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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 127 {12/4/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 21, 2014, 10:13:29 PM

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Daddy Mack

December 4th, 2006

So were inside the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri where "Posthuman" blasts over the pa and our cameras roam around the arena crazy like filming the loud, cheering crowd.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Monday Night Extreme everyone and welcome to one of the hottest shows we've had in a while. Our main event is a six man tag made off the results of Living Dangerously where Chris Orton was pretty well screwed over by the DA.

FED: Oh shut the hell up Nicky. McMoney once again beat Orton, the DA proved why we are the most dangerous alliance in wrestling.

Nick Miller: You also screwed Orton, admit it, you screwed Orton. th ematch was designed to keep everyone out, but no, you had to send Destruction down tear into the cell to take out Orton and help McMoney, you screwed Orton!

FED: F*** You Nicky! Chris Orton is not the man of SEF, he is not World Champ material, he is best where he is, mid card IC Champ hunting for the title, not holding it cause its for the elite, not the good.

Nick Miller: All I hear is lies and excuses, you screwed him, admit it and move on!

FED: Ya know what, SCREW YOU!

Frankie stands up and tosses his headset at Nick, then walks away from the table and heads around the ring and up the aisle to the back while Nick just watches on and shakes his head.

Nick Miller: Well it seems my partner doesn't like the truth, so I suppose I am all alone to call tonights show. Not that I mind it, I done it before. That main event is gonna be huge, revenge looks in order, but I don't discount the skill and dominance of the DA, the match will be huge. Xanthus returns to action tonight and faces Jeremy Ward, we got the return of the Hardcore Hotel hosted by Mack and a dream match between the two top divas in SEF, the Women's Champ Victoria Kalispell and Whitney Marret. Crystal Sweet is in action and we see Neo Monoxide, who is frustrated over last Sunday's loss, he faces Matlock and vows to destroy him. Tonight will probably be chaotic, but its Extreme, so we outta expect that by now as well as expecting a great show!

We see Derek Star already in the ring and she just waits in a corner. The lights go out, and then come back on in all different flashing colors. "Straight out of Line" by God Smack hits, and Crystal Sweet walks out on stage. She looks around the crowd as they boo her. She smirks and then walks down the ramp, making her way to the ring.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring from Coweta County Georgia , she weighs 119 pounds, Crystal Sweet!

She walks up the steel steps, and then walks up on the apron. She then gets down low, and crawls in the ring. She walks around the ring, listing to the crowd boo her even louder. Derek charges out of the corner at her and Crystal catches her with a hiptoss. Derek lands on her feet somehow and tries for a clothesline, but Crystal ducks and nails a neckbreaker on her.

Nick Miller: Quick start to the match, some good counters, but Crystal with the drop on Derek.

Crystal pulls up Derek and hammers her with elbows to a corner, then nails some hard chops to her chest and grabs her in a side headlock runing out and delivering a bulldog. Crystal pulls up Derek and sets her up for a piledriver, but she flips over nailing Night Mare on Derek. Crystal pops up and we see Victoria Kalispell hit the ring and grabs Crystal from behind in a sleeper, but drops her with the Dirty Drop.

Nick Miller: What is Vickie doing?

The crowd cheers for Vickie who stands up over Crystal and grins in a devious way as the bell rings.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by disqualification, Crystal Sweet.

Vickie pulls Crystal up into a piledriver position, but lifts her up for a powerbomb and nails Sinful on her laying her out cold in the middle of the ring spread eagle. Vicke kneels down over Crystal and smiles almost seductive like, but sadistic as well and then licks the side of her face and now rolls from the ring and walks up the aisle smiling.

Nick Miller: What the helll was Vickie doing, she licked Crystal, what was it all about?

Were in the back where we find Daddy Mack talking to Sly and with him is Jeremy Ward who is in his ring gear and wearing a Shane Mack Feel This Impact shirt which is available on SEFZone.com for only twenty dollars. Anyways, lets pick up on what is being said.

