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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 160 {2/10/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 11:38:08 AM

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February 10th, 2010

Three days later after The F'N Rumble at Crossing The Line and here we be inside the Roberts Stadium packed full of diehard fans in Evansville Indiana. The usual pyro blasts off over the ring and is followed by A NEW LEVEL coming over the pa, the cameras roam all over the place and Nick Miller brings up to speed.

Welcome to Extreme everyone, the only true extreme left in wrestling today right here in EF'NW! This past Sunday was truly extreme with The F'N Rumble and man what a huge event, a huge shocker, what a show altogether it was!

Greg Boone responds to him.

Hell yea it was, Mack is back, Shane Mack is the new World Champ as he rightfully deserves to be!

Nick now says.

Hmmm, ok, well yea he is champ and deserves it, Mack is great, but he ain't the only great one and some don't like how he won Sunday.

Greg responds.

So what, Mack woulda won no matter what, he'll win tonight on his own, enough said!

Nick says.

Three on one is what it could be, though SVD seems to be ok with Mack, so who knows, Orton has vowed to stay away though.

Greg responds.

Good, he sucks!

Nick says.

Ok, sure he does. We got more matches though and-

Nick is cut off by the sound of SCREAM hitting the pa and out walks Gabriel Brooks with a swagger and he gets cheered, some boos. He just heads to the ring, slaps a few fans hands, then gets into the ring and gets a mic, then says.

Well Sunday is the day I did exactly what is said I would do, I walked in and fooled them all, proved that no one knew what I knew, then walked out this years rumble winner and now Shane Mack...

A mixed reaction for Mack and Gabriel speaks again.

You and I at Wrestle X and what was supposed to be my moment was ruined by you Sunday, so at Wrestle X, I'm doing more than taking your title, I'm taking you out!

A mixed reaction again, then SCREAM hits and Gabriel drops the mic before climbing the turnbuckles and raising his arm sin the air, his fists pumped up. He hops down and exit's the ring heading to the back, the crowd behind him pretty good and Greg Boone says.

Whatever, he isn't taking anyone out cause unlike the rumble, he now has to face Mack!

Nick responds.

I don't know, he seems fired up and well Mack is great, he is not unbeatable, no one is, so lets see who gets beat in our first match up featuring The Rocket in his first singles match when he takes on Azreal!

So our first match is about to start and SABOTAGE hit's the pa now and the crowd cheers as Rocket comes walking out and looks around at the crowd while Nick Miller introduces him.

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Houston Texas, he weighs in at 255 pounds........The Rocket!

He walks down the aisle now and head sup into the ring climbing the turnbuckles and thrusts a fist in the air getting cheered. Rockets steps down and now OBSCURE is heard and out walks Azreal and Nick introduces him.

And his opponent, from Tokyo Japan, weighing in at 353 pounds.........Azreal!

He comes down the aisle and rolls in the ring, then gets up and the bell rings. Azreal charges,but Rocket ducks and runs to the ropes, bounces off and nails Azreal with Shadow's Fall. Azreal clutches his ribs and rolls out to the floor as Rocket gets up and heads out as well. He picks up Azreal and slams his head to the commentators table, then looks to throw him in the ring, but gets a punch top the ribs and shoved backwards. Azreal grabs a steel chair and swings slamming it over Rocket's head bringing the crowd to boos cause the ref sees and calls for the do. Azreal just drops the chair as Rocket lays out on the floor now and Nick Miler announces the official outcome.

The winner of the match due to a disqualification.........The Rocket!

Azreal is forced to the back now and he storms away as Rocket is helped to the back and Greg Boone says.

Well good, lets get on to a match worth watching.

Nick responds.

I wanted to see Rocket in his first singles match here in EF'NW. After his impact in the rumble I was looking very forward to it as I am sure the fans were too.

Greg says.

Who cares, lets move on!

Well we do as we got a show to do, so VAMPIRE HEART hit's the pa and here comes Angel to boos as Nick makes the announcement.

The following is a three way dance scheduled for two falls. Introducing first, from Chino California, weighing in at 135 pounds........Angel!

Angel gets to thee ring and rolls in, then FLIRT hits and out comes Eden to boos as Nick introduces her.

And her first opponent, from East Hampton New York, weighing in at 122 pounds.........Eden St Claire!

Eden comes down and steps in the ring, then I AM hits and out walks Megan to a few cheers and Nick introduces her.

And the final opponent, from Louisville Kentucky, weighing in at 150 pounds.......Megan Sorrow!

