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universal6 star tag team

Give Up? You crazy!

Started by JordanCut, February 12, 2014, 11:34:19 AM

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War camera is rolling showing Jordan Cut with Jenom totally making out as Jordan Cut sees camera on him decided to say few words about his tag team match on War.

Give Up? You crazy! You can see Taylor Andrews that I am here ready to shove my boot into Matt Ward and Simon Lee Nash, because you shouldn't jump the gun without knowing your facts that I been hanging out in my locker room while you weren't looking for me, so if you and I going to make this team work then I suggest sweetheart look for me. Now I got that way out the way who the hell are Matt Ward and Simon Lee Nash some new team going to take away these tag team titles which myself and Golden Goddess have that never going to happen boys! You stepping in the ring with dominant tag team every step in that ring prepare to be cut to pieces by Golden Goddess and Cutting Edge!

Jordan Cut looks at Jenom gives her another kiss, and he continue on speaking.

I never give up Taylor Andrews ain't mad just letting you know that I am here to cut somebody, so you looking for me stop by my locker room go over how we going to kick these two boys all over the ring. We got plenty of time catch up!

Jordan Cut winks at the camera goes back making out with Jenom as War went to a commercial break.

Taylor Andrews

Of course Taylor Andrews is crazy, what took you so long to figure it out!?! But mistake that crazy chick for a dumb one and you will be quick to learn why she is a triple champion in SEW and coming for more gold. But right now she is just a coming down the hall with a grin on her pretty face letting that blonde hair swing free down her back and shoulders. Tips of that golden hair curl a bit at the end over her firm breasts being held up with her ring top exposing the curves of them creamy, luscious breasts. Her booty shorts hugging her firm, tight ass and the Golden Gal ready to go in her ring boots moving swiftly to the locker room where Jordan and Jenom sit making out. Taylor stepping into the room turning both heads to the Golden Gal who places her hands on her hips showing off the SEW Title and Womens Title around her waist, the latter on top sort of behind the big gold belt. The WAR Tag Title above the Womens coming up just under her breasts overlapping the Womens Title a little and she says with a grin.

I didn't see you around until now or I would have stopped by. Of course, I'm even easier to find cause I'm the one winning these Tag Team Titles by myself in a singles match. I'm the one winning the SEW Heavyweight Championship, but then you were there, if you remember, so thanks for what ya did there!?! I know its hard to notice and not get blinded by the Golden Gal's ultimate beauty, however, when I formed this team with you, I was under the impression we were a team, not this little girl carrying all the weight!?!

Taylor with a bit of a scowl, but smirks a bit showing sarcasm behind those hungry eyes.

If you want to fuck the Golden Goddess, we better walk out with the Tag Titles or at least win them back in a rematch because I never dropped my ball, you did. Matt Ward better get to know who Taylor Andrews is because the Golden Gal is far from rusty. I am a well oiled machine who can kick any ass of anyone in SEF today no matter who my partner may be, even you Jordan, so do we have dissension amongst us or is it time to go to WAR and shut these two boys down!?! Let me know when ya get off your ass, I'll be in the ring getting started.

Taylor turning and shaking that fine ass out of the room to move into a skip down the hall whistling without a care in the world.

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