Sly: So you guys want a Tag Title shot?

Jeremy Ward: Yea, you want the division to pick up, you need teams, well you have one, me and Mack, we can help rebuild the division.

Sly: I don't know, you two have never teamed up before.

Jeremy Ward: Then team us up, we can contend, Mack is a legend here, I am the future, we can do it if we have a chance.

D-Mack: Look Sly, you want competition for Destruction, we are it, so tea us up next week, the week after and the week after that and so on and so on, we will earn a shot and win those belts.

Sly: Pretty confident huh Mack, figures from you. Look, ya two want a team up, fine, next ay do so and if you win it you get a title shot at the pay per view which is the 17th, so ther eya go, but should you lose next week or lose your title shot, you'll never get a title shot again.

Sly walks off now smirking as Jeremy looks a lil mad at the do or die answer, but Mack smiles.

D-Mack: Why the long face man, not like we'll actually lose, I mean for real, its me D-Mack, how can we lose?!

Mack grins all cheesy and Jeremy just laughs as we cut back to ringside.

Nick Miller: Wow, Mack and Jeremy may be getting a Tag Title match at our next pay per view, they just gotta win next week, so we'll see if they do then I guess.

As we come back from commericial we hear guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begins to play. Matt Matlock steps out onto the stage as the crowd boos.

Brittany Fox: "Hailing from New Waterford, Nova Scotia, Canada and weighing 235 lbs...he is "The Cornered Animal" Matt Matlock!

Matlock walks down the ramp slowly, and extends his arms out to his side. He spins around in a circle slowly, as we see small sparkler like pyros on both sides of the ramp go off. He gets to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, and heads for one of the far turnbuckles. He raises both arms horizontally as rapid fire pyro ala HBK shoots off inside the ring. He lowers his arms as it subsides, as he gets down and leans on the ropes, talking shit to the fans. He turns and then awaits his opponent. "Revenge" hits the PA and Neo jumps out from under the stage and does a backflip.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring, from Elizabeth New Jersey he weighs 192 pounds, Neo Monoxide!

He walks to the ring and slaps the fans hands, then does a flip over the top rope to get in the ring. Neo climbs the ropes and taunts. He then hops down and Matlock has a singapore cane and swings it into Neo's gut, then cracks him in the back of the head.

Nick Miller: Matlock with the early advantage in this hardcore bout.

Matlock drops the cane and pulls up Neo whipping him into a corner, then charges him leaping up for a splash, but Neo ducks down and then as Matt soars ove rhim Neo springs up pushing Matt up further and drops him right on the ringpost. Matt staggers back and turns falling on his face, blood gushing from his head.

Nick Miller: Good god, Matt just took a hard hit and got cut bad.

Neo rolls from the ring and gets a ladder and table out from the ring, slides them both in and grabs a chair bringing that in. He cracks it over Matt's head like five times, then tosses it down and sets the table up near a corner. Neo stands the ladder up in the opposite corner, then he pulls his pizza cutter out of his pocket and starts rolling it over Matt's head digging it into his already nasty cut.

Nick Miller: My god this is sick, Neo is going crazy, someone should stop him.

Neo lifts up Matlock and nails The Slingshot, then he runs up the ropes flips backward sand around landing a corckscrew moonsault on Matt. Neo gets up and lifts up Matt rolling him on the table, then he grabs the chair and slams it over Matt's head, lays the chair on his body and starts climbing the ladder. Neo gets to the top and stands straight up, salutes to the cheering crowd, then he flies off with The Wrecking Ball crashing Matt through the table.

Nick Miller: OH MY GOD!

Neo bounce sup and backwards holding his ribs in pain, then pulls his body up and falls back on Matt for the pin, 1..............2...............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Neo Monoxide!