She comes down the aisle high fiving a few fans, then gets in the ring. The bell rings and Angels runs at Eden for a spear. Eden leaps over her and thinks she is hot for it, but Megan takes her down with an sto, then locks her in an stf and she taps quickly giving Megan the win in the first fall. Angel comes over kicking Megan in the head, then lifts her up and sends her into the ropes. Megan bounces back and Angel leaps up for a cross body, but Megan ducks. Angel rolls near the ropes and Megan runs over at her with a kick to the ribs. She then rips her up and hit's a snap suplex laying Angel in front of a corner, then Megan goes to the top and drops off with Sorrow's Revenge to Angel and pins, 1...................2..................3! The crowd cheers as I AM hits and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match..........Megan Sorrow!

She stands up, her hands is raised and Megan smiles at the cheers she gets, then climbs the turnbuckles pumping her fists in the air. She then makes her exit as Nick says.

A win for Megan, not a real hard one either, she needs some better competition.

Greg responds.

She's get owned by anyone else, she still sucks.

Nick says.

Doubtful, she has been improving since she first signed here.

We get set for our next match and the last of the tag tournament to determine who faces off in the finals next week. DEADMAN WALKING comes over the pa and the crowd boos as Ravyn and Midnight walk out with dominant steps and Nick introduces them.

The following is a Tag Team Title Tournament match and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first at a combined weight of 500 pounds, they are the Dark Shadow Society.........Ravyn Crow and Midnight!

The couple walks to the ring and Midnight heads up the steps as Ravyn follows her and they stand in the ring sneering at the booing fans. We now hear SAVE ME and the crowd cheers as Nikky and Johnny walk out, Nikky flaunting his title while Johnny flaunts himself and Nick Miller introduces them.

And the opponents at a combined weight of 487 pounds, they are The Infection........Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro!

The two head down the aisle, fans slap their shoulders and they just get to the ring where Nikky slides in. Johnny heads up the steps and into the ring showboating a little more, then removes his coat while Nikky drops his title at ringside. The bell rings and Nikky starts against Ravyn. They lock up and Ravyn struggles, but manages to shove Nikky to a corner, then charges him, but gets a kick to his knee and falls face first to the turnbuckles. Nikky quickly nails some punches to his lower back, then runs across the ring and bounces back. Ravyn turns and gets hit with Bad Time, then pinned, 1................2.....Midnight is in kicking Nikky in the head breaking the fall and Johnny flies in, but the ref keeps him back and forces both to their corners. Nikky pulls Ravyn up and looks for a suplex, but gets a knee to the gut and Ravyn rips him up nailing a suplex. He then stands and stomps on Nikky's head, raises him up and nails a sidewalk slam. Ravyn gets up and tags Midnight, then lifts up Nikky body slamming him near their corner. Midnight comes off the top rope with a splash to Nikky and pins, 1..................2...........kickout! Midnight pulls up Nikky and hammers him with punches, then whips him to the ropes and looks for a clothesline. He ducks it and bounces off the ropes for a spear, but Midnight leapfrogs him. They both turn and trade punches, Midnight gets a knee to Nikky's ribs, then looks for an irish whip.He reverses sending her to a corner and follows up hitting Dante's Inferno. Nikky pulls himself up and makes the tag to Johnny who leaps into the ring and raises up Midnight, whips her to the ropes and tries for The Speed Drop. She kicks him in the ribs to stop it and lifts him up hitting a ddt. We then hear SLAVE TO THE GRING and the crowd gets excited, cheers and boos fill the arena in hopes to see Mack, but no one comes out. Nikky is distracted as is the ref and Ravyn. In the ring Midnight has looked up, but kneels over Johnny hammering him. Shane Mack comes from the crowd with his title and smashes it to the back of Ravyn bring him to the floor, then drops him with the Mack Attack right there as Nick Miller says.

This feud Mack has with the DSS may prove to cost the DSS in this tag title tournament.

Greg responds.

Not like they had a chance anyways.

Mack backs up by the commentators leaning on the rail as Midnight has Johnny up and looks for a choke slam. She gets a kick to her ribs and shoved to the ropes, then Johnny drops her with The Trademark. Johnny puls himself up as Midnight rolls to her corner, but no one to tag. Johnny comes running over with a kick to her back, then rips up Midnight and whips her to the opposite corner, his own. Johnny runs over with a spear to her, then stands and nails The Quintessential Elbows before dropping her with the Lovegun DDT and tags Nikky who climbs to the top rope and flies off with the Fuckstar Press. He lands it on Midnight and pins, 1.................2................3! Mack pulls Johnny out to the floor and slams the title to his head knocking him to the floor, then rolls in the ring as Nick Miller announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match, The Infection...........Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro!

