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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Extreme 155 {1/6/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 10:51:36 AM

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January 6th, 2010

It's the first show of the new year for SEF and its taking place inside the sold out Verizon Arena in Little Rock Arkansas where pyro blasts off over the ring as usual to ignite this frenzy of fans. A NEW LEVEL rips over the pa to pump them up even more and it fucking works, the place is louder than hell and the cameras float all over like a roller coaster on coke as Nick Miller gives us a rundown of the night.

Hello and welcome to the first Extreme in 2010! Tonight is a huge, a fucking grand, an enormous opportunity for the pretty much new star Johnny Camaro. He came in here just a couple weeks ago and well we have a small roster, so opportunity knocks a lot around here lately. Johnny gets to step up to MACK in a ladder match and what you retrieve...a contract to a World Title match. That is our main event and we have a couple more matches as well, so lets get this show started with Nikky Venom facing that masked crusader Spiderman!

KISS MY EYES AND LAY ME TO SLEEP comes over the pa now and the crowd is mixed again as Spiderman comes out prancing around some acting like he is shooting web. He starts down the aisle high fiving some kids getting cheers from them while Nick introduces him.

Introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 230 pounds...........Spiderman!

Once at the ring he hops up on the apron and leaps into the ring, steps around almost karate like and pretends to shoot web again. A video plays over the screen showing various clips of Nikky just rocking the shit as usual, and as KICK START MY HEART plays, lights flash purple, silver and orange through a mainly dark arena. After about ten seconds, Nikky walks through the curtain to a few cheers. He's appreciative of it, but he doesn't necessarily show it, as he looks up at the fans around him with lights flashing everywhere. He has a black bandana tied around his head, and a black jacket covering his heavily tattoed arms, and pops the color with a smirk, before continuing down the ramp. Nick Miller finally introduces him.

And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 259 pounds, he is The Devils Saint and the SEF International Champion........Nikky Venom!

He walks down the ramp, not really paying attention to the fans, instead, he walks towards a camera and starts talking into it, conveying a message of his awesomeness to the people at home. Once he reaches the padded area around the ring, he stops walking and stands, looking at his opponent in the ring, and then at the people all about him. He then jumps where he's standing, before running and sliding into the ring. Once inside he waits for a moment before getting up, and rips off his jacket and bandana, before going to the nearest turnbuckle and climbing it, throwing his arms in the air, palms pressed together above his head. He has a cocky smirk on his face, before getting down, and leaning against the turnbuckle, observing his opponent. The bell sounds and both men step out to the center of the ring, nods of respect and then a lock up begins this contest. Nikky has the power and backs up Spiderman to a corner, gives a clean break for the ref and out of respect. Spiderman steps out and they go for another lock up, but Nikky spins around behind Spiderman for a waist lock. He gets an elbow to the head and Spiderman spins around looking for a roundhouse kick. Nikky ducks him and leaps up nailing Bad Time on Spiderman bringing him down. Nikky grabs his arm and twists it up going for a Fujiwara Armbar and locks it in. Spiderman in pain screams some, but refuses to give up so early. He starts to twist around and tries to crawl for the ropes. Nikky lets him go and springs up, then drops down with an elbow to Spiderman. He wraps him up in a side headlock, Spiderman fighting up on his feet and shoves Nikky to the ropes. He bounces back and goes for a clothesline, but Spiderman ducks and runs to the ropes. Nikky comes off the other side and Spiderman looks to slide under his legs. Nikky quickly stops and stomps down on Spiderman's chest, then drops a knee to his throat. He lifts up Spiderman dragging him near a corner and lifts him up for a suplex, but nails The World Wide Suicide instead. He then goes to the top rope, the crowd cheering as they know what's next. Nikky stands up and leaps off with the Fuckstar Press slamming down on Spiderman and then hooks his leg for the pin, 1.........................2......................3! The crowd cheers loud as Nikky stands getting his arm raised and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.................Nikky Venom!

KICK START MY HEART comes over the pa as Nikky grabs his title and head up a corner shoving it in the air, the crowd cheering him on and Spiderman rolls to the floor in defeat. A figure comes by Spiderman and slides in the ring, its new guy Dante Davlin with a steel chair in his hands. He gets to his feet in the ring and charge sup behind Nikky who is on the ropes slamming the chair to his back causing Nikky to drape over the turnbuckles. Dante drops the chair down positioning right and reaches up to Nikky pulling him off the turnbuckles with a back suplex right on the chair. Dante gets up, the crowd booing him like crazy and he just sneers and focuses on Nikky. Dante lifts him up as if for a Powerbomb, but rips Nikky up high and falls back sending him throat first on the top rope like a hot shot, this move he calls High Society. More booing from the crowd as Nikky lays on the mat clutching his throat and Dante grabs the title now and stares at it. He then raises it high indicating its his soon enough and now lays it on Nikky's chest before exiting the ring. Nick Miller chimes in with some thoughts.