"Revenge" hits the pa and Neo gets his hand raised, but he yanks it away from the ref and pulls Matt up rolling him out of the ring. Neo gets out too and rolls Matt on top of the commentators table, then he takes one of the monitors and bashes Matt in the head. Neo rolls in the ring and moves the ladder to the side of the ring, then climbs up it. We suddenly see Xanthus come running out and slide in the ring, then he bolts up the other side of the ladder and meets Neo at the top who is confused by his presence. Xanthus just starts hammering Neo in the head and soon bashes his head on top of the ladder, then steps up to the top of the ladder and lifts Neo for a powerbomb, turns quickly and sends him down crashing through Matt and the table, the ladder falls and X lands in the ring on his ass.

Nick Miller: OH MY GOD!

Nick is up and away from the table looking down at Neo laying over Matlock. In the ring we see Xanthus roll out and stagger up the aisle with a sick smile on his face.

Nick Miller: What the hell was Xanthus doing out here? He just took out Neo and Matlock, what was he thinking?

We pan into the back and just outside of the DA locker room where McMoney is trying to calm Crystal Sweet down.

Crystal: No, damn it Michael, let me go, I need to find that bitch and teach her not jump me like that.

McMoney: Just relax ok, you'll get revenge, who knows, maybe Whitney will beat Vickie for ya and you can pick up the pieces afterwards.

Crystal: I want her now and what was with her licking me?

McMoney tries to hide it and does from her, but we see kinda smirks at that.

Crystal: I am so gonna make her pay.

Just then we see Frank E come out of the room.

FED: Crystal, I have an idea, come inside with McMoney. You want revenge, heh, listen to me, I got better ideas than anyone alive, ask your boy here!

McMoney motions to Frank, nods his head and Crystal looks at him, then the three head into the room shutting the door behind them.

Nick Miller: Hmmm, woner what their up to? Probably not good I guess, it is the DA after all.

"Suicide Solution" hits the pa, then we see Vickie come running out on stage and jump up a bit and come down thrusting up the rock on sign.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring, from Los Angelos California, she weighs 135 pounds and is the SEF Women's Champion, Victoria Kalispell!

She heads down the ramp running and slides in the ring, then jumps up on the ropes banging her head to the music while flashing the rock on sign more. She jumps off them and throws her arms up motioning to make some noise. Vickie unstraps her title and hands it off to ringside. "Sidewinder" hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp.

Brittany Fox: And now mkaing her way to the ring, from Owensboro Kentucky, she weighs 145 pounds and is the SEF International Champion, Whitney Marret!

She then makes her way to the ring and climbs the steel steps. Once inside the ring, she goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air. Whitney unstraps her title and hands it off to ringside, then she and Vickie begin circling each other.

Nick Miller: The match is on, bell has rung, I feel were in for a real classic.

The two women move into a lock up, Vickie quickly gets Whitney into a headlock and tightens up, but Whitney steps sideways and shoves Vickie into the ropes. She comes running back and Whitney drops down under Vickie who hits the other ropes and comes back to Whitney who leaps up to go over her. Vickie stops and catches Whitney looking for a powerbomb, but Whitney drops quickly executing a hurricanrana. Vickie rolls through her to feet and Whitney is up turning around and gets clotheslined. Vickie falls against the ropes, then turns and Whitney is up and leaps into the air with a front dropkick sending Vickie through the ropes to the floor. Vickie gets up to her feet in time to see Whitney flying over the ropes with a splash to Vickie taking her back down.

Nick Miller: Wow, fast paced to start and I don't think these women are gonna slow down.

The crow dis into the match and cheering for both women. Whitney has Vickie up and whips her to the steel steps, but Vickie stops right at them. Whitney rushes her and Vickie nails a dropkick to her knee bringing Whitney forward and facedown on the steel steps.

Nick Miller: Oh my, that had to hurt Whitney.

