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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 159 {2/3/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 11:14:31 AM

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February 3rd, 2010

Whoa, no usual into to Extreme, instead we see a video playing of showing clips of Jordan Brooks from last year, from years before, he is punting people in the head, laying them out with the Big Apple Bomb, with BAD and the slips run together really fast as SCREAM screams over the pa. Finally the video stops and we see black as the music keeps going, then the words...


Are shown on the tron and then nothing seen nor heard. Now a huge burst of pyro shoots off over the ring and some smaller ones follow, then A NEW LEVEL blasts through the fucking Owensboro Sports Arena down in Kentucky riling up these goddamn crazy fans. Cameras roam all over the place and Nick Miller welcomes all to the show.

Welcome to Extreme everyone, welcome to the EF'NW because as of last week, due to some no good fucking copyright bullshit we had to change our name. We are the same damn attitude and tonight e got another kick ass EXTREME show for ya all!

Greg Boone responds now.

Yea, Mack gets to get owned by four people and the owner of EF'NW.

Nick says.

Well yes, Mack is in a handicapped, against the odds situation, however, his opponent have shown shit for a team. We also got a cage match between wannabe legend Steve Weigel and former International Champ Nikky Venom. Originally it was over Ravenna Crow, but someone wised up and now its just gonna be a brutal fight.

Greg responds.

One Steve will win, Nikky had his fifteen minutes of fame and is old news, kinda like Diamond Dogg will be after Bobby James owns him and takes his title!

Nick says.

Bobby could do it, no doubt the guy has proven he wants gold, he wants to make it here, and he does have the potential, but Dogg may be a fucked up freak. He is not a man to take lightly. Neither is Chris Orton who battles Johnny Camaro who shouldn't be underestimated either.

Greg responds.

Forget them both!

Nick says.

If you say so, but that match is another good one tonight, but first we start with a Tag Title Tournament match!

And so OBSCURE plays over the pa and here comes the big bitch Azreal and his lil "buddy" Dragon, both ignoring the boos from the crowd and just walk down the aisle as Nick announces them.

The following is a Tag Team Title Tournament match and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 563 pounds, they are the Mercy Killers.........Azreal and Shadow Dragon!

The two get into the ring and walk around acting like their badasses, but get booed for being too fake. Anyways, some gray and goldenrod lights flash as THE EXTREMIST plays over the pa and Emmett is seen with his back turned to everyone. After a few seconds he turns pumping his arms in the air and then begins to calmly walk down the aisle while Nick introduces him.

And their opponents, first, making his way to the ring, from St Gabriel Louisiana, weighing in at 230 pounds.........Emmett Murdock!

He heads up the steps still calm and gets in the ring stretching on the ropes waiting to begin the match. ENTER SANDMAN now plays and the crowd goes nuts knowing what is coming, who is coming.Here he comes, The Sandman, from the crowd as he has done for years, drinking beer and listening to the fans sing along to his theme while Nick introduces him.

And his partner, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is The Sandman!

He gets to ringside and does the usual but with some chick, pouring beer down her tight, small shirt and licking it up her tits. He then hops the rail and rolls into the ring. Sandman points at Dragon motioning he is trying something, the ref turns and CRACK goes the kendo stick over Azreal's head. Sandman tosses it out and backs up to his corner as Emmett charges Azreal tackling him through the ropes. The ref goes over to get them apart as Dragon rushes Sandman who kicks him low, then hooks him and nails the White Russian Leg Sweep to a huge roar from the crowd. He sits up and drinks a beer, then the ref turns back and Sandman goes for the pin, 1......................2......................3! Sandman sits back up and the crowd goes wild as ENTER SANDMAN plays again and Nick announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match............THE SANDMAN and Emmett Murdock!

Sandman gets up grabbing his cane as Azreal has laid out Emmett and comes in. He gets cracked in the head by Sandman, then pulled up and dropped with the White Russian Leg Sweep to more cheers. Sandman drinks some beer and heads out into the crowd as the arena chants his name and Nick says.

