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Extreme 133 {6/14/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 10:59:52 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 14th, 2009

So here we be in the Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California with a crowd packe din tight, the show is sold out and pyro shoots off the stage kicking off Extreme like usual. We then hear"A New Level" by Pantera blast over the pa and the crowd is pumped the fuck up ready to explode with anticipation as the camera shoot all over the arena.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme everyone! Last week was Reckless Rebellion and it was off the charts. Tonight we got a big six man tag with Chris Orton teaming with the tag team looking to reinvent tag team wrestling, Xanthus and Corez, THC! They face Scorpion, Matt Ward, and D-Von Dudley who issued a huge statement attacking Orton after his DOGG Fight last Sunday. New International Champ Suicide Hank gets an IC Title shot against theone and only Mack it what could prove to turn to a hardcore match with their styles. We see the returning Jordan Brooks in a fatal four way which also sees the debut of Killa Wolf, but also involved is Nick Torres who may stop both from winning. Another debuting star is Storm who faces Taylor Johnson, these two became friends when Storm arrived in SEF, now they face off against each other, should be a good match and its first!

 Singles Match
 Storm v. Taylor Johnson  w/Chris Orton

It starts off with handshake and then the two women move into a lock up pushing each other around, struggling to overpower the other. Storm seemed to have the slight power edge, but Taylor stood her ground and they would end up breaking apart and pushing each other back. From there they just went full blown at each other with punches, Storm kicked out Taylor's left leg and sent her to a corner, charged in to her with shoulder tackle, then whipped her to the opposite corner following up quickly with a clothesline and looked for a bulldog. Taylor shoved her out and hopped up on the second rope leaping off with a flying clothesline taking Storm down. She worked her over on the mat pretty good, Storm countering back with some holds, the two women matched up good. A lot of good back and forth action, the end saw Storm looking for the Whirl Wind, but Taylor spun out of it and looked for The Last Kiss. She kissed Storm and went for the kick, but she ducked and slammed a knee to Taylor's back, whipped her around and ripped her up and over hitting the Eye Of The Storm, then pinned her to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Storm!

After the match Taylor was helped by Orton out of the ring, but she got up on the apron calling Storm over, gave her a hug and raised her arm in the air, then hopped down and left with Orton.


Fatal Four Way Match
Jordan Brooks v. Killa Wolf v. Justin Cage v. Nick Torres 

This one started as soon as Jordan and Wolf got to the ring and it was a brawl from hell. Cage came running out, but got took down by both men and sent flying over the ropes. Torres came out while the two were taking Wolf out and came up behind Wolf locking him in a full nelson, then ripped him up slamming him backfirst to the mat. Jordan waited for him to get up and then charged over with right hands. Torres responded with his own punches, but got a knee to the gut from Jordan and sent to the corner. He charged in burying a knee to Torres gut, then looked to lift him up on the turnbuckles, but Torres fought him off. Wolf came from behind slamming a forearm to Jordan's back, then delivered a german suplex to him. He started to get up and Torres charged over kicking Wolf in the head, ripped him up and hit a powerslam. He went after both Wolf and Jordan hiting each with moves and punches trying to keep them down. Cage would soon come back in, but get a boot to he face and ripped up for the Westsiders Edge. Torres hit it, but was pulled up by Jordan and dropped with BAD, then Wolf nailed a dropkick to Jordan's back sending him ou tto the floor. He jumped up Cage hooking his leg for the pin and won.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......Killa Wolf!

Afterwards Wolf made a quick exit as Jordan slid in the ring and stared him down.


Singles Match
SEF Intercontinental Championship
Suicide Hank v. MACK(c) 

Mack started off schooling Hank, giving the crowd some delight and Hank would slide ou tof the ring a few times mad and yelling that its not fair, telling the ref to stop being biased. Mack just acted cocky laying on the ropes waiting for him. They would end up working a good match, Hank actually got the best of Mack for a few minutes or so, had him down and went nuts trying to keep him that way. Mack wouldn't stay down though, the man who can took the punishment was taking it to Hank again. A good match until they spilled outside and Mack was hammering hank around the ring, sent him over the commentators table and then rolled in the ring and back out breaking the count. He went for Hank pulling him around, but got a microphone to his head, then Hank slammed Mack into the ringpost, the ref called for the bell dqing Hank.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........MACK!

Hank grabs the IC Title and bashes Mack in the head with it, then starts kicking him in the ribs. He drops the title on him, then grabs his International Title and makes his exit with the crowd tearing into him.


Main Event
 Six Man Tag Team Match
Chris Orton  w/Taylor Johnson + Xanthus + Corez v. Scorpion + Matt Ward + D-Von Dudley 

A good match that saw Matt start off against Orton and get well he got owned, D-Von and Scorpion made up for that. Xanthus and Corez showed off more of their ultimate tag team ability really taking it to the opposing team. X with his crazy high risks had the crowd going strong for him, Corez and him set each other up like, well like the brothers they are. Scorpion stayed on the apron quite a bit letting D-Von and Matt tag in mostly. He was involved a lot, but not legally persay, kept running in to save his partners, mostly targeted Orton. We saw the match come to a wild brawl after Scorpion took a CKO on the floor. Orton and Matt were legal in the ring, X and Corez took D-Von out and then Orton got the CKO on Matt and the win for his team.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match........Chris Orton, Xanthus, and Corez!

X and Corez come in and raise their arms with Orton, then Scorpion is up and staring in the ring. He smirks and Orton arches a brow, then gets sent forward to the ropes and turns to his attackers, his partners, Xanthus and Corez who both kick Orton in the gut and rip him over with a double suplex. X goes to the top rope as Corez rips up Orton hitting the Corez Effect. X flies off hitting the Swanton Suicide, then Scorpion comes in kicking at Orton, kneels down and starts hammering him with punches, the crowd booing like crazy. D-Von makes his exit as the three in the ring keep Orton down, but then Nick Torres comes storming down with a chair and slides in the ring. he gets up swinging, but Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez all bail out and run to the back. Taylor is in now checking on Orton as Torres stares down the attackers and gets cheered for the save, then Extreme goes off the air.

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