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universal6 star tag team

This Won't Stand

Started by mysticbabydoll, February 10, 2014, 06:26:51 PM

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Brady is seen backstage, and he already threw a chair in his locker room before he came out. He had slammed the door, and he glares at the camera as he gets talking.

Brady Henderson: Taylor had no business getting involved in the Light Heavyweight Championship match between Simon and me, and cause of her I lost the championship I won. You see I won't let this stand, and I am going to prove to my tag team partner that I will have his back for now on cause we do got a rematch for the tag team championship which I plan to get back. I am not in the mood, and I am going to put this out there Taylor better keep her nose out of my matches from now on or there will be hell to pay. I still have respect for Simon, and that will not change.

Kira walks over to him, and takes his hands into hers as she talks to him.

Kira Darland: Calm down Brandy, and I saw what happened on Anarchy. It wasn't fair, but you and Mack have a rematch for the tag team championship. Just focus on one championship at a time, and you will get back both the tag team championship and the Light Heavyweight Championship just prove you will have Mack's back and everything will work out cause your a great superstar.

Brady Henderson: Alright, but I still have respect for Simon that will never change, but I lost some resect for Taylor for sticking her nose in the match where it didn't belong that is something I am more angry about then losing the championship as it should have stayed one on one.

Brady walks off, and Kira follows him as it seems Brady is on a mission.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon knocks on the door and walks in

Simon Lee Nash has the light heavyweight championship on his shoulder.

They go face to face eye to eye

Simon: I am going to make this short and sweet. I want you to hear this and Kira you are the witness to this.

Simon: It was a tough hard match. i get it. It was a tough way for that to end. But i will say this. you are one of the most well respected dudes in the federation. I got nothing but the up most respect for you man. Like i said if i won the title. You would get the first chance at the title. I am going to hold my end of that.

Simon: Let's do this. You and me one more time. It can be on War, anarchy, or any other show. Well even the pay per view if you want it. one on one. no interference and there must be a winner. Pin or submission only.

Simon: What do you say?

Simon extends his hand out.


Brady shakes his hand, and talks again.

Brady Henderson: Yeah that sounds good to me.

Brady waits.

Taylor Andrews

In walks Taylor Andrews in a pair of tight blue jeans with a tight pink baby tee reading DIVA across the front. She steps between both men and crosses her arms seductively with a sarcastic grin.

You want me out of your affair, Brady, fine, after Mack spared me the public outburst we all saw on that Kristin bimbo and just pulled me aside privately, I guess I can give you that. However, as far as respect goes, I never really had much for you aside from the fact that you do show up for work. You simply aren't doing what you could do given the opportunity you have to team with Mack and I don't care about your respect as much as I would like to. So you want to gain mine while I earn yours, then how about the Golden Gal calling this rematch between you and Simon, right down the middle!?!

Taylor bringing both arms up around each man's neck and grins wide.

Let me be the special referee and maybe we can start anew to give everyone something fresh!?! Hell, we can have a real fun after party in a private three way match!?!

Taylor winking at both while grinning luscious and sarcastically.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon glares at Tina

Simon: Like i said. Fair fight. one on one for the title. you have to win it by Pin or submission. But i will you would look so fucking sexy in a ref outfit TINA.

Simon: Let's do it man. let's give these people a fight to remember who knows we should make this a fight of the year for 2014/


Kira walks over, and pushes Taylor's arm off of Brady. He looks over her, and puts his arm around her shoulder.

Kira Darland: Put your hands on my client again, and there will be problems. This match better be called down the middle, and I will sitting at the announce table watch the match, and it better stay fair.

Brady smiles at Kira, and talks again.

Brady Henderson: Alright, but I am not the kind of man that sleeps around as I am a one woman type of man.

Brady pulls Kira closer to him, and they are back being friends cause right now he is like a brother to her.

Taylor Andrews

Taylor scowling at Kira who she pulls away from Brady to shove backwards and point a finger daring her to try something more with that sarcastic grin knowing the Golden Gal can't be touched by some little girl.

Don't you ever tell the Golden Goddess what to do or who to put her hands on ever again, little girl, or I will remind you why your not wrestling anymore and spare me any pathetic excuse that it was your brother's doing. We all know you couldn't handle the Real T & A in the ring, so you bailed out to become GM. Now you think you have some authority over me, well correction little one, it is my sweet ass that puts asses in the seats of the arena we sell out. The crowd draws in to see me, not you. So you better know your goddamn role and know that you have no idea who I am. This match will be called down the middle, by me, and if you or anyone gets in my way, you will be knocked the fuck out.

Taylor turning to grab Brady by his cheeks caressing his skin to plant a wild, passionate kiss on his lips making him lean in for more. The Golden Gal pulling back with a smirk aimed at Kira who scowls with dark eyes looking evil. Taylor just flips her hair arrogantly, turns to Simon and pats his package, then leans in for a kiss on his lips saying.

See ya later.

The Golden Gal strutting out of the room letting Kira stew and steam over getting shown up and the last evidence of Taylor is her heels clicking down the hall before fading into the distance of silence that fills the room.


Brady looks over at Kira, and talks again.

Brady Henderson: Are you alright Kira?

Kira Darland: Yeah, but I never did like her and I have a feeling she won't do what she says.

Brady Henderson: I am here to fight, and not sleep around.

Kira stands by Brady, and waits for a reply.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon stands there and looks at Kira and Brady

Simon: Hmmmmmmm

Simon: I kinda have to disagree with you Kira.

Kira gives a scowl look to Simon

Simon: What i mean is this. I think Brady will know where i am coming from. When you are a wrestler. you want it to be one on one. straight down the middle. Sometimes you don't get that and yeah it will leave a bitter taste in the mouth.

Simon: But this match will be so different. It's a championship match. I know the management will make sure taylor calls this down the middle. This fight is so damn important for not only Brady but for myself as well.

Simon: I will say this as well. It will be pretty cool to have you at ringside to see this match. The last time we chatted was the night when i became the number one contender for the light heavyweight title. Now i will have you at ringside for my first title defense against your best friend.

Simon stops and takes a look at them

Simon: good luck

Simon shakes Brady's hand

then he grabs kira hand and kiss her hand.

Simon: Have a good night you too.

Simon opens the door and leaves the room.

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