Well damn, looks like Sandman was all business tonight, carried his team to a victory and showed two young posers the ropes, literally, and a cane to boot!

Greg responds.

Can't argue that man, Dragon and Azreal, what the fuck happened to them?

We then go to the back now where Diamond Dogg is standing by with his newly created belt to represent the International Title as the Iron Man Title over his shoulder. He looks mean, intense, ready to kill and shouts out.

Diamond Dogg want more challengers! Diamond Dogg want to face everyone and kill them all! Diamond Dogg want more competition, so Diamond Dogg issues an open challenger to anyone who wants a shot at his IRON MAN TITLE!

He pauses, then appears to speak, but is cut off by a ballbat to the back causing him to lunge forward to the floor. Nikky Venom steps into view holding the bet and stomps on Dogg's back, then kneels down and choke shim with it as he screams.


He stands and stomps on Dogg's back again, then walks off as we go back to ringside where Nick says.

Wow, guess Nikky wants his rematch and he wants this Sunday at Crossing The Line!

Greg responds.

He better be careful what he wishes for cause he may end up facing Bobby James who will own him!

Nick says.

I don't know about that, but it sure would be a great match no matter who he faces!

We then get set for the next match.

Our next match is a Non-Title one fall singles match.

Nick states, then SAVE ME suddenly hits from The P.A. system while lights of silver and gold shine on the entrance ramp. Nick announces the wrestler.

Weighing in at 228lbs, from Newport Beach, California, he is The Quintessential Star... Johnny Camaro.

Camaro appears in the silver and gold lighting wearing his faux diamond sunglasses and fur coat and posing while his hair blows in the wind. The fans cheer for him before he makes his way down to the ring. Bursting from the speakers is YOUR GOING DOWN and Nick announces the opponent.

And his opponent is the current World Heavyweight Champion, weighing in at 245lbs, from San Diego California, he is Chris Orton.

Orton appears from the left of the ramp and poses at the top savoring the enormous pop from the fans. As he makes his way down he shakes a few hands before sliding into the ring. Both men stare each other down sizing the other one up.

Remember folks this match is not for the title.

Nick states.

No shit you already announced that fact genius.

Greg responds. Quickly the bell is rung as Orton circles around Camaro. Orton goes in for the lock up and Camaro enters it. Both men are jockeying for position while Chris over powers him pushing him to the ground. Johnny pops back up and re enters the lock up, but again his pushed backwards to the ground by Orton. Camaro rolls out of the ring and paces around running his fingers through his hair.

What a stall tactic.

Nick says.

He's collecting himself. Its a strategy.

Greg responds. As Camaro is walking around the ring, Orton walks towards him just as Johnny sweeps his legs out from him and pulls him out delivering a hard chop to the chest of Orton. Camaro swift kicks Chris into the gut and Irish whips Orton right into the metal guard railing. Some fans pat Orton on the back trying to encourage him. Camaro moves towards Orton and pulls him off the railing. Chris pushes Camaro back and punches him directly in the jaw. Kicking him causing him to double over as he hits a snap suplex right onto the padded floor. Orton slithers back into the ring ready to pounce.

Chris Orton is on the attack.

Nick states.

Orton should be out there, not counting Camaro out of the match.

Greg mentions. Slowly Camaro is making his way to his feet. Pulling himself up by the ring apron he rolls into the ring at the seven count. Orton crouches behind Camaro setting up the CKO. Johnny gets to his feet as he goes for The CKO but Camaro ducks it while Orton falls flat on the ground. Johnny starts to stomp on Orton pulling him to his feet. Camaro Irish whips him as Orton comes back he is it with a picture perfect dropkick. Johnny poses for a moment looking out into the crowd. Moving towards the turnbuckle he hops to the top and flies off nailing an elbow drop as Orton flops around in pain. Trying to pull Orton up to his feet, but Chris locks onto Camaro's head and drops to his knees, ramming his head into Camaro's jaw. Suddenly many fans start to boo as Bobby James makes his way over the railing unbeknown to the referee. Grabbing a steel chair he slouches down next to the ring.