Well, Nikky picking up a win here showing off his skill has he has done successfully since joining SEF, but now he is the victim of a new guy coming in. This Dante Davlin loves to brag and boast and he certainly made an impact in the flesh, though we'll have to see what he can do when face to face!

Nikky is being helped to the back now, fans reach to touch him, pat him on the back and we go to the backstage area now where another new guy is standing in front of the typical promo area, mesh fence wrapped in barbed wire, SEF logo hanging by the same wire. Emmett Murdock is his name and he looks calm and straight, ready to deliver a message.

Good evening to all of you...

But then he's interrupted by the cracking of a beer and a Singapore cane moving in front of him. He turns to look and the view widens to show The Sandman standing there guzzling down a beer, his cane freely moving around as he does. Emmett just looks annoyed by this and shoves the cane away. Sandman drops his beer can, its empty and he suddeny slams the cane to Emmett's ribs, then gets side to side with him hooking the cane around his neck and slams him backwards with the White Russian Leg Sweep. The crowd can be heard cheering back there and Sandman stands up now, pulls out another beer cracking it and guzzles that down spilling a little on Emmett. He then drops the empty on him and Sandman now looks into the camera smirking like the Sandman we all know and says.

Guess who's back?!

He then yanks out another beer cracking that and walks out of view drinking it down as we look down to Emmett who is stirring in pain. The view now cuts out to the ring as the crowd is chanting....


It fades out some and Nick Miller gives his comment on what happened.

Wow, The Sandman is back in SEF from what we just saw and he laid out the new guy Emmett Murdock. Looks to me like no time was wasted in finding someone to rival him cause I doubt Emmett is gonna take this laying down! First a new guy jumps the International Champ, then another gets jumped by a returning Sandman, all this on top of an already awesome main event we have been expecting, what a night this turning into!

And now its time for the second match of the night and here we go. FLIRT comes over the pa and the crowd boos as Eden makes her way out acting all snobbish holding a hand up to shut out the fans. They let her have more boos and Nick Miller introduces her.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from East Hampton New York, weighing in at 122 pounds.......Eden St Claire!

She gets down to the ring and heads up the steps, climbs in and looks around with her nose held up, boos still fill the arena. They still boo when I AM hit's the pa, but a few cheer are heard due to Ravenna's affiliation with Nikky Venom. She comes out more focused on Eden looking straight at her while Nick introduces her.

And her opponent, making her way out here from Louisville Kentucky, weighing in at 150 pounds........Ravenna Crow!

She gets to the ring and slides in, springs up and charges Eden with a quick spear and lays in elbows to her face. Eden is trying to cover up and gets to the ropes yelling at the ref to call her off. He ends up grabbing Ravenna to pull her off. Eden gets up and stays by the ropes motioning to keep her back, the crowd booing. Ravenna stands back in a corner and Eden comes away from the ropes now calling for a lockup. Ravenna comes out as if to do the same, but suddenly kicks Eden in the stomach, then grabs her hair and runs Eden into a corner smashing her face to the turnbuckle to the crowd delight. Ravenna turns back to back and drops Eden with a neck breaker, then stands up and leaps up bringing a leg down across her throat. Ravenna rolls out on the apron and gets up climbing to the top turnbuckle and drops Sorrow's Revenge on Eden and stays on her for the pin, 1.........................2........................3! She gets up stomping on Eden as the crowd cheers a little more for her and Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match...........Ravenna Crow!

I AM plays over the pa as Ravenna gets her hand raised, kicks Eden from the ring to keep the cheers coming, then she makes her own exit. On the way up the aisle she even high fives a couple fans and seems to smile after that, then heads into the back. Nick comments now.

Seems Ravenna is fired up, could be from this bind with Nikky Venom, but she does seem in better spirits. Could be good for her and SEF, better competition is coming in and she is stepping up! Speaking of that, Johnny Camaro sounds like he is gonna do just that coming up in our main event when he faces MACK in a ladder match for a shot at the World Title!