Vickie lifts her up not letting her recover and nails a snap suplex on the floor. She gets up and rolls in the ring, then rolls out breaking the ref's count. Vickie lifts up Whitney and sends her into the ring, then she climbs up on the apron and goes to the top turnbuckle. Whitney gets to her feet and Vickie now flies off the top with a cross body. Whitney is able to leap up quickly and dropkick Vickie right in the stomach sending her down to the mat. Whitney crawls over and goes for the pin, 1..........2.......kickout.

Nick Miller: Near fall by Whitney, nice counter against Vickie too.

Whitney pulls Vickie up and whips her to the ropes, then charges into her stomach with some shoulder thrusts and we soon see Michael McMoney come down the aisle and he grins. he just swaggers around the ring near the commentators table and stands there watching the match.

Nick Miller: What the hell is he doing out here?

Whitney nails some chops to Vickie's chest, then whips her across the ring and charges for a clothesline. Vickie moves out at the last second, then rolls up Whitney in a school girl, 1..........2........kickout! They both get up and Vickie kicks Whitney in the stomach, then lifts her up for a powerbomb, but instead she brings Whitney back to back and sets her up for a widows peak, McMoney now gets a chair and climbs up on the apron. Vickie hits the move and the ref stops McMoney who grabs him and argues. Vickie gets up and looks to walk over there, but Crystal Sweet comes sliding in the ring to boos and she has a lead pipe which she nails Vickie in the back of her head with.

Nick Miller: No, that was uncalled for and is unfair.

Crystal pulls up Vickie and hits Night Mare on her, then rolls Whitney on top of her. Whitney however is awake enough and pulls away, gets to her feet and shoves Crystal who shoves her back, then Whitney slaps the taste out of her mouth, grabs her by the hair and send sher over the top rope to the floor much to the crowd delight. McMoney sees and tries pushing the ref, but he stands his ground, then Whitney flies over elbowing McMoney to the floor. Vickie is trying to get up when Whitney turns and pulls her up, but Vickie wraps her up in a small package, 1.............2.........kickout!

Nick Miller: Oh my, Vickie had enough in her to get a near fall, but after that pipe I don't how much more she has.

Whitney is up first and knees Vickie in her head, then hooks her arms and nails Southern Pride. She rolls Vickie over and pins, 1...............2................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Whitney Marret!

"Sidewinder" hits the pa as Whitney kneels up getting her hand raised. McMoney and Crystal are backing up the aisle now both holding their heads. Whitney gets up and stares the two down as the crowd cheers her on.

Nick Miller: Well a great match it was despite the run ins and nice to see Whitney not take an easy win like most would have done.

Vickie is sitting up and sees Crystal going through the curtain and just scowls. Whitney extends a hand down and Vickie takes it getting to her feet. The two women hug and raises each others hands now.

We cut to the back now where we see Xanthus at a table full of food and he is eating like he ain't eaten in weeks, probably hasn't knowing him or he just has the munchies. He scarfs down the last of a sandwich and suddenly we see a chair fly into the back of his head, then Neo Monoxide comes from behind bulldogging X right through the table. Neo starts pounding on his back and lifts up Xanthus ramming him into the side of a soda machine, then drops him with a ddt on the floor. He picks up a tray from the food table and cracks it over X's back, then lifts him up, but before we can see what else he wants to do security rushes down the hall pulling him away and down the hall. Neo is kicking at punching, yelling that Xanthus will get worse than this, X just kinda leans against a guard out of it.

Nick Miller: Looks like Neo is a lil pissed about that earlier attack from X, these two extremists sure would be good in a hardcore match, could be something brewing here.