Nikky stands and looks for Johnny when Mack nails Da Shows Ova on him and stands tall now while the crowd boos him quite a bit, though a lot of cheers too, damn. SLAVE TO THE GRIND hits as Mack holds his title high and smirks before leaving to the back and Nick Miller says.

Mack making his presence felt here for sure. First he costs DSS the match, then lays out the winners.

Greg responds.

Just proving who the real show is around here!

So moving along as usual we hear THE ECSTASY OF GOLD hit the pa and out walks Drew looking serious, the fans cheering him a little and Nick makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Seymour Missouri, weighing in at 250 pounds........Drew Stevenson!

He heads down the aisle, a few fans slap him on the shoulders and he slaps hands with some, then gets into the ring and stands up shooting his fists in the air. He turns and stretches some as OBSCURE hit's the pa and the crowd boos now while Dragon runs out and Nick introduces him.

And his opponent, weighing in at 210 pounds...........Shadow Dragon!

He slides into the ring and pops up running at Drew who meets him with a shoulder block sending Dragon to the mat. He quickly rolls away and pops back up charging again, this time for a dropkick, but Drew sidesteps him and Dragon hit's the mat. Drew drops an elbow to his chest, then looks to lock him in a triangle choke. Dragon squirms and twists getting away from him and both men get up. Dragon is on Drew with elbows to the face, rocks him to a corner, then climbs up to rain down some punches. Drew rips him up and steps out dropping Dragon with a Powerbomb, then quickly locks him into the Missouri Cloverleaf and sits back with it cinched in tight as he can. Dragon screams in pain and tries to push himself up, tries to crawl free, but ends up tapping the mat signaling his submission. The crowd cheers as Drew releases him and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.........Drew Stevenson!

THE ECSTASY OF GOLD is heard over the pa again as Drew gets his arm raised. He looks down at Dragon shaking his head, then makes his exit slapping hands with a few more fans on his way to the back. Nick Miller now speaks.

Drew with a dominant win here tonight and after his impact in the rumble he's looking good.

Greg responds.

Wonder how he can fair against someone decent though?

Nick says.

We'll see I'm sure, but lets keep this show rolling.

And now BLEED IT OUT is heard and out runs Psicopata to some cheers as Nick makes the announcement.

The following is a fatal four way scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Tombstone Arizona weighing in at 220 pounds...........El Psicopata!

He runs down the aisle and slides into the ring, jumps up on the turnbuckles posing for the crowd, then BAT COUNTRY plays and out walks Zacky Shadows to some boos, Nick announces him now.

And his first opponent, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 156 pounds.........Zacky Shadows.

Zacky gets to the ring and rolls in, stands up and now THE EXTREMIST is heard as Emmett walks out to boos and Nick announces him.

And the third opponent, from St Gabriel Louisiana, weighing in at 230 pounds.........Emmett Murdock!

Emmett makes his way down and rolls in the ring, then BETTER THAN YOU hits and out comes Dante who is now introduced.

And the final opponent, from Minneapolis Minnesota, weighing in at 237 pounds.......Dante Davlin!

Dante comes down eyeing everyone and steps into the ring, the bell sounds and Psicopata shoots over with a clothesline sending Dante out to the floor. Emmett comes over clubbing him across the back, then whips him across the ring and Zacky looks for a clothesline. Psicopata ducks it and bounces back dropping Zacky with a clothesline, then keeps going to Emmett for a spear. Emmett catches him in a facelock and tries for a ddt, but Psicopata twists out of it and around nailing a twist of fate. He rips his shirt off tossing it to the crowd getting some cheers, then climbs to the top rope. Dante come sin the ring and Psicopata leaps off at him with a front dropkick taking him down. Zacky is up and Psicopata kicks him in the gut, then drops him with a Piledriver near a corner and goes to the top rope hitting the Psychotic Slam on him, hooks a leg and pins, 1...................2..................3! The crowd cheers and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match..........El Psicopata!

BLEED IT OUT hit's the pa as Psicopata heads up the turnbuckles posing, then exits to the back slapping fans hands along the way. Greg Boone now says.

Ok, lets get on to what matters now, that match sucked!

Nick responds.

It was alright, though coulda been had at least one other really tried, but we do have the main event next, so lets get to it!

And we suddenly hear YOU'RE GOING DOWN hit the pa and the crowd cheers as Chris Orton comes walking showing all business as he walks down the aisle and Greg says.

What, I thought he wasn't coming out tonight? What a liar!

Nick responds.

I have no idea man, I thought he wasn't showing either.

Chris doesn't get in the ring, instead he walks around it and grabs a chair at a the commentators table and outs a headset on, so Nick now says.