And so we get set to deliver that huge main event when the lights go out and we hear BANG BANG BANG by the artist Wajid Hassan come over the pa. The lights stay our and the SEFTron shows images of Salman Van Dam leaping off the ropes, doing crazy dives on to opponents, flying all over and then a still pic of him is seen....

....and then it disappears and we see the words....


....then the tron fades to black, the music stops, and the lights come back on. The crowd is cheering and a small chant for SVD even breaks out, but soon fades out as the main event is right upon us, seconds away. Nick Miller is ready and he makes the announcement to begin this much anticipated main event.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the main event of tonight's Extreme and it is a ladder match where the winner will receive a shot at the SEF World Heavyweight Title!

Loud cheers for that and then the loud and distorted opening riff of SAVE ME hits the pa. The lights, which have dimmed, begin to light silver and slowly fade out along with the beat, as smoke comes out over the entrance. Once the chorus begins, about 25 seconds into the song, Johnny walks through the curtain, his swagger slow and cocky. He stands within the smoke, loosening himself up, before walking down the ramp and Nick Miller introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Newport Beach California, weighing in at 228 pounds.........Johnny Camaro!

He stops about mid-way down the ramp, and spreads his legs apart, and throws his arms in the air, forming a diamond, as pyro flies up behind him. The pyro finishes, he smirks, and walks down the ramp, hops up on the apron and steps into the ring. He warms up in the ring jumping in a corner, remains cool as he can and then goes motionless when SLAVE TO THE GRIND belts out over the pa and the crowd goes so fucking loud you can't hear your own thoughts. Mack comes swaggering out in his leather ring pants wearing his Ultimate Rebel shirt ripped up the sides and a black bandana in a headband. He looks down to Johnny who looks back and Nick Miller now introduces him.

And his opponent, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 269 pounds, he is the Ultimate Rebel............MACK!