What the hell is Boston's Best doing here?!

Nick angrily states.

I think he wants Camaro to lose Nick.

Greg simply answers back. Both men lock back up with Orton trying for an Irish whip on Camaro, but Johnny reverses it. Making his move Bobby James rises up and slams the steel chair right into the back of Orton causing him to stumble forward, though he thouight it was gonna be Camaro. Seeing the opportunity Camaro bounces off of the ropes and nails The Speed Drop onto Orton. The ref quickly bends down as Camaro goes for the pin. The ref counts out 1...2...3! Nick announces the winner.

The winner of the match...Johnny Camaro!

SAVE ME plays throughout the arena as Johnny raises his arms in victory and smirks at an enraged Bobby James. Camaro leans over the ropes as he mouths "I'm A Winner!" at Boston's Best.

Bobby James tried to screw Camaro!

Nick yells.

Yeah, but Orton got screwed in the end though.

Greg states.

This shows that the rivalry between Camaro and James is far from over.

Nick mentions. Then we see the arena lights go out and the tron lights up with images of Salman Van Dam flying all over the ring, pulling off wicked, insane moves, dropping opponents left and right in the ring and then a flash to a still pic as BANG BANG BANG plays.

And now it disappears and we see the message.


And then the tron fades out, the lights come back on and the crowd is buzzing with excitement. The steel Cage begins to lower and the fans of the newly name E F'N W jump to their feet in cheers as Nick Miller says.

Well it looks like its time for our steel cage match tonight. Where Nikky Venom and Steve Weigel face off against each other.

Greg Boone responds.

You said it Nick. Tonight Nikky Vemon is looking to end the career of The Legendary Steve Weigel.

Nick says.

But came you blame him greg? For what he did to his girlfriend. What was Mr. Weigel thinking?

Greg responds.

He was thinking that he wanted to get into the mind of Nikky and it work. Weigel has never lost a match here so far and his debut was a great one here in E F'N W. Weigel is a Mastermind.

Nick says.

Lets just hope Weigel can keep on winning after Nikky gets a hold of him tonight.

The lights go out and BEAUTIFUL plays over the pa system as the fans start booing and Nick makes the introduction.

Making his way to the ring, weighing two hundred and fifty five pounds and stand at six foot four. Hailing from St. Louis Missouri, The legendary Steve Weigel!

As the lights come back on Steve Weigel is standing on the steel stage with his right arm into the air. He looks around at the booing fans and starts to smirk as he begins to make his way down the rampway. Steve stops at the cage and looks it up and down before walking over to the door and opening it. Steve then slides into the ring and waits for Nikky to come out. Nick Miller chimes in now.

How can he stand there smirking after what he did to that poor girl? I really hope Steve weigel is ready for Nikky because he is going to come at him full force.

Greg responds.

Poor girl you say. Steve was just trying to take what he wanted. Hell if I seen a girl I wanted I wouldn't care who she is with.

Nick says.

He tried to kill her. If you ask me he should be lock up.

Greg responds.

Thats why no one ever ask you anything. Some people understand how Weigel feels. A broken heart will make you do things thats questionable.

Nick says.

Lets just back to the match at hand.

The fans fly to their feet and cheer as KICK START MY HEART starts to play over the pa system and Nikky Vemon walks out with a mad look on his face while Nick makes the announcement.

Making his way to the ring, weighing in at two hundred and fifty nine pounds and standing in at six foot three. Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Nikky Vemon!!!

Purple and blue neon lights circle the arena as Nikky runs down the rampway and to the cage. Steve and him have words at the cage before he walks over to the steel door. Nikky Venom walks up the steel steps and over the middle rope and into the ring. The ref closes the steel door and Nikky gets in the face of Weigel as they talk shit back and froth. Nick speaks up now.

