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King of SEF {8/24/14}

Started by ropsef4832, August 04, 2014, 11:22:07 PM

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SEF:WUN Board of Directors
The Board members will collaborate on who should be booked on all PPV cards and work together to make sure the best talent are showcased on these big stages.

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Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music
"Hail To The King" by Avenged Sevenfold

Opening Match: King of SEF Semi Finals
Shawn Michaels v. William Mack w/Elizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 2: King of SEF Semi Finals
Jordan Cut v. Elizabeth Marret w/William Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 3: Singles
Light Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Camaro v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match 4: King of SEF Finals
? v. ?
Referee: ?

Main Event: Japanese Deathmatch
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Viper v. William Mack(c) w/Elizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed




The voice of SEFWUN shouts out among the loud crowd packed into the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit Michigan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, its a historic night with a headliner going back through our twelve years of history to the first encounter between Mack and Viper. Over the years these two great friends and better enemies have gone to any and all lengths to one up the other, including masquerading as the other. Tonight its down to the Japanese Deathmatch that started it all in SEF for who many argue to be the greatest stars in this company, at least two of them that is."

Michael McMoney in his cheap suit and sunglasses looks a bit smug as he comments.

"Their almost as good as the money man of SEF who dominated this company as World Champion!"

Nick says.

"Didn't Viper tap you out in like a minute four nights ago?"

McMoney scowling now.

"Shut up Miller! I pulled a muscle in my arm before that match and wasn't ready to compete, but was forced into the match."

Nick says.

"Ok, well moving on cause we got a kickass show to see besides the huge headliner which is for the SEF World Heavyweight Title by the way. We crown a new King of SEF as Elizabeth Marret is a strong favorite to make it Queen this year, but is in contention with Mack and Jordan Cut who are former winners, plus HBK is in a semi final match tonight too. Simon Lee Nash defends the Light Heavyweight Title against Johnny Camaro later on, but first its The Showstoppa versus The Showsteala."

Opening Match: King of SEF Semi Finals
Shawn Michaels v. William Mack w/Eizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

An epic match of such legendary proportions that it is too good to be seen, much like most of this show, so let's just get on with it.

Winner: Mack @ 39 Minutes 8 Seconds

Match 2: King of SEF Semi Finals
Jordan Cut v. Elizabeth Marret w/William Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Jordan using his power to take control early in the match with an aggressiveness of a man who wants to win, but Elizabeth just as aggressive. The CEO would out wrestle Jordan to wear him down and capitalize on Mack's presence at ringside ending this one with Fall of a Kingdom into the pin.

Winner: Elizabeth @ 24 Minutes 35 Seconds

Match 3: Singles
Light Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Camaro on WAR 165 v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Johnny starting this with a quick pace only to get grounded by Simon who would go on to control much of the match. A good contest seeing some high risk moves from Johnny who nearly pulled off a win after a couple of big moves like the Speed Drop. Simon attempting the F-5 a few times during the match and even had him in the House of Pain nearly passing Johnny out. In the end we saw the Heartbreak Hangover countered into the F-5, but Johnny would spin through into a crucifix pin to end it.

Winner and NEW Light Heavyweight Champ: Johnny Camaro @ 19 Minutes 39 Seconds

Match 4: King of SEF Finals
WUN World Heavyweight Championship
William Mack v. Elizabeth Marret(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Another match too epic to be seen here, so wait for it.

Winner and Queen of SEF: Elizabeth @ 47 Minutes 12 Seconds

Mack sits up on the mat as Liz stands on the turnbuckles with her fists in the air. The COO getting to his feet and grabs the crown being handed in the ring to present it personally to Elizabeth. The CEO climbing off the turnbuckles to bow forward allowing Mack to place the crown atop her head. Mack pointing to the ref to hand her the trophy and title, then gets the WUN World Title belt and straps it around Liz's waist. Elizabeth holding the King of SEF Title on her left shoulder with the trophy in her right hand, then Mack getting a microphone to hand over to the CEO who just leans in to say.

"Thank you all for believing in me to be the next Queen of SEF and much like my King here, this crown is only a formality for I have always been and will always be the true Queen. Now Mack, go show Viper who the true King is."

Liz smiling lusciously at her man, Mack, who swings around with his left arm over the shoulders of his lovely wife, the CEO of SEFWUN.

"Viper, wow, what a journey it has been to come full circle right back where it began, in SEF, but for Viper and I, it began long before this company. Twenty years we known each other and it all comes down to a deathmatch at our King of SEF pay per view, twelve years after our first deathmatch at King of the Ring. Tonight you die Viper, your SEF career is done, finished, over, this is it, the end. We battled many years, and we even called each other friend over those years, and no doubt we turned on one another a lot. Thing is that some things come to an end while others blossom even brighter than ever."

Mack turning to lock eyes with Elizabeth and winks at his wife, then looks this way to say.

"Da Shows Ova is all I got to say now, so get your ass out here Viper, we ain't going nowhere."

Mack tossing the mic down and shouts.