So its now time for the return of the highest rated segment ever in the history of SEF, god what a cheap plug that was, but its true, the Hardcore Hotel rawks, yea, whatcha gonna do about that one See Em..........he he! So the fans know its up now, of course, the bed is in the ring, the lil set up with the vacancy sign flashing next to the sign reading the Hardcore Hotel, yea, its time and now all we need is, oh shit, the pa comes to life finally and we hear it, no waiting for it, we hear it now, its Kid muthafuckin Rock's classic song "Cocky"! The fans ignite like someone lit a stick of dynamite and that may as well be the case cause onc ethat song gets rolling we see the man, Daddy Mack, the opriginal mack daddy, the first man in the wrestling business to use Daddy Mack for his name, hell, the first man to use Mack, so forget all the cheap rip offs elsewhere, only one place as the original and its SEF! So yea, the man comes a strutting out wearing his red tights and black wrestling boots with a black muscle shirt reading Daddy Mack and it has a strand of barbed wire under his name. Mack also wears a pair of round dark sunglasses and has white fingerless gloves on. He goes to each side of the aisle where the fans just grab for him like a fat man at a buffet, Mack is do over its not even funny anymore, one word, DAMN! Yea, so he makes it to the ring with his clothes intact. Mack dances a bit on the apron, gets in the ring and does some circling, then drops to his HBK like pose as pyro shoots off behind him, then Mack pops up doing a crotch chop and leaps backwards to the side falling on to his bed and lays up in a very relaxed pose. He grabs a mic that was laying on the bed and holds it to his mouth and speaks, but we hear nothing, the crowd drowns him out. He taps the mic checking it, holds it to his ear, then looks at the crowd points to his mic asking what's wrong. They finally settle down some and Mack still laying down finally is able to speak.

D-Mack: Wow, all this for lil ol' me, what the hell did I ever give you guys?

The crowd in a loud chant answering Mack says, "Your Life, Your Life, Your Life.....", then they soon stop that and start chanting, "D-Mack, D-Mack, D-Mack, D-Mack, D-Mack......."! Mack just smiles and shrugs, then the crowd dies down.

D-Mack: Oh, well ok. So anyways, since I am out here, I guess I outta get down to business.

Mack hops up off the bed and reaches down the front of his shirt pulling a dvd out and we see its his dvd, the Shane Mack From The Vault dvd. Mack holds it up to everyone, then brings the mic up.

D-Mack: Ok folks, this dvd here, it is a must have, seriously, the guy they did this dvd on is a legend here, he is one hell of a guy, I'm telling ya, he's a damn stud, he is so huge, man, they outta give th eguy is own talk show like this one, for real.

The crowd is laughing at this now, god Mack is cool.

D-Mack: But yea, on this dvd you get like a bunch of matches, I don't know, ten or more I think, its like ten hours worth or so and its only forty four ninety nine, not even fifty dollars for all this. I'm telling ya, its worth every penny, go buy your own now, hell, I'll save on eof ya the money, take this one.

Mack walks to the edge of the ring and tosses the dvd into the crowd where someone catches, though a struggle begins, mayb ea fight, who knows, we focus on Mack who goes to the other side of the ring facing the aisle. he leans on the top rope and brings the mic up.

D-Mack: Now then, lets check out whats on that dvd, the first match on it, June 23rd of 2002, SEF Title on the line, Japanese Deathmatch, these two guys tore down the house, so lets roll the footage from the start of entrances.

And so the SEFTron lights up and we see ol' footage from that match begin.

"Cocky" hits as Daddy Mack comes struting out with his Deathmatch title over his shoulder! He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle's holding up his title doing the wolfpac sign! Then he gets down and waits! "The Unforgiven" hits and-

The tron stops and "The Unforgiven" keeps playing and we see him come out for real, its Triple V, better known as Viper, dressed in full leather, the cap and gloves, everything, dark sunglasses too. Viper heads down the aisle to a huge ovation as Mack watches on and looks dissappointed. Viper heads up the steels steps and enters the ring, then gets his own mic and steps to the middle of the ring where Mack is and still sad it seems. Viper takes off his shades putting them on his shirt.

VVV: What's wrong Mack?

D-Mack: I wanted to see that match damn it, why'd you have to interrupt it?

VVV: Cause I'm your guest tonight, remember?

D-Mack: Oh yea, that's what I was supposed to do out here, duh!

The crowd laughs now as Viper smirks and rolls his eyes.

