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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

paper work

Started by Danika, February 12, 2014, 05:54:27 PM

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We open on Talon filling out paperwork.  There is low music playing from his ear buds.  He frowns as the ear buds are removed and a mini speaker is plugged making ICP's Cherry Pie louder.  His eye brow raises as he notices how short Kristin plaid skirt is and the matching shirt makes him shake his head at how its able to stay up with her tits peeking out the tops and sides.  She drops an ice cold Guiness Stout next to his elbow and he does a double take at the clock that its not her usual glass of wine time of after 7 when she pulls the lid off of Jack Daniels Watermelon spike.  He gets concerned when he realizes the color to the plaid and the celtic saying on her shoulder.

Talon:"Who are you and what have you done with the Princess?  he groans when he sees her bright sapphire blue eyes shimmer and pops open the Guinness and drains some off  "Don't try to play me, AnamChara we've been friends far to long.  when her eyes widen he snickers  It doesn't mean what you think it means, Kris.  It means the same as best friend, what you are thinking is a ghera geal.  she nods and turns away  I know that this new attitude is in theory a good idea because you needed to realize that no one is perfect no matter how much you want them to be but I will not let you become a notch on someone's bed post.  Granted, it was The Mack who is an Icon but, really?  he puts a hand on here shoulder I told you that I would protect you even if it meant protecting you from yourself.  You need someone here at your back that you can trust.  I've never bullshitted you.  If you remember I was the one who clued you in on Josh and was the first one to come to your defense.  I know you probably think it was just repayment for you having my back when Lacey tried to kill herself when she thought she was pregnant with my kid.  We're best friends.  Who was there for you when your dad was killed?  he growls when her shoulders shake Fuck, Kristie, he holds her  I didn't bring that up to hurt you.  We need to cut the shit, we're best friends, and we need to face SEF together because as much as I know that you and Whit are tight you want to make a name for yourself without asking her to carry you.  No one gives two fucks about me in SEF so we can team because no lie right now Mack, Tina, and maybe Simon are the only ones who are really doing a damn thing.  As far as SEF goes its Mack and Tina carrying everything.  I've sat in the back and listened to their promos.  They seem bored with all this same old shit.  Why not give them something to get their attention?  This new move set you're working on in the ring is going to help and Jenny being up here as a training partner is great for you, but eventually she's going to have to complete her residency.  So what do you say?"  In Yo Face by ICP is the next song on his play list and she looks up with a smirk  "Yeah, I'm a thinking about using that and it might be stupid or cliche but Homies maybe as a tag theme."

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