined.  Yeah, I guess a ballsy ass full of himself asshole like Mack would claim that everyone woman would want him and you plainly told Whit that at the time you were so in love with Barry that unless they were your own kids no other male on the planet really existed to you!  So trust me, Kris, when I say, and no disrespect to you boss lady, he nods to Whit I know he's like your first love or some shit but he'll have to kill me to let this go.  Kristie is one of the only damn people who has never stabbed me in my fucking back!"


A Native Americano swaggering over in his swat gear and Renegades of Peace leather cut looks at Talon letting him no with one glance to get the fuck out of here now cause this is not any of his business. The new kid nods with respect and vanishes seeing this large man means business indeed as the Director glares at Kristin, takes her money and throws it in her face.

You better stop your bullshit right now. We all know Claire Fox was not the one who got fucked by Daddy Mack who you and Talon are way off about when it comes to thinking you know that man. Kristin, you better stop your bullshit before Mack does something you really don't like cause I can only contain him for so long. If I didn't intervene, he would be here kicking Talon's head off, who by the way needs to post a profile if he expects to win on the next episode of Anarchy!!! He would fuck you, again, and who knows what else or else he would do!?! And he has every right to be livid with your ass continuing to misrepresent his character time after time.

A Native Americano calm in his indifferent demeanor, so don't think he is mad or mis use his character either. The Director with dark eyes letting Kristin know this is serious business and she better stop mis using the biggest star in SEF today.

So what do you have to say for yourself? Cause admitting to the truth would be a start!?! No apologies are required, just you accepting what happened because I produced Anarchy and I know Claire Fox only showed up once and I smashed her head with a guitar when she did. That was the only time we saw her for it was YOU in the Hardcore Hotel, and it was you laying on your desk getting fucked by Daddy Mack. If you feel you made a mistake, join the long list of girls Mack made feel that way, but don't you ever try to pull this bullshit again. Now if you got something to say, say it, but understand who I am before ya think your pulling some ruse when in fact you have pulled nothing over on anyone.

A Native Americano stands there, pulls Whitney close to him with an arm around his old lady and waits to hear if Kristin has something to say in her defense.

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