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universal6 star tag team

It game time

Started by Simon Lee Nash, February 12, 2014, 04:03:10 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash has been working out getting ready for the biggest fight to date. A chance at the SEW war tag team titles with his partner tonight Matt Ward. Now Simon has been thinking about what Matt said about what he called the rusty cutters. Saying that Taylor Andrews and Jordan Cut are not on the same page for that matter not reading the same book.

Just then Simon listens to both Jordan and Taylor's promos on the monitors

After that Greg Boone shows up with a camera crew

Simon: Since when do we do live interviews

Greg: Well this is a huge match do you mind?

Simon: No, it's good you are here i have something to say anyway

Greg: I am here with Simon Lee Nash and tonight Simon. you and Matt Ward are looking to win the RAW tag team titles?

Simon: It's funny too how much things can change in a drop of a hat. But it seems like what Matt Ward called the rusty cutters are just doing that. Not on the same page and only thinking about well you know. I mean right now Taylor Andrews is spread eagle and getting fuck god knows what way. find a fucking  Kama Sutra book she is most likely doing every position on that book right about now with the mack.

Simon: Then Jordan Cut is getting his dick sucked and is fucking with Jemon. If memory serves me right isn't she a interviewer. Why is she not doing her job. I will leave that another day and time.

Greg: Wait a minute Simon speak for yourself there was rumors that you was screwing a girl a so called goddess a couple of days ago.

Simon begins to laugh

Simon: Dude, i was not fucking anybody i was making out with a goddess now all that moaning and groaning going on. He is going to kill me but that was Carlos Mitchell and he had two girls. The same chicks that was on the hardcore hotel that Mack wanted to give Carlos as a offering. he took him up after the fact. 

Greg jaw drops

Simon: Look i know it was off the heals of winning the light heavyweight title and the anarchy show. So i had a day to have some fun which i did with a goddess. But now it's game day and what have i been doing. Working out at the gold's gym and training getting ready for this fight. Like i said when it's fight time i am off and ready to fight. Not dealing with the shit on the side.

Simon: Tonight i am going to add some extra hardware to this collection when myself and Matt Ward take the tag team titles home.

Simon: Now if you are done Greg. I have some titles to win.

Greg: Good luck simon.

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