Looks like business is about to pick up Greg.

Greg responds.

Damn right this is going to be a all out street fight and not a match at all.

Nick says.

Well lets just see what happens then.

The bell rings and the fans cheer as Nikky wastes no time as he kicks Weigel in the gut and nails a ddt. He then begins to stomp Weigel in the gut over and over again. Weigel tries to hold his gut as Nikky picks him up and irish whips him into the ropes. As Steve hits the ropes he grabs on and Nikky runs at him. Steve moves and trips Nikky into the ropes. Steve kicks him in the back and picks him up. Steve hooks him up and suplex's him over his head and into the mat. Steve gets up and picks him up. Steve takes Nikky's head and runs at the cage but Nikky puts his hand on the cage stopping it and rams Steve's head into the cage. nikky then takes his head and grinds it into the steel cage causing Weigel to start bleeding. Weigel falls to the mat holding his face. Nikky Smirks and looks at the door for a second before shaking his head. He walks over to Weigel and picks him up. He goes to punch him but Weigel blocks and starts hitting him. Weigel kicks him in the gut and tries to hit Your Suicide but Nikky pushes him into the ropes he bounce off the ropes and Nikky drop kicks him. We hear Nick Miller chime in now.

Did you see Weigel going for Your Suicide already.

Greg responds.

He was trying to stop nikky from having the upper hand.

Nikky gets up and starts climbing up the side of the cage to get out as slowly Weigel gets to his feet and wipes the bleed from his face. Weigel runs over grabing his leg and pulls Nikky down. This time Weigel kicks him in the gut and knees him in the face knocking him to the mat. Steve gets on top of Nikky and starts to chock him. Nikky starts hitting him in the rib, but Weigel starts punching him in the face over and over again. Steve gets up and taunts the crowd. The crowd starts booing. Nikky gets to his feet and Weigel kicks him in the gut again and hits Your Suicide. Nikky falls to the mat and Weigel gets up and leans against the ropes smirking. Weigel begins to climb the steel cage as nikky gets to his feet. Nikky starts climbing too. They both get to the top of the cage with one leg over sitting and starts throwing punches. But Steve gets the upper hand and throws Nikky back into the cage. Weigel looks at the outside and then back at Nikky and starts to laugh a bit as he tries stand on the cage. Steve jumps off the cage into the ring and hits a frog splash. Nikky rolls over in pain and Steve falls holding his ribs in pain. Steve crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up looking at Nikky and waves his hand for Nikky to get up. Nikky slowly gets to his feet and turns around as Steve nails him with My Suicide. Steve tries to get up as Nikky just lays there but cant so he starts crawling to the steel door. The ref opens the door and Weigel falls out into the floor for the victory. BEAUTIFUL plays as Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner and still undefeted... Steve Weigel!

Nick now says.

OH MY GOD, did you just see what happen? What was Weigel thinking flying from the top of the cage. Thats a career ending move.

Greg responds.

He may not be hardly able to walk but he got the job done. Nikky came in thinking he was going to win, but Weigel knew he was going to win.

Nick says.

What are you saying?

Greg responds.

That Nikky never had a chance.

We go to the back after the brutal cage match and find Mack standing there in his ring pants and an Ultimate Rebel shirt, a bandana, and a straight, serious, focused expression on his face and he simply says.

What ya all witnessed so far is young blood stepping the fuck up and getting to be known, becoming somebody, trying to be made, but not a damn soul within this fucking company is known worldwide and I am begging any of them to fucking prove it, c'mon, ya posers, ya fucking slacked jaw assholes, prove your worth or go back to the nickel and dime jobs breaking your balls to achieve jack shit!

He spits down in disgust, then speaks again.