Well Chris Orton, what brings you out?

Greg speaks first though.

Yea, I thought ya were gonna listen to Mack and stays away?

Chris answers now.

I am not competing tonight, fuck Mack! I am however going to watch him and who knows, maybe afterwards I'll have something for him!

So now we get on with the match. SCREAM hit's the and the crowd cheers as Gabriel walks out smiling and raises his arms in the air while Nick announces.

The following is the main event and it is a six man tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 245 pounds...........Gabriel Brooks!

He's coming down the aisle slapping fans hands, then gets to the ring and steps in, walks around with a swagger and nodding its time kick ass. Silence is heard throughout the arena as BEAUITFUL blasts through the pa system. The lights dim and a green spot light shines down on the entrance as Steve Weigel walks out. He stands there with his right fist in the air as the crowd starts to fill the arena with boos. As he lowers his arm and raises his head you can see a smirk on his face. Steve slowly starts to walk down the ramp way smirking at the crowd and putting his nose up at them like he is better while Nick Miller introduces him.

And one of his partners, making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at 255 pounds........Steve Weigel!

He slides into the ring and spin around with his arms out at his side. UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE then hits and out walks Bobby to boos as Nick announces.

And their partner, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 263 pounds......Bobby James!

He walks down the aisle raising hands to the fans to try and make them keep back, then climbs into the ring and shakes hands with Steve. BANG BANG BANG then hit's the pa and SVD runs out to some cheers and poses as Nick announces him.

And their opponents, first, from Multan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds.......Salman Van Dam!

He runs down to the ring and slides in, shoots up on the turnbuckles posing, then hops down. And now SLAVE TO THE GRIND is heard pumping through the pa, the crowd is mixed big time, so many cheers, so many boos, and it deserves a big Ron Simmons....DAMN. Anyways, Mack swaggers out wearing his World Title and smirking, acting all cocky as Nick introduces him and he basks in his glory.

And his partner, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 269 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion...........Shane Mack!

Mack comes down the aisle now, taking his time, showing his opponents who matters. He gets to the ring and steps up on the apron, then dances some before stepping in and circling around, drops down to his HBK pose and jumps up doing a crotch chop, the fans wanting to cheer so bad, but many boo as well.He unstraps the title and lays it in his corner, then nods to SVD to start and prove himself, so he does. Bobby insists to start for his team and calls for Mack to come in, but Mack just rolls his eyes and laughs. SVD reaches out with a few rights catching Bobby off guard, then whips him to the ropes and tries for an Icon Kick. Bobby ducks and kicks SVD in the gut, then drops him with a swinging neck breaker. He kneels over SVD and punches him a few times, stops before the ref do's him and pulls up SVD sending him to a corner. Bobby runs in with a spear to his ribs, then rips SVD to the top rope. He climbs up, but SVD kicks at him, then punches and sends him staggering to the mat. Bobby turns and SVD flies off with a cross body taking him down. SVD rolls up and goes for the tag, but Mack says no, ya haven' proven yourself. SVD turns and runs at Bobby for a kick to the head. Bobby dodges it and bolts up behind SVD with a clothesline to the back of his neck. Bobby then rips him up and nails a spine buster near his corner, than tags Steve who come sin dropping an elbow to SVD. He lifts him up and delivers a body slam, then runs to the ropes and comes back hitting a leg drop. Steve pulls up SVD and sends him to the ropes, kicks him in the gut and tries for Your Suicide, but SVD shoves him away and looks for the Icon Kick. Steve ducks and tries for My Suice, but SVD ducks that and drops him with the Icon lowdown. Both men roll towards their corners and Steve tags Bobby back in, then Mack decides to make the tag Mack and comes in. Bobby charges over, but Mack dodges him and Bobby smashes into the corner. Mack turns him around and lights him up with chops to the chest, then whips him to the ropes and downs him with a dropkick. Mack quickly goes for the Show Strangla, but Bobby slides away into the ropes. Mack gets to his feet and runs at Bobby with a kick to his ribs, yanks him up and tries for a ddt. Bobby grabs the ropes and shoves Mack down to the mat, then grabs his legs and flips over into a jacknife pin, 1.............kickout! Mack and Bobby both get up trading punches now, Mack knees him in the ribs, then hit's a hard chop to his chest and whips him to the ropes. He charges for Smoked, but Bobby leaps over him and runs to the ropes. He springs back and looks for a spear, but Mack kicks him in the head. Bobby snaps up and Mack rips him in a firemans carry, then a cutter for the Asshole Cutta and stands up now. He smirks at Steve and Gabriel, then pulls up Bobby clubbing him over the back, lifts him for the Mack Attack, but Bobby blocks it and drops back getting tagged by Gabriel. He and Mack now circle, then lock up and struggle for the power. Mack backs Gabriel up to a corner, a clean break, no, Mack kicks him, no its blocked and Gabriel hammers Mack with punches. He rocks Mack back, then whips him to the corner and charges burying a knee to Mack's ribs. He runs him out for a bulldog, but Mack shoves him forward. Gabriel turns and Mack hits him with Smoked, then pins, 1.............but then he rolls off breaking his own fall and causing Nick Miller to say.