Mack twirling Elizabeth around to show off his newly crowned Queen covered with gold. The power couple exits the ring to have a seat at ringside next to Nick with Liz sitting on Mack's lap. The ring crew setting up around the ring for the deathmatch, so Nick Miller says.

"Here we are joined by the COO and CEO of SEFWUN who have each competed in two matches, and Mack, you compete in your third one next. Its you and Viper and I know we just heard from you, but man, this is a huge deal going on in just a few minutes, what's up?!"

Mack laughing a bit sarcastically.

"Just me and this fine, fly honey on my lap as we live larger than life! Sure, this match is a pretty big deal, but remember my name is Mack and I sweat no match, no opponent, nothing, just sweat my ass off to out perform them all. Although Liz and I had ourselves a good dead even match just a few minutes and its why I love her as my opponent almost as much as my partner. Let's see if Viper can bring something as good for his last outing!?"

McMoney chiming in.

"How do you know it'll be his last? Maybe you'll be the one crippled at the hands of the Dominant Player?"

Mack smiling cheekily at that.

"Mikey, settle down over there, I ain't gonna give ya another ko punch. As for knowing this is Viper's last match, ever, let's just say only a King can know. The Dominant Player is going to get buried tonight, beaten at his own game, although it'll be in my match, this has been a longtime coming for my ol' buddy. You want to be next Mikey?"

Mack waving his brow up and down a bit arrogant as McMoney shakes his head no, then Nick says.

"So a deathmatch to end it all between Mack and Viper twelve years after their first deathmatch in SEF which happened at the pay per view to begin our, what once was an annual tournament to name a King of SEF. A long history between the two great names in SEF, but things do end, so who will end it in victory while the other feels defeat!?!"

Main Event: Japanese Deathmatch
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Viper v. William Mack(c) w/Elizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Out walks Viper into a single spotlight on the stage amongst the darkened arena dressed to compete in his ring gear with hands taped up for a fight. Viper marching to the ring in a dominant stance as the player he is, avoids the bed of death to climb up in the ring where the ropes are gone. Mack gets up to leap a corner of the bed of death on the other side landing on the apron with no ropes there as well. Neither man touches the ropes that remain which have electric current running to them. Viper ready for an attack, but Mack doing a crotch chop instead, then yells.


Viper runs in for a clothesline, but Mack ducks and turns laying in knife edge chops to the chest of the Dominant Player. Mack turning into wild rights, then lefts and just unloads on Viper backing him to the edge of the ring before leaping up into a spinning back kick sending his ol' friend off on to the bed of death. A small explosion when Viper crashes and the Dominant Player sitting up to scream in pain with blood running down his back. Mack leaping off the ring into a knee slamming Viper in his head knocking him back down on the bed. The COO hopping off the bed of death and heads around the ring to the aisle grabbing the ladder that stands up. Mack sliding the ladder into the ring and hops up into it himself to stand the ladder up. Viper climbing up stops Mack who swings the end of the ladder into the Dominant Player's shoulder, drops the ladder, and nails a swinging neckbreaker on top of the metal rungs. Viper rolling off holding his shoulder as Mack rolls up to run into a baseball slide dropkick to the same shoulder he's been targeting. Viper trying to get away, but Mack on him with kicks to the right shoulder further targeting it to clamp on an armbar. Mack kneeling over Viper pushing both hands down on to the back of his shoulder while keeping the arm locked up. Viper crawling to the edge of the ring and tries rolling Mack off on the bed of death, but The Showsteala jumping in time to land on his feet and spring back up, then over Viper. Mack rolling through to his feet and runs back to Viper looking for a running high knee as the Dominant Player rises. Viper manages to catch Mack and lift him over carrying The Showsteala down to crash into the bed of death. A bit of a bigger explosion as Mack lands facefirst, but tries to get his arm up and brace for impact as best he can on the hardcore board of flesh ripping material. Viper hanging over the edge of the ring staring down at Mack who lays with his face buried in agony. Elizabeth Marret leaves her gold at the announce table to make her way in the ring with a chair slamming Viper across his back several times keeping him down. The CEO pulling Viper up into Southern Pride on the chair as Mack crawls up on the ring to look in shaking his head side to side with a smug smile. Blood running down his head and arms as Mack pulls himself up and we see some bloody scratches on his chest and abdomen. Liz embracing him anyways to kiss Mack, then motions him to finish Viper. Mack just smirks and smacks Liz on her ass, then moves forward kicking Viper in his head before lifting the Dominant Player up into the Mack Attack. Liz setting the ladder up and holds it while Mack scales up the rungs to retrieve the SEF World Title belt.

Winner and still SEF World Heavyweight Champ: Mack @ 29 Minutes 18 Seconds

Mack hops down from the ladder as red lights flash with sirens echoing and he scoops Liz into his left arm while holding the belt in his right hand, then dives out of the ring with her leaving Viper to lay in the ring as it explodes and collapses. Smoke billows out from the sunken canvas with Viper laying unconscious in the middle. Elizabeth getting her crown, trophy, and title belts before escorting Mack up the ramp where the couple stands tall in victory to close the show.


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