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universal6 star tag team

Looking for more gold

Started by Simon Lee Nash, February 10, 2014, 04:06:57 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash is on top of the world. After winning the Light Heavyweight champion on the last Anarchy show now.

Simon Lee Nash is back in action as he will be fighting for the SEW WAR tag team championship with tag team partner and good friend Matt Ward to take on the newly crownd champions Taylor Andrews and Jordan Cut. Rumors has been flying high about a new partnership and maybe even a new stable with Jordan, Taylor, Simon and Mack especially after how the Anarchy went off the air.

Taylor help Simon take down Brady Henderson to win the Light Heavyweight title for the Second time. THen Simon and Jordan cut with the Mack helped Taylor Andrew win the World Heavyweight championship over previous champion Phoenix Winterborn.

Now the General Manager of WAR has announced that Matt Ward and Simon Lee Nash off the heals of winning the number one contender match from a week ago will now have the chance to win the WAR tag team titles.

The Locker room door is close. All you heard is a female voice moaning and groaning with delight.
After a while Simon comes out and he face is red and you can tell he had one hell of a workout.

Simon: Alright you might be wondering what the hell is going on back here huh? Well it's none of your business. All you need to know that it was a goddess in there but i will leave that for another time and another day.

Simon: Right now it's all about the job and now that i am the Light Heavyweight Champion thank to a lady that i do love and care about our new World Heavyweight Champion Talyor Andrews and by the way your welcome. Now i have to see her on the other side of the ring as i partner up with my good friend. Matt Ward.

Simon: I will say this Matt Ward does get a bad rap in the federation. I know he does indeed come and goes from time to time but when it's something big he is one of the best. I know people might roll their eyes over that. but let's face it i don't think Jordan Cut has the best track record either i mean damn it to hell. He wasn't even in the final decision. If you remember Taylor Andrews won the titles all by herself. She won in a one on one over Brady Henderson.

Simon: So Jordan Cut i don't have a problem with you. Now as for the Golden Goddess well that is a completely different story. She reached the mountain top. She is now the World Heavyweight champion. Plus the last time we faced off was in a one on one match for the number one contenders match for that very same title she is holding right now. But it's fun. Cuase i did beat her in the match. I know she hit me below the belt and it was a DQ finish but trust me the post fight was worth the time.

Simon: I won't say what happen next but you can fill in the blanks. Trust me tonight it's all business sweetheart. Tonight it's about myself getting some more gold. I am feeling a gold rush like the Team USA in the winter Olympics in Sochi.

Simon: I am gong to make one thing for sure. When i came to the SEW i wanted to be the best now i have many chances to be that. I mean i just got the chance to walk out tonight with the Light Heavyweight championship here. Plus i am going to show you why i am a major threat for your world heavyweight title when make you and jordan Cut a transisition champion in the WAR tag team division. When myself and matt ward take these belts off you tonight. Now i have been know to take your clothes off and other shit but now i am going to take something your personal. Your new won titles.

Simon: Nothing personal, Just business love. you already know that.

Simon: Now Jordan Cut, We have been going through an up and down world wind between us. I have been fighting with you with the light heavyweight championship and we had other matches in the SEW. Now looks like you didn't even know what was up or down. There was even fucking rumors that you was going to take your ball and go home. Like CM Punk did in the WWE.

Simon begins to laugh

Simon: Now you are a tag team champion. a undeserving tag team champion that is. you don't even wear the pants in the partnership to say the very least. I mean god. You claim that you are the best in the world or the best known wrestler in the federation. But i do have to give you credit. you are a former Light Heavyweight champion and i am not taking anything away from you. but at the end of the day. i am the one along with my partner that will end this regin of yours.

Simon: Brother you call yourself a man but you look like a scared naive little boy with us grown men in the business. you have to show me that you have a set and man up or else you will be labeled a fucking pussy in my eyes.

Simon: So i will make this clear. Tonight i am looking to add gold that i already have and when this is all said and done you are looking at one half of the next SEW WAR tag team champions. Yes i am label as the lone wolf but this wolf is looking for some dinner. and the golden cutters. Well i am just licking my chops at the sight at tag team gold.

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