I am sick and tired of people walking around thinking their shit don't stink, thinking that with a few years under their belt they are automatically made, that that they are legendary, it's a fucking crock, a joke, a false persona they bestow upon themselves to make up for being a nobody in real life. Becoming a legend is something you earn, it is something that every, single other one of your peers must bestow upon you and no one in S...EF'NW has that honor bestowed upon them, no one on Aimoo, no one from MSN, no one from any small circuit of indies, and very few who made it into mainstream. Legends in this business are not common, they are probably able to be counted on one hand, maybe two and that is a shoot, brothers!

He looks ready to destroy anyone, but still, calmly, says.

Feels like I just repeated myself, but with some people, ya often have to do that because they can't accept the truth, they can't handle it and in due time they will suffer worse than a loss, they will be forced to find out the truth when they are put down and forced to actually earn a status they claim with no basis to back it up. I speak not just of Steve Weigel, yes, I know his name, I know all names who come into S...EF'NW. Now, I ain't god, I ain't Jesus, though I used that name long before Johnny Camaro ever called himself Christ!

He pauses and the crowd can be heard cheering for Mack all the way back here, then he speaks again.

Tonight I will not let the odds get me down, I will not let DICK hold me down, Mack is not gonna let himself down. This Sunday is the end of Chris Orton's title run, his time is over and well some here may want me to win, that is their worst nightmare. As World Champ, no one in this company today can beat me anytime soon and that is a shoot!

Again the crowd cheers him because it is a shoot, call it a lie, but its not, it's a fucking shoot, deal with it, accept it. Mack cares not for any of it and just says.

Well hey, enough of taking up tv time for my little ol' ass, might get accused of holding down others, heh, fucking idiots. Well hey, Ravyn Crow, Midnight, Dante Davlin, and Gabriel, fucking Ric E as well, I don't care if I win tonight, its not about the win, the almighty win some of these blimey fucking posers care for. Tonight I wipe the mat up with you son of a bitches and Sunday I reclaim the title I made, yea, that fucking World Title is mine, so fuck off Chris Orton, fuck you and fuck all you muthafuckas around here, ya all ain't shit compared to Mack and that is a SHOOT!

He spits disgustingly into the camera again, then moves out of view which now cuts to ringside and Nick just says.

Wow, what a shoot by Mack!

Greg responds.

Yea, the guy is fired up more than ever, I don't know what to day, so lets watch and find out!

And so we move on to another match and it's the title match of the night, Nick makes the announcement now.

The following is a singles match and is for the International Title!

UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE hits and Bobby James runs down to the ring, slides in and jumps on the turnbuckle posing before getting down. Nick then introduces him.

Introducing the challenger, from Boston, Massachuesetts, weighing 263lbs, Bobbbbbby Jammmmesssssss!

IN LEAGUE hits and Diamond Dogg walks out from behind the curtain sporting his new title. He walks down the ramp bad mouthing the opponent and mocking Nikky Venom for his loss. He goes into the ring and poses with his title. Nick introduces the champ now.

And the International Champion, from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 260lbs, Diamoonnnnd Doggggggg!

The bell rings and the two circle each other then lock up. They stay locked up and Dogg pushes James into the corner and the ref backs them off. They lock up again this time James pushes Dogg into the corner, the ref backs them off again. They lock up one more time, this time James kicks Diamond in the stomach before he can do anything. James gets Dogg up and gives him a Running Powerslam. Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom walk down the ramp with chairs. James keeps on beating on Diamond Dogg. The Infection walk around the ringside and in front of the announceers booth, they sit down and watch the match. Diamond Dogg reverses an attempt at The Highlight and locks in a Boston Crab. He's staring right at Nikky who's stands up and takes the Ironman Title and walks away. Dogg jumps up and tries to leave the ring but the ref is restraining him, Dogg is trying to leave and can't get by him. Bobby James hits Diamond Dogg with a Low Blow that the ref doesn't see. James turns Dogg around and hits The Highlight. Johnny Camaro runs in and pushes James out of the way hitting Diamond Dogg with an elbow. Ding...Ding...Ding. Camaro Just cost Bobby James the title. James is going after Camaro who books it from the ring and James follows to the back!! Here's Nick with the announcement!!!