What the hell? Why did Mack just break his own pinfall?

Greg responds.

Who knows what goes through the guys mind, he's always one step ahead of the rest though.

Mack pulls up Gabriel and runs him to a corner smashing his face to it, pulls him out and tries for a suplex. Gabriel knees him in the ribs, then pulls up Mack hitting The Message. He goes for the pin now, 1................2.........kickout! Gabriel pulls Mack up and nails a European uppercut, then tries for Bad, but gets shoved away and Steve tags himself in now. Gabriel turns back at Mack for a kick to the gut, but Mack catches his leg and dragon screws him to the mat. Mack gets up and Steve waits for him to turn, then foes for My Suicide. Mack is able to duck and then drops Steve with Da Shows Ova and falls on him for the pin as SVD runs across the ring knocking Bobby to the floor. Mack pin Steve, 1....................2..................3! The crowd cheers and Mack gets up, but Chris comes in the ring now holding the World Title and stares down with Mack and SVD as Nick Miller announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match.....Chris Orton, Salman van Dam, and Shane Mack!

The crowd is so mixed now, but then Diamond Dogg comes out of the crowd, slides in the ring and clobbers Chris over the back, Mack executes Da Shows Ova on him and he goes down. Mack then picks up his title as the crowd boos a lot and he smiles at Dogg, shakes his hand, then gets a mic, whispers to SVD who goes out and gets a can of spray paint from under the ring and brings it in. Mack now raises the mic and says.

Just in case your all wondering why I a stand here with two men when I said I would go alone, well then, shut up and listen up. SVD here, he refused to stay out of the match, so I said fine, you prove yourself to me and you can team with me and if he fails, I will "kick" him out. Now Dogg here, been stranger right, well not really. Ya see, everyone does a price as proven long ago in this business and despite his odd behavior at times, he likes money and I have money, I hired a man to take care of people for me allowing my focus to stay on one at a time. This is no alliance, we are not any tag team, no stable looking for total domination, I got two people to take care of my light work while I focus on bigger fish and now, I have something to do!

The crowd is booing as Mack lays his title on the mat, then takes the paint can from SVD and shakes it, uncaps it and sprays on the title, its red paint, but what is he spraying? Nick Miller asks the same.

What the hell is Mack doing, what is that, looks like a logo of sorts?

Greg responds.

I don't know, but it should be cool!

He finishes and smirks, tosses the can down, then makes sure the paint sticks good before lifting the belt up and raising it in the air for all to see.

Mack parades all around showing the whole arena, the commentators, everyone, he shows the camera several times, and boos just echo through the arena. Mack just smirks and slaps the title over his shoulder, then lifts the mic back up and says.

Like that huh?

He has a cocky grin and just speaks again.

Just goes to show what image means to you all because what this actual logo means is simply this...GOOD TO BE...and it fits me because it is damn good to be Shane Mack and that you insignificant nobodies is a shoot!

The crowd really boos now and some trash is even thrown in the ring, but then POLITICS is heard over the pa and out walks Ric E Dangerously with a mic. He stops in the aisle and raises his mic up.

Nice Mack, nice little stunt, but next week may be the end of your reign because your defending the World Title in a tag team match against Gabriel Brooks and Chris Orton with SVD as your partner and should be get pinned, you lose the title, oh, and your new bodyguard, he's banned from ringside!

The crowd cheers now and Mack just shakes his head, smirks and does a crotch chop, then A NEW LEVEL plays as Ric is smirking also and Nick Miller signs us off.

Well folks, what a night and what an impact by Mack, what a controversial symbol to be portraying, although technically it is not the symbol used for evil.

Greg responds.

True that is Nicky, very true, so why hate him for it, he's simply being honest, it is good to be Mack, hell, its great to be him because he is the best!

Nick says.

One of the best and we'll find out how good he is in next weeks match, but the show tonight is over, so goodnight everyone and see you next week for our eight year anniversary show on Tuesday, don't miss it!

The cameras show Mack company in the ring still as Ric backs up outta sight and the cameras now roam around the arena before the show ends fading to black.

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