VVV: You never change man, but that's good, why change a good thing.

D-Mack: Well yea, true man. So what you up to anyways, why ya back in SEF?

VVV: Well I don't know, I was intending to come back and reveal to the wrestling world that at this months pay per view I am facing the SEF Champion and yes, its set into stone, Sly will tell you the same thing.

The crowd cheers at the sound of this, Viper going for the top title, this huge.

D-Mack: Wow man, nice return, all I got was this show, damn!

VVV: No man, its not all you got and the title match is not all I got, its not all I want, its not all that these fans want. You know what they want and what we want, so lets give it to them Mack, you and I, the originators........."

Viper holds up his arms in an X now as Mack gets all wide eyed and holds a hand to his cheek.

D-Mack: Oh my god, no, not that, dude, the world can't take it, the bad boys back in business and so soon after the era of that group just ended, are you mad, we can't do this................can we?!

Mack smirks now. the crowd is unglued and cheering for it, chanting for it, "IX, IX, IX, IX, IX, IX, IX......"! Viper just points all around at them and looks back at Mack.

VVV: I think it doesn't matter, we can do whatever the hell we want, so its your call bro!

Mack brings a finger to his chin and appears to think, then he forms a grin and just nods his head as he turns, Viper turns and they are side by side.

D-Mack: Wait for it, wait for it.........you guys really want it?


The crowd cheers in a deafening pop, Mack drops his mic and both men raise their arms in the air. The crowd is going crazy and then they drop their arms, no, Viper swings over with the mic right to Mack's head spinning him around, then kicks him in the gut, hooks his arms and BAM, Unforgiven to the mat and Mack lays motionless, the crowd so quickly is turned to all boos, every soul in the arena booing and jeering Viper. He is stood up now and stands over Mack, sneers down at him, then does a crotch chop to Mack. Viper just does the up yours motion to the crowd, then just like that he gets out of the ring and walks up the aisle without turning back to look at Mack, he heads to the back.

Nick Miller: What the hell is going on here? Viper of all people returns on the Hardcore Hotel, a surprise in itself, then even bigger it looks like the original IX is getting back together, but then in a huge surprise Viper turns on Mack and leaves him laying. If his match for the SEF Title is set in stone, why do this to Mack, what is he thinking?

Backstage we find Whitney Marret talking with Victoria Kalispell when Xanthus comes into the picture looking all crazy eyed and a lil sore from Neo's attack earlier. X pushes Vickie some and gets in Whitney's face, Whitney kinda backs up and seems aalmost disgusted by Xanthus.

Xanthus: Look Whitney, you and me, we know each other and so ya outta know when I want something I will get it just as much as anyone, so what ya say, me and you for that International Title?

Vickie pushes Xanthus a lil bit and steps up next to him now.

Victoria Kalispell: Watch it X, no need to push me.

Xanthus: Shut up bitch! Whitney, what is it, me and you title, c'mon, give me the fucking shot!

Whitney Marret: What's wrong with you?

Xanthus: nothing, just give me-

X is cut off by Neo charging him into the wall, Xanthus fighting back this time and they trade punches. Whitney and Vickie just stand back watching the boys brawl, then we see Sly come into view and get between the women and motion security down the hall who seperate Neo and X. Their held apart and Sly looks at Whitney now.

Sly: You know Whitney, a rematch is in order for Neo and with the pay per view coming up fairly soon we outta have the match there, but I'm adding Xanthus since those two have been in fights all night.

Whitney Marret: Fine by me, I will defend my title against anyone who wants it or anyone you choose.

Sly: That's good cause ya have no choice anyways.

Whitney arches a brow now, but Sly turns to security.

Sly: Get these guys outta here.

Neo and X are dragged away and Sly turns to Vickie now.

Sly: As for you, at the pay per view I am booking you and Crystal in a non title match and if she wins she gets a shot at you, if she loses you two never face each other again.