And your winner, as a result of a Disqualification, Bobbbbbby Jammmmesssssss!!! Sadly the title cannot change hands by DQ so the champion is still Diamoonnnnd Doggggggg!!!

IN LEAGUE plays, but Nikky comes back to the ring now with the title, waits for Dogg to start to get up and BAM, bashes him in the head with the belt. Dogg goes down and Nikky smirks as the crowd cheers him on. He then laysthe title on Dogg and tells him.


KICK START YOUR HEART plays now and Nikky leaves the ring, backs up the aisle smirking at his work, then turns and leaves to the back. Nick speaks now.

Man, that match shoulda went on longer, but its hard to blame the antics of Camaro and Venom with the rivalries existing.

Greg responds.

Oh please, Camaro got lucky last week and outta leave well enough alone and Venom, he got owned, he needs to stay out before he gets out permanently!

Nick says.

I don't know about that, two way streets is what drives rivalries!

So here we are, time for the match of the night, the headliner, the one that sold this fucking arena out here in Owensboro and we now hear POLITICS hit the pa and out walks the owner Ric E Dangerously in black jeans and a ref shirt. The crowd lets him have boos upon boos and Ric just swaggers down the aisle as Nick announces him.

The following is our main event and it is a handicapped match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the special guest referee for the match, from Ann Arbor Michigan, he is the Owner of EF'NW..........Richard E Dangerously!

He gets to the ring and climbs in via the steps, then backs into a corner and waits. We now hear DEADMAN WALKING and the crowd continues booing as Ravyn and Midnight walk out smirking while Nick introduces them.

And now for the participants, first, at a combined weight of 500 pounds, they represent the Dark Shadow Society........Ravyn Crow and Midnight!

They head down the aisle and get into the ring nodding to Ric showing their collusion with the owner. Then COLORS is heard and here comes Gabriel looking pissed off and ready to fight as Nick introduces him.

And one of their partners, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the Devils Messenger..........Gabriel!

He ignores the booing fans and approaches the ring rolling and stands up eyeing his partners, then turns ready to go. We now hear BETTER THAN YOU hit the pa and out steps Dante looking casual and Nick introduces him.

And their final partner, from Minneapolis Minnesota, weighing in at 237 pounds............Dante Davlin!

Dante shoots his arms up and the crowd just boos, but then his music cuts out and everyone is confused. Dante turns around making sure no one is coming out, but is met with SMOKED from Mack who slams Dante to the floor. The crowd bellows out in cheers rocking this fucking arena to its foundations getting a bigger applause than anyone tonight. Mack pulls up Dante and rips him in the air, jumps and spins nailing SINNED and laying Dante out cold. Mack stands up and the crowd is just out of it, they are insane for this man. SLAVE TO THE GRIND belts out over the pa now and Nick introduces Mack, like he needs to!

And their opponent, from Detroit fucking Michigan, weighing in at 269 pounds, he is the Ultimate fucking Rebel................MACK!

Mack stands at ringside now and then suddenly slides in and makes a beeline for Ravyn tackling him through the ropes to the floor. Mack gets up and backs away quickly as Midnight and Gabriel hop out. Mack collides in punches with Gabriel, then suddenly snaps back with Da Shows Ova laying out Midnight. Gabriel pounds on his back now, then runs Mack shoulder first into a ring post and rolls him in the ring. Ravyn gets up and rolls in the ring as Gabriel grabs a chain from under the ring. Ravyn kicks Mack in the head, then lifts him up and nails a sidewalk slam, leans back for the pin, 1...2.kickout! Gabriel rolls in now as Nick Miller says.

Fast count from Ric, surprise there!!!!

Greg responds.

