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Extreme 130 {5/3/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 10:31:19 PM

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Taylor Andrews

May 3rd, 2009

Its the return of SEF's original flagship brand to mark its new start, its the return of something real hardcore, but its also a whole new level in wrestling, its Extreme. The Civic Coliseum in Amarillo Texas is packed full of diehard fans all screaming as pyro blasts off the stage, then along with the cheers "A New Level" by Pantera blasts over the pa. Cameras roam around the place trying to capture them all.

Singles Match
 Ravyn Crow v. Joey Drakmen

These two no show chumps came out to the ring and got booed badly, then proceeded to get booed worse for the match they gave, they sucked. Back and forth action and neither one got over on the other. Ended up fighting outside the ring and up the aisle failing to remember the rules and thus were both counted out. They fought to the back and that's it.

 Singles Match
 Josh Drakmen v. Suicide Hank

Josh was boasting and bragging, got blindsided by Hank who came from the crowd using a lead pipe tp the back of his head behind the refs back. Bell then rang and Hank kicked the shit out of Josh, then delivered the Suicide Bomb and won just like that.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Suicide Hank!

Singles Match
Pyretta Blaze v. Taylor Johnson

The two women came to the ring and Taylor looking for a handshake got slapped, so she unloaded on Blaze just hammering her into a corner visciously. Taylor owned Blaze from there not letting her get one bit of offense in at all, she dominated Blaze. Taylor executed a beautiful suplex on her, took the air with a cross body and a moonsault on a two occassions, then finished her off The Last Kiss and pinned her.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Taylor Johnson!

 Were in the back showing Nick Torres in his gear with his title strapped around his waist ready to go in a few minutes, but speaks first.

Nick Torres: Just something quick to clear up an error on the part of my opponent tonight, D-Von Dudley, I never said your acting like your nephew Logan. What I said was his attitude when he came in here was like yours a few years ago, thinking he knows it all and has seen it all, a rookie attitude. Don't like it D-Von, too bad boy, you-

Torres is cut off when Suicide Hank steps into view staring at Torres.

Nick Torres: What do you want chump?

Suicide Hank: What I'm gonna take from you, that International Title.

Nick Torres: You won't get lucky with a sneak attack like ya been doing, so this title ain't going nowhere.

Suicide Hank: We'll see about that!

Nick Torres: Guess we will kid!

Torres slaps Hank on the shoulder, then walks away. Hank just watches him go as we go back to ringside.

Non Title Singles Match
D-Von Dudley v. Nick Torres

A good match between these two veterans, saw a lot of brawling at first, then the match turned into some back and forth wrestling. D-Von caught Torres with a clothesline and kept him down going for his neck, working on it with a chinlock and a camel clutch. Torres fought him off and came back at D-Von rallying some heavy offense on him. It was really getting intense and down to the wire when Torres hit The Westside, then Suicide Hank came from the crowd with a ballbat and and slid in the ring cracking Torres in the back with it, then dropped him with a russian leg sweep and rolled out heading up the ramp as D-Von got up looking pissed at the interupttion and the loss he got by dq.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match..........Nick Torres!

Main Event
Tag Team Match
Matt Ward & Scorpion v. Chris Orton & MACK

Hell of a match this was and to start it was Mack and Matt. Mack kept outmanuevering Matt making him frustrated, then took him to the canvas schooling him somewhat. Kept him down and toyed with Matt who would use his power to get back up and force Mack to a corner, hammered him with blows and sent him across the ring. Matt missed a body splash and Mack sweeped him to his back, then kept him down on the canvas again. Would wear him down a little with a headscissors, then a few elbow drops and tag in Orton who came in hitting Matt hard and fast trying to punch out the big man. Worked out well for him, but would end up missing a clothesline, didn't see a tag to Scorpion and went for Matt only to get blindsided with a dropkick to the back from Scorpion. He dropped elbows to Orton's back and then applied a modified camel clutch on him, pounded on the back of his neck, then slid into a crossface. Orton would fight out of it and get up getting Scorpion in a corner, the two turned to brawling from there just relentless on beating the other down. Orton seemed to have the power edge and kept dropping Scorpion, but he would keep coming back at him and eventually got him back to the canvas working on his legs and would try for the Deathtrap. Orton almost ended the match with a small package out of the hold, but Scorpion kicked out and tagged in Matt. Laid in kicks to Orton, then rushed Mack diving through the ropes taking him to the floor. Matt slipped on brass knuckles as the ref turned to Mack and Scorpion ordering them apart. Orton knelt up and got nailed with the knucks to his head, then Matt pulled him up and hit the Deadend and pinned him to win for his team.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match..........Matt Ward and Scorpion!

After the bell Mack floored Scorpion with a hard right and slid in the ring, Matt rolling out and heading up the ramp helping Scorpion up. The two stared in the ring smirking as Mack just stared back with disgust.

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