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Extreme 136 {7/5/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 11:52:16 PM

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Taylor Andrews

July 5th, 2009

Were in the Oakland Coliseum here in Oakland California for the first Extreme of July and the SEF event is sold out as usual, the fans rocking with anticipation of the night. Pyro shoots off the stge to kick things off, then we hear "A New Level" by Pantera and the cameras come to the life roaming all over the place.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme everyone! Tonight we continue the King of SEF tournament with some second round matches and in one of them a possible contender to the World Title faces the champion when D-Von Dudley and Chris Orton lock up.Two old friends clash when Nick Torres and Xanthus meet and we also got a triple threat match pitting Scorpion, Mack, and Taylor Johnson all against each other. Two more tournament matches with Killa-

Nick is cut off by "I Try" by The Jacka and the crowd boos loud as Suicide Hank jumps the guard rail and slides in the ring holding a ballbat and a mic.

Suicide Hank: Yea whatever, fuck ya all too!

More booing from the crowd.

Suicide Hank: I came out here right now for another reason than to grace you morons with my greatness, so shut up and listen!

But of course they boo him.

Suicide Hank: MACK...you have been ducking me for too long, you have ignored me enough, you proved your scared of me, that you don't want to go hardcore because I would own you, so lets set it stone to see how big of a coward you are. I am calling you out Mack, me and you at Golden Glory for your IIC Title and for my International Title in a Deathmatch, what do ya say...boy?!

A big ooooh from the crowd, boos for Hank, and a Mack chant starts. Hank is laughing as no one comes out and he raises the mic.

Suicide Hank: See, your back there trembl-

He's cut off by "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row and the crowd cheers so loud you can't hear yourself think. Mack comes out a dancing around and around, drops down on the stage doing the usual pose, then skips down the aisle, high fives some fans and rolls in the ring. He jumps up doing a crotch chop at Hank, then snatches his mic and stands in his face.

MACK: Just for the record son, this is exactly what I was waiting for your ass to do and that's call me out like a man instead of cheapshot me week after week like ya been doing!

A huge pop for Mack.

MACK: And as for your calling me out to the proposed match at Golden Glory, a Deathmatch, both our titles hanging above the destruction below, I can only say one thing Hank...its time for you to find who has more hardcore in their little finger than you got in your whole body, so boy, its on!

Mack shoves the mic to Hank's chest and lets go, it drops to the mat and Hank brings the bat up to hit Mack. He steps back just avoiding it, then shoves Hank on his ass against the ropes. Hank rolls from the ring and yells at him, Mack smiling and raising his arms as "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row hits and the crowd cheers loud. Hank makes his way around and heads to the back, Mack soon does the same.

Nick Miller: Well, well, what a way to kick things off. Mack and Hank at Golden Glory with both the IC and International Titles on the line in a deathmatch, that's huge. We still got our show to do tonight, so lets get going with it folks.

Singles Match
King of SEF 2nd Round
Xanthus v. Nick Torres

X flew at Torres right away and lit him up with quick jabs and kicks, had him reeling and hit some high risk moves putting him down, then went to the mat to keep him down. Torres fought back and couldn't be kept down too much, though X using his speed superbly kept the bigger man on the defense most of the match. Kinda like a game of cat and mouse, but in the end the cat would prevail after X went to the air one too many times and literally got caught and hit with The Westside. Torres pummeled him and tossed X around the ring, he fought back as well, but after a big boot Torres started looking for the end. X tried escaping a couple times and went for some of his trademarks, but Torres kept out of them and finally hit the Gangstas Edge and won the match with a pin.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Nick Torres!

Singles Match
King of SEF 2nd Round
Killa Wolf v. Jordan Brooks

The match started with a staredown, then both men tried punching each other out. Wolf raked Jordan's eyes to get the upperhand, had him in a corner, but took a european uppercut and was downed by a cllothesline. Jordan kept Wolf on the mat with a sleeper for a while, but when he started to get free Jordan let go and whipped him to the ropes. He hit a dropkick and applies a rear chinlock on Wolf, lets go after a few minutes and begins stomping his body making a full circle, then leaps high and drops a knee to Wolf's head. Jordan turns him on his back and jams a knee to his back while pulling back on Wolf's head and legs in a soprt of bow and arrow hold. He lets go of him again after a few minutes and kicks Wolf in the back, then yanks him up in a facelock and drops back with a snap ddt and pins, but only gets two. Jordan yanks up Wolf again and looks for a suplex, but Wolf slips out behind him and clubs Jordan in the back. He whips Jordan to the ropes and looks for a clothesline, Jordan ducks and both men turn and BAM...Wolf gets dropped with BAD and pinned for three.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match......Jordan Brooks!

Triple Threat Match
 Scorpion v. MACK v. Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton

As soon as Mack stepped in the ring Scorpion charged him, but got backdropped out to the floor and Mack soon followed with a splash to him and followed that with punches to his head. Mack chopped Scorpion up against the guard rail and clotheslined him over it, then rolled in the ring and disrobed as Taylor came out and got in the ring. She and Mack stood off and then locked up. Mack backed her to a corner and they both had a clean break, then another lockup and Mack got Taylor in a side headlock, then took her down keeping the lock on. Scorpion kinda hid out in the crowd and then jumped over the rail with a chair smashing it to Orton's back, then about took his head off with it. He slid in the ring with the chair, but Mack saw and jumped up spearing him to the mat. Taylor recovered and grabbed the chair, waited for Mack to get up and swings it. he ducks and Scorpion who is getting up takes the shot. Mack drops Taylor with Da Shows Ova sending her falling through the ropes to the floor and Mack falls on Scorpion pinning him to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........MACK!

Singles Match
King of SEF 2nd Round
Corez v. Suicide Hank

Hank tried his usual tactic of coming from the crowd to jump his opponent, but Corez anticipated him and dropkicked his legs sending him to the floor. Hank tried coming in with his ballbat and the ref took it away and has he threw it out Corez slipped on brass knucks and hammered Hank in the jaw knocking into a corner and out. Corez discarded them quick and pulled hank out delivering the Corez Effect and pinned him to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......Corez!

Main Event
Singles Match
King of SEF 2nd Round
D-Von Dudley v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson

D-Von was announced first, but didn't come out and so Orton was announced and he did come out confused. Taylor was suddenly sent flying forward to her face and Orton whipped around getting a lead pipe smacked over his head by D-Von who grabs him lifting Orton up and hitting a spinebuster on the stage. He pulled Orton up in a firemans carry and walked to the ring rolling him in, then he rolled in and the bell rung. D-Von pummeled Orton with punches, stomped the hell out of him, then liften him up and with cockiness went for Saving Grace. Orton spun out of it and tried for the CKO, but got sent to the ropes. He bounced back looking for a spear, but D-Von caught him in the head with a knee, then charged orton into a corner, ripped him up on the top rope and hit a superplex. D-Von pulled Orton up and looked for a powerbomb, flipped him up and Orton dropped down to his feet, hit a european uppercut and tried for the CKO. D-Von held on and rammed a knee into Orton's back, then hit him with Saving Grace and pinned to win the match.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........D-Von Dudley!

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