Now he swaggers down the aisle, fans reach out slapping him on the back, Mack high fives a few, shows his respect to those who look up to him. He gets to the ring and hops up on the apron, stands and then steps into the ring throwing his fists in the air. The crowd is exploding with cheers as Johnny watches on keeping his face straight. Mack rips off his shirt and tosses it out to the crowd, then stands in the center of the ring. Johnny steps out, the ref acknowledges both know what's up a s both look above them to the briefcase that contains the signed contract. They look down in each others eyes, the bell rings and BAM, a big right from Mack spins Johnny around, then Mack is on him driving Johnny into a corner, buries a shoulder to ribs and rips him up sitting Johnny on the top turnbuckle. Johnny quickly gets it together and rains down some punches on Mack's head, kicks him away, then steps on the top turnbuckle and leaps off catching Mack with a Hurricanrana taking him down. Mack kneels up as Johnny springs to his feet and runs at him leaping a little and nails a dropkick to Mack's head. Johnny leaps on to the second rope and flips off with a twisting moonsault to Mack and kneels up over him raining down a few punches. He applies an Armbar on Mack and forces him on his side while kneeling up over top of him with the hold applied. Mack clenches his fist and punches the mat, the crowd behind him to get up, though they ain't booing Johnny out of the building, they just love Mack. He fights his way up on his knees and Johnny lets him go now, steps back and dropkicks him in the back sending Mack on his face. Johnny gets up and drops an elbow to Mack's back, then looks to apply a triangle choke. Mack blocks with his arms keeping Johnny's legs apart and kneels up, then stands and leaps up stomping down on Johnny's ribs taking some air from him. Mack runs to the ropes and comes back dropping an elbow to his chest, then gets up yanking Johnny to his feet and rips him up like a bear hug, but spins around nailing his Cyclone Slam putting Johnny on his back. Mack gets up and goes to a corner climbing to the top and flies off with an elbow planting X to Johnny's heart. The crowd is cheering loud now and Mack rolls from the ring and kneels down pulling a ladder out from under the ring. This place really gets loud seeing its time for some metal to come into play. Mack gets the ladder up on the apron and Johnny springs up, runs over and leaps with a dropkick sending the ladder into Mack knocking him down. He runs across the ring and comes back flying over the top rope spinning and lands on Mack with a splash. Johnny rolls off and gets to his feet grabbing the ladder, drives it into Mack's ribs, then slides it in the ring. He pulls up Mack and nails a European uppercut on him, then bends him down and hits Love Struck before dropping him with the Lovegun DDT. Mack lays facedown as Johnny gets up and rolls in the ring. He picks up the ladder setting it up under the briefcase and looks out seeing Mack start to push up, but still not up yet, so he starts climbing. The crowd now begins to boo him some, but hey, ya do what ya do to win, its not a lot anyways. Mack gets up anyways leaning on the ring and sees Johnny making his way up and rolls on in gets to his feet and stumbles to the ladder. He comes up the other side as Johnny gets a few feet away. Mack scurries up a few feet and begins rocking the ladder now. Johnny looks down and holds on as Mack really begins to rock it. Johnny realizing it's a lost cause leaps down to his feet and now tries to push over the ladder, but Mack leaps down as it goes over. The two men charge each other, Johnny leapfrogs as Mack ducks and hit's the ropes bouncing back for a spear. Johnny kicks up, but Mack grabs his leg and drops an elbow to his thigh, then pulls him over with a dragon screw and pops up to drop right back down with an elbow to the same leg, his left. Mack gets up and lifts Johnny's leg up kicking at the back of his knee, then starts to turn him for a figure four. Johnny kicks at him with his right leg keeping Mack from applying it, then kicks him backwards. Mack stumbles and falls against the ropes as Johnny rolls up on his feet. He tries shaking his leg and limps a little on it. Mack comes charging full on, but Johnny slips down quickly and dropkicks him in the knee. Mack falls forward and Johnny scrambles over him slamming forearms to his back, then latches on with a sleeper hold clamping as he can. Mack twists around thrashing his body, but Johnny holds on tight. Mack fights up on his knees and tries getting to his feet, but Johnny bends over pushing his weight down on Mack. He slams a knee to his back and Mack starts to slump some after that. Johnny keeps the hold on tight and the ref starts to grab Mack's arm when he pulls away and suddenly shoots up to his feet and runs to a corner swinging around and slams Johnny into it. Mack steps out grabbing his neck and Johnny hops on the middle turnbuckle and flies off catching Mack with a bulldog. He stands up and stomps on Mack's back, then drops a knee to the back of his head. He lifts up Mack and sends him into a corner, then runs with a shoulder block, stands up and nails The Quintessential Elbows. He lets Mack stagger up and leaps up for a roundhouse kick, but Mack ducks and catches him from behind in a waistlock. He twists around and rips Johnny up and over for a german suplex releasing him on his back. Mack gets up and picks up the ladder leaning it in a corner, then pulls up Johnny and knees him in the ribs, rips him up gut wrench style and not stopping motion he nails Sinned. Mack then gets up and pulls Johnny into an irish whip send him into the ladder backfirst. Mack charges right after him and collides with a body splash smashing Johnny against the ladder. Mack pulls him away and rips Johnny up nailing the Asshole Cutta. He then grabs the ladder with a body slam landing it on Johnny and climbs up to the top rope. Mack stands up straight, the crowd cheering him on loud and he flashes the rock on sign before leaping off with the Gangsta Splash to the ladder with Johnny still underneath and taking the worst. Mack rolls off holding his ribs and slowly stands up as Johnny moves the ladder off himself and rolls in pain. Mack runs over kicking him in the ribs, then lifts up Johnny kicking him hard in the left knee buckling him and hooks his arms nailing the Mack Attack. Mack picks up the ladder and stands it under the briefcase, looks up and starts climbing. Johnny tries to push himself up, but falls on his face and Mack steadily climbs as the crowd cheers loud. Johnny pushes up again, looks up seeing Mack and gets to his knees, crawls to the ladder and pulls himself up. He begins climbing up under Mack who is getting close now. Johnny frantically hurries and grabs Mack's boots, claws his way up and pounds on Mack's back. He tries pulling Mack down, but gets kicked and damn near elbowed off. Johnny barely hangs on and then reaches up with a low blow to Mack causing a number of boos to ring out. He then pulls himself up grabbing Mack and hooking his leg, then rips him backwards with a Russian leg sweep down to the mat. Both men bounce and roll away from each other, both get up slowly despite Johnny being the one to inflict the move. They get to their feet and turn stepping quickly and throwing some punches, they trade back and forth until Johnny goes for a low dropkick, but Mack leaps over his legs and drops a knee down into his face slamming Johnny to the mat. The crowd lets out a huge OOOH feeling the pain as Mack now rolls from the ring and seems to have enough. He pulls out a table to a huge pop and slides that in the ring, then pulls out a barbed wire bat and slides in the ring with it while Nick Miller says.

Oh my, looks like Mack is out for some blood!