Victoria Kalispell: Fine by me "boss".

Sly looks at Vickie dead serious and stares, then just walks away without saying another word. Vickie and Whitney watch him go as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Whoa, two matches made for our next pay per view which by the way folks will be called Apocalypse and will be hosted down in San Antonio Texas at the Freeman Coliseum. But how about that, a triple threat for the International Title, Whitney defends against Neo and Xanthus. Crystal Sweet faces Victoria in a non title match and if she wins she gets a title shot, if not, she and Vickie never meet again in the ring.

"King of Kings" hits and after a few seconds Jeremy comes walking out looking all jacked up with Ric Hanson, his mentor, at his side wearing a fancy suit.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, he weighs 260 pounds and is accompanied by Ric Hanson, he is Jeremy Ward!

Jeremy makes his way down the ramp and around to the side of the ring while Ric heads up the steps into the ring. Jeremy gets on the apron and spews water out into a mist while pumping his fists in the air, then he climbs in the ring where Ric pats him on the back getting him ready to fight. "Wake Up" hits the pa and the first few lines are heard before we see Xanthus come out on stage pumping his fists in the air. He jumps around somewhat, flips off some fans, does crotch chops to others, flashes thug symbols in a mocking manner and just taunts the crowd like an asshole.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 210 pounds, Xanthus!

Once he gets to the ring X just rolls in under the bottom rope and gets to his feet, looks at the crowd with a smirk, then grabs his nuts and then motions to everyone to suck him off as his music fades. Jeremy quickly charges X clotheslining him to the mat, then pick shim up whipping him into the corner hard. Jeremy charges him, but X leaps up and over him twisting in the air. He lands on his feet and leaps up dropkicking Jeremy into the turnbuckles, then rolls him into a pin, 1...........2.........kickout!

Nick Miller: Near fall by X pretty early on.

Xanthus pulls up Jeremy and hammers him against the ropes, then looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed. Jeremy looks for a clothesline, but X ducks and hits the other side of the ring. Jeremy runs at him and jumps up with a high knee to X's head knocking him down. Jeremy backs up into the ropes, then steps forward dropping a knee to X's head. He lifts him up and looks for a piledriver, but Xanthus fights it and backdrops Jeremy. Xanthus runs the ropes and comes back with a cartwheel into a moonsault. He jumps up and goes to the top rope, Jeremy gets up and X flies off flipping over Jeremy and nails a neckbreaker.

Nick Miller: Damn, that was an awesome move, good measuring by Xanthus.

Xanthus gets up drops a quick leg over Jeremy's neck, then leaps up and climbs to the top rope. He flies off with the Gangsta Splash now nailing Jeremy, but we suddenly see Neo Monoxide run out and leap on to the apron. The ref keeps him from coming in and they argue, X gets up and stands behind the ref yelling at Neo. Ric Hanson gets a sledgehammer and slides it in the ring now, Jeremy using it to push himself up, then he swings it at the back of X's knee dropping him to the mat.

Nick Miller: What the hell, Neo runs out and Jeremy uses a sledgehammer, this is messed up.

Jeremy tosses the sledge away and pulls up Xanthus and nails the Problem Solved, then pins him, Neo is heading up the aisle and the ref counts, 1...........2...........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Jeremy Ward!

"King Of Kings" hits the pa now as Jeremy stands up, Ric is in the ring and raises his arm in the air as the crowd gives a mixed reaction to what happened. Jeremy and Ric soon leave the ring all smiles over the win.

Nick Miller: Jeremy with a win over Xanthus tonight, not very clean the way he did it, but a win over X is pretty big. Next up is the big six man tag team main event, don't miss it folks!

Brittany Fox: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time ofr our main event! It is scheduled for one fall and is a six man tag team match!

We hear "Bad Religion" play over the pa and then we see Frank E Dangerously come walking out with a swagger and he is flanked by Michael McMoney who wears the World title and behind him is Destruction and their Tag Titles, Mr Fuji between them.