Seemed fair to me, hell, Mack even kicked out, so shut up!

Gabriel has the chain wrapped around Mack's neck now and sits him up choking the life out of him while Ravyn delivers some kicks to the chest. Midnight stirs on the floor as Dante is still out up by the entrance, but lifts his head a little. Gabriel lifts up Mack and drops him with a Russian leg sweep, then pulls Mack back up whipping him to the ropes. Ravyn readies for a big boot, but Mack ducks and dives out of the ring at Midnight keeping her down. Mack gets up and is crashed on with a splash by Gabriel. Ravyn comes out and helps up Gabriel, then they lift up Mack and roll him back in the ring. They climb in and Mack bolts up rushing to the ropes kicking Ravyn backwards, then helps Gabriel into the ring and shove shim to a corner. Mack buries a shoulder to his ribs, then rips Gabriel up to the top rope and climbs up for a superplex. Ravyn gets back in and clubs Mack across the back, then lifts him up on his shoulders and Gabriel looks for a clothesline. Mack rolls forward bringing Ravyn into a pin, but Ric drops down and fakes an arm injury. Gabriel is in pain from hitting the mat and Mack pops up kicking Ric in his head, then rips him up and delivers the Mack Attack on him to a huge applause. Ravyn gets up and clubs Mack across the back, then turns him around for a choke slam. Mack kicks him in the ribs, but Gabriel gets up and runs at Mack clothes lining him down. He and Ravyn see Ric down and Midnight is getting up in the ring. Dante is kneeling up now when Salman Van Dam rushes out with a punt to his head keeping him out, then rushes to the ring and slides in. He rushes Ravyn with punches, turns to fight off Gabriel and has both reeling. Midnight comes in and gets kicked back to a corner as Nick yells.


Greg responds.

Fuck him, he has no business interfering!

SVD floors Gabriel and rocks Ravyn to a corner, then backs up and runs in for a splash, but Midnight cuts him off with a spear. Mack is up and drops Gabriel with hard right, then rushes over at Midnight nailing her with SMOKED. Mack and Ravyn go punch for punch now as Ric gets on the floor and calls for the bell, then demands Nick Miller announce the winner, so he does.

Here are your winners of the match by disqualification.....Ravyn Crow, Midnight, Gabriel, and Dante Davlin!

A lot of boos from the crowd and no change to what happens in the ring. Ravyn and Mack still trade punches, but Mack dodges back and kicks Ravyn in the gut, then pulls him down and nails the Violent Impact. Mack starts to get up when Gabriel whips the chain across his back, then chokes Mack with it and now rips him up hitting The Message. But we see some new guy run out to the ring and clubs Gabriel across the back, then rips him up for a Powerbomb and once up high he pulls Gabriel down into a code breaker, then stands up getting cheered for what he did. The guy picks up Gabriel and runs him to the ropes sending him flying over the top rope, gets a mic and stands in the middle of the ring, then speaks.

And your winner of this years F'N Rumble.......

He bends down, then rears back pausing for effect and now shouts out.


And the crowd cheers for him as the show is signaled to be about over with A NEW LEVEL blasting over the pa and Ric on his feet seething in anger mat his plan thwarted. Rocket stands on the turnbuckles posing as SVD stirs and Nick Miller now says.

What a fucking show that was what a show it will be this Sunday for Crossing The Line which hosts The F'N Rumble!

Greg responds.

And hopefully we see someone worthy of the gold go on to take it and put Orton or Mack in their place, hell, put them both down!

Nick says.

Yea, we got the World Title match and Nikky Venom wants his rematch there as well for the International Title and it was confirmed, he and Diamond Dogg will have a thirty minute Iron Man match! Two great matches and The F'N Rumble, ya all won't wanna miss this, so see ya Sunday!

And the crowd is on their feet cheering, especially once Mack is on his feet, they really applaud him, then the cameras roam around some and the show ends fading to black.

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