Johnny is getting up on his knees and Mack moves in on him with a swing to the head, then drops the bat and pulls him up in a facelock nailing the Ghetto Busta. Mack gets up and picks up the table and leans it against some turnbuckles. Johnny is kneeling up now, blood running from his forehead and Mack comes charging at him planting a boot to his head knocking him over. Mack rips up Johnny and hammers him with a few chops to the chest, then whips him towards the table. Johnny stops short and turns with a roundhouse kick catching Mack in the side of the head whipping him around. He grabs Mack from behind in a full nelson, then steps one leg in front of Mack and trips him forward to his face. Johnny wraps his legs around Mack's neck in a triangle choke and Mack goes nuts, the crowd booing a little has Mack made this move famous. Johnny keeps latched on, but Mack is thrashing around wildly and pushes himself up to his knees, then rips himself and Johnny up and spins around dropping him with a Powerbomb. The hold is released and Mack falls backwards grasping his neck. Johnny rolls away and pulls himself up to his feet grabbing the ball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Mack gets up and comes over not seeing the ball bat and Johnny turns quickly swinging it into Mack's ribs, then jabs it up under his jaw knocking him backwards and now drives it to Mack's throat taking him to the mat and chokes him out with it. Johnny stands up and Mack is bleeding a little now. Johnny swings the bat down to his ribs cutting him open some more, then tosses it down and pulls Mack leaning him against the table in the corner. Johnny backs up some and looks to set up for a tackle, then takes off running. Mack bolts off the table and kicks Johnny in the head staggering him backwards and he hit's the ladder. Mack charges hitting him hard for a spear, but no, he rips him up and around for SMOKED slamming Johnny to the mat, but then rips him up and shoves him against the table, then charges spearing him through it and bounces Johnny's head off the turnbuckles folding him in half. The crowd is going insane now, this fucking match is awesome! Mack is up and turns walking to the ladder and positions it just right, then he begins to climb on up and does so steadily, but wearily, some blood coming from his cuts, Johnny stirs, but is out of it. Mack takes the last few steps and reaches up to the briefcase, takes one more step and unhooks it to a huge applause from the crowd. Mack raises it in the air as Nick Miller announces the winner

Here is your winner of the match.............MACK!

The crowd is cheering loud and Mack begins to climb down now as Johnny sits in the corner staring up, he breaths heavy and then looks down, almost, kinda down, but maybe just in pain. Mack gets to the mat and he opens the briefcase and inside is a contract and a pen, so he signs and shuts the case, then slams it to the ref and pumps his fists in the air garnering louder cheers from the crowd as SLAVE TO THE GRIND now plays. Mack then turns looking down at Johnny and extends a hand to him. Johnny seeing it looks up at Mack, then takes his hand and gets helped up. Mack pulls him into a friendly hug, then moves side to side and raises his arm in the air pointing to him, motioning it took two. Johnny pumps up a fist, then slaps Mack on the back and motions its his moment, so he now leaves the ring. Mack just heads up the turnbuckles and then from the rafters, a large, metal ankh is lowering down. The lights then go all out and we hear buzzing from the crowd, lights flashing, and the sound of people rushing in the ring, brawling. A few minutes pass and the lights come back on to show us several masked figures of men holding Mack down on the ankh as Midnight comes walking down the aisle. The masked men gets Mack handcuffed to the ankh and then back away from him as the ankh begins to rise up bringing Mack vertical. Midnight begins to get in the ring as the crowd is booing and Nick Miller comments.

Mack just went through hell against Johnny, now he gets gang assaulted and handcuffed to this cross or I suppose ankh, what the hell?!

Midnight is in the ring and she stays clear of Mack's leg reach and just sneers at him, then calls for a mic and lifts it to her mouth while motioning to the masked men to take their leave. They do and she now speaks.

You chased me from the arena and I am back and tonight your getting sacrificed Mack. I'm not finished with you by a long shot. I started this war against you and I will end it in your blood, now rise up and be sacrificed!

She drops her mic and lifts her arms in the air as TOURNIQUET plays over the pa and the ankh begins to raise up. The crowd boos loud as Mack just keeps his eyes on Midnight snarling down at her not giving two shits about this ritual, just pissed he got gang attacked. Midnight is smiling, looking all orgasmic in a way with this sacrifice ritual. The lights have dimmed down as well and Mack stops about thirty feet over the ring. Midnight looks up at him with that evil smirk and Mack looks down continuing to snarl and yells.


The stare down continues and the crowd continues booing this ritual and that is what we see as Extreme comes to an end and fades to black.

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