Brittany Fox: Introducing first at a total combined weight of 875 pounds, the team of the Dangerous Alliance, Michael McMoney and Destruction!

The crowd just boos in utter disgust as the five men make their way to the ring, all get in and pose together in dominant form, Frankie more just presenting his DA. He and Fuji then exit to the floor. The lights go out then images of Orton are shown on SEFTron, then fireworks shoot up under the entrance way then stop as "The Way I Am" by Eminem hits. Orton appears and he makes his way down the ramp.

Brittany Fox: Now coming out from St Louis Missouri, he weighs 245 pounds and is the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Orton!

The ladies in the arena come after him touching his body, but security holds them back, so Orton smirks and walks to the end of the aisle and stops staring in the ring. he just stands there and we soon hear "Cowboys From Hell" hit the pa and the crowd cheer as we see Nick and Troy come walking out with cocky swaggers and smirks. Nick does the usual strutting around while Troy just walks diown the aisle.

Brittany Fox: Making their way to the ring, they weigh in together at 630 pounds, the team of the Westsiders, Nick Torres ad Troy Storms.

They make their down next to Orton who eyes both men and then he and Torres go sliding in the ring as Storms heads up and over the top rope. The brawling is on as Orton and McMoney meet first, Torres and Thrash go toe to toe and Storms hammers Slash into a corner.

Nick Miller: Looks like th ematch is on, lil chaotic, but hopefully things settle down and we see an actual match.

Orton rocks McMoney back against the ropes, then backs up and charges with a clothesline taking him to the outside. We see Matt Matlock come sliding into the ring and club Torres in the back allowing Thrash to clothesline him down. Thrash then charges behind Orton clobbering him into the ropes. Storms has Slash reeling in the corner while Matlock kicks Torres out of the ring and rolls out as well and fights with him up the aisle.

Nick Miller: Maybe this won't be much of a match with Matlock already getting involved.

Storms turns and sees Torres and Matlock, heads across the ring, but McMoney slides in and slams a chair to his back. He drops it and pulls Storms around hitting a ddt on him. Slash helps Thrash down orton with a double spinebuster, then we see Daddy Mack and Jeremy Ward come running down and hit the ring going for Destruction. They get the team outta the ring and brawl with them on the floor.

Nick Miller: This is crazy!

Frankie is going crazy and yelling at McMonet to take out Orton. He looks to do just that and lifts up Orton looking for Orton's own move, but Storms gets up and starts punching McMoney, whips him to the ropes and nails a big boot. Torres and Matlock are brawling off away from the aisle nearly into the back, both just punching away at each other. Mack and Jerey run Destruction off through the crowd and then we see Triple V come running out and slide in the ring.

Nick Miller: What the hell?

He looks at McMoney down and then looks at Orton and Storms who look back at him, an intense staredown as it looks like they may fight, but then we hear "Back In Black" hit the pa and out walks Sly with a mic in hand. Frankie gets McMoney out of the ring and has the World Title as Sly just looks at everyone, then raises up the mic.

Sly: Well look here, we have three men in the ring who all are worthy contenders to the SEF Title, Viper said earlier he has a match set in stone, well yes he does, but that match is not one on one. At Apocalypse in thirteen days his match is a fatal four way elimination also involving the other men in the ring, Chris Orton and Troy Storms!

The crowd cheers at this announcement, McMoney and Frankie look livid while Viper shrugs and motions the title around his waist. Sly heads to the back while McMoney and Frankie head up the aisle and the other three men stare him down, but keep an eye on each other, "Posthuman" plays over the pa now.

Nick Miller: Wow, what a main event announced for Apocalypse, these fou rmen for the SEF Title, this huge and top of the other three matches, plus Mack and Jeremy with a possible Tag Title match then, the event is looking good. We still got next week before that show though, so no telling what else will happen, stay tuned and find out folks.

And now the cameras roam around the arena then the show fades to black.

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