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universal6 star tag team

Rusty Cutters *Matt's War R/p*

Started by MattWard, February 12, 2014, 11:46:52 AM

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It is about damn time, Simon Nash and myself earned our right to fight the rusty cutters opps i mean the golden cutters. The Golden Cutters want to base me for my record in this company, well who gives a fuck what they say about my damn record because once war will be said and done you will be looking at the new tag team champions Simon Nash and Matt Ward.

Taylor Andrews and Jordan Cut want to say that they are the best in the tag team division in SEF, they are going to get a real harsh dose of reality when Simon and Myself walk out with the tag team titles. Simon is hungry to become a double champion. So i know what it was like to be a double champion before now i am going to help my friend achieve that dream.

Camera's are rolling as Kick it in the sticks by Brantley Gilbert hits i make my way down the ramp towards the ring as i get into the ring an taunt the fans i ask for a mic then i start to speak.

|| Matt Ward|| Alright cookie cutters or would you like to be known as rusty cutters because i am not calling you golden cutters because the team is not all that golden. You two clowns want to run your mouth talking about how i am the weak link of the tag team, well i think of it more as a wildcard or the ace in the hole.

I look at the crowd as i pace around the ring then i stop and lean on the top rope that facing towards the entrance ramp then i start to speak again.

|| Matt Ward|| Do i smell dissension in the ranks of the golden cutters? maybe after Simon and myself are done they will be known as the rusty cutters once and for all because they will be rusted out. Taylor you might have warrior inside of you but you might be facing two superstars when your tag team partner would rather take his ball and go home like Stone Cold Steve Austin. You better be ready to be looking up from the mat while Simon and myself are raising the tag team titles over your head after the match.

Kick it in the sticks by Brantley Gilbert as i make my way back towards the locker room as the camera's begin to fade as they show a promo for the upcoming pay per view

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