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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 128 {12/11/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 21, 2014, 10:17:27 PM

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Daddy Mack

December 11th, 2006

So no usual open to Extreme, instead a shot shows up on the Commissioner of SEF, Bill "Sly" McLane and his face shows no smile, a slight bit of anger as he stands with his arms at his sides.

Sly: You tune into into watch Monday Night Extreme, but you see me standing here and wonder what is going on, well here it is. Our wonderful network that being MSN has decided to cancel our timeslot tonight. Now of course Extreme is taped, not live, no secret. I am allowed this time to let you all know what happened on Extreme, so a small video will air for five minutes summing it all up. I am sorry to all longtime, loyal fans, were working with MSN to get a better deal. Stay with us and stay loyal and here is a summary of Extreme.

Sly just stares at the camera as the scene switches to show a recap of the Extreme show.

Singles Match
Alex Stone VS Crystal Sweet

Winner: Crystal Sweet via Pinfall

Alex was cocky, but Crystal schooled him and won quite easily.

Gauntlet Match
Nick Torres VS jWo

Winner: Nick Torres via Pinfall

Torres started off with Eddie Boombastic and dominated him quite easily. Bob the Bruiser would come out and do ok, but Torres took him out, then we would see Harry Boombastic come out and being fresh he did better than his brother Eddie. Torres would take care of him though, then Flamez would come out. Torres had some trouble with the big guy, but would distract the ref while Troy Storms came out and got involved putting down Flamez. Torres eliminated him and the Westsider Wanksta was out last, he talked a lot, jumped around, but was kicked once and given the Westsiders Edge and it was all over.

Singles Match
SEF Intercontinental Championship
Troy Storms VS Chris Orton(c)

Winner: Chris Orton via Count Out

The match started off quite ok, Storms gained the upperhand through most due to his power, but Orton showed he has the will to fight anyone as he kept going. Destruction would rush out after him, but Torres ran out to head them off. Destruction double teamed him and Storms left the ring to help his partner after a big boot on Orton. The ref would issue a ten count, then after the bell McMoney would hit the ring with a sledgehammer and lay out Orton!

Non Title Singles Match
Triple V VS Michael McMoney

Winner: Triple V via Pinfall

A good classic match back and forth by both men, a lot of dominance by Viper, but McMoney got in his licks as well. Both used some rather cheap tactics, but no weapons. We would see Destruction run out, but Viper got his sledge and kept them back till The Westsiders came out to fight off Destruction. McMoney would get the jump on Viper from there and control the match a bit. He went for Greed, but Viper flipped him down and then over into the ropes, got up and caught him coming around with the Unforgiven, then won the match.

Main Event
Tag Team Match
Daddy Mack & Jeremy Ward VS Xanthus & Neo Monoxide

Winners: Daddy Mack & Jeremy Ward via Pinfall

The match twas the headliner for a reason, some good action. Mack and Neo pulled out some awesome high spots against each other, Xanthus too did some crazy shit, but literally almost broke his neck on a botched corckscrew. He and Neo would get into it after a while and Neo walked off up the aisle saying to hell with this. X got double teamed, got up and looked into Mack's foot who stopped short of his kick. X turned to run, but got hit by Ward who nailed Problem Solved, then got the winning pin.

And that's it for the summary, check back next week and hopefully we get a full timeslot for Extreme, for now we fade to black.

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