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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 197 {1/3/11}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 06:34:12 PM

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January 3rd, 2011

Theme Song
Desire by Ozzy Osbourne

Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Non Title Singles Match
Shane Jericho v. Black Bob

Shane jumps on Bob before he even unstraps the title and unloads with punches, then yanks the title off him and tries hitting Bob with it. Bob ducks and drops Shane with a clothesline, takes the fight to him hard and fast early on. Shane tries to get back into it, but Bob proving why he's held on to his title so long. Shane comes back a little and gets Bob down even, has him set up for a superplex, but Bob drops Shane with the St Calire Suicide. He then goes back up and nails his Detroit Death Drop for the win.

Winner: Black Bob via Pinfall

Backstage in the Impact X room we find Torres, Storms, Xanthus, Corez, Shady Smack, Tina, and of course Julie. Some smoke in the air and look this way to the monitor to see what we now see. Its Shane Mack it looks like. He's knelt down somewhere in the woods, the northern woods as the snow really reflects a lot of light from the moon. Mack has his arms up and looks straight into the night sky, then lets out a blood curdling, primal like scream.


And then he collapses forward to the snow, his grey tee torn and slowly he pushes himself back up. Gets to his feet now, his blue jeans ripped up and he turns clubbing the camera down, so all we see is snow and then fade away back to the IX room. Shady is up looking at the monitor kinda sad and turns back looking at everyone. Julie says.

Hey Shady, don't worry, Mack will be back like he said and you got every one of us to watch your back, but no humping my leg, go for Tina instead!

She pushes Tina a little teasing her and Xanthus grabs a can of Sapporo from a fridge and says.

Hey man, have one of these and I'll break out more weed for ya!

Shady's eyes light up and he heads over grabbing the beer while Xanthus whips out a blunt and fires it up. More smoke fills the room and soon the view is set down as it fades to black.

Triple Threat Match
#1 Contender To SEF Underground Title
Hardcore Haz v. Tina v. Joe Dumar

Haz tried to pour a beer down Tina's chest and slurp it up, but got some elbows to the jaw and planted with a ddt as Joe ran down. He ran at Tina knocking her off Haz, then picked up his former partner shoving him to a corner. Buries a few shoulders to his ribs and just goes nuts with punches. Tina showing no fear takes out Joe from behind and gets him in headscissors. Joe fights out and whips Tina to a corner, then charges Haz who dodges away and takes Joe down with a russian leg sweep, then heads to the top rope hitting the rolling rock. Tina is on Haz with kicks to the head, then lifts him up hitting a snap suplex. Tina rolls him back up and shoves Haz away, then charges for an sto. Haz kicks her in the ribs and sees Joe running over for a spear, so he dodges and pulls Tina in his path who takes a spear to the mat. Haz then springs off the ropes with a kick to Joe's ribs, rips him up and nails a brainbuster, then goes to a corner grabbing his cane and leaps off the top rope with Hazardous to Joe's head for the win pinning Joe.

Winner: Hardcore Haz via Pinfall

To the back we go and find Mesa in his ring gear and headgear alongside his partner Jay. He sports the usual singlet, his hair tied back and eyes all glazed as he says.

We came back to SEF this time and we proved that Destruction is not indestructable and soon we will prove they are definitely not unbeatable. Those Tag Title they hold we have never held in out time here. Both myself and Mesa have proven were good singles wrestlers, but we have proven were good tag team wrestlers also. Its high time we got those belts, so Destruction, whether we win or lose tonight, like last time we met, you better be ready to stare at the next World Tag Team Champions!

He pauses and Mesa looking intense just says nothing and well he ain't good with english, so Jay continues.

Mark my words, we will hold those belts one day, the West Coast Connection will be champions together!

And now Mesa says in rough english.

We will destroy you!

Some mixed cheers and boos from the crowd and then the scene cuts away.

Singles Match
Steve Weigel v. Jay Steve

Jay acts a bit cocky as the bell sounds and spreads his arms out yelling for Weigel to take his best shot. Weigel kicks him in the ribs and quickly whips Jay to the ropes. He bounces back and Weigel tries for Broken Dreams. Jay leaps over him amazingly, then runs across the ring springing off the ropes. Weigel catches him with The Flashback and falls into a pin hooking Jay's leg for the win.

Winner: Steve Weigel via Pinfall

Backstage in the Dangerous Corporation's room with Rick Reynolds in a fancy suit as usual sitting on a leather sofa. Next to him his Rob in his gear while across from them is Thor in his gear on a sofa. Standing up in front of the door are Chris Crest and Jason Price in their gear with their arms crossed over their chests. Rick just kind of stares down to the floor a little and Jason asks.

So why did ya want to see us man?

Rick looks up that way now sort of blankly and says.

We have an agenda on our hands boys, we need to dispose of those, those, of Impact X, those oh so great wrestlers, please!

Rick stands now bringing his arms behind his back and steps forward looking at both Chris and Jason saying.

We are better, the Dangerous Corporation is stronger, bigger, and far more powerful, but most of all we are more unit-

Jason cuts him off saying.

We know, IX needs to go down and we got the two big dogs tonight, who do you have?

Rick gets in Jason's face, his arms coming to his sides and he says.

I have Nick Torres at the New Years Bash for my World Heavyweight Championship which will be once again back where it belongs after I destroy him. You two get to soften him up tonight, so make sure you do just that.

Chris just nods and Jason shrugs, then asks.

And if we don't, if all of Impact X overun us, then what? You gonna bail on the fight like usual?

Rick's eyes grow intense and comes nose to nose with Jason now. Thor stands up bringing Chris on his guard and so Rob stands while Rick says.

If you two don't beat those Storms and Torres tonight and prove yourself as major players in this war, then perhaps the true brotherhood of this group, The Triad, perhaps we'll have to teach you how to get it down!?!

Chris pulls Jason back as Thor and Rob step closer. Jason just backs up knowing better and says.

You can bet your ass were gonna be major players, but odds are odds. We had them once, now were staring at a larger group, so yea, maybe its all about that bond even if it may be a smaller group!?!

He looks over to Chris who smirks back and then they back out of the room as Rick looks over to Rob, then to Thor and the scene fades away.

Fatal Four Way Match
David Gonzales v. Angelyn Williams v. Mr. Bones v. Oktober Summers

David was toying the ladies beforehand, but got taken out by Oktober and the two brawled a bit back and forth. Bones tried to get a quick win over everyone through the match, but Angelyn would pull it out with a pin over Bones.

Winner: Angelyn Williams via Pinfall

Singles Match
SEF International Championship
Lacey Daniels v. Julie(c)

Lacey got the jump on Julie before the bell and used it to her advantage for quite a few minutes. She kept Julie down and worked her over with leg grapevines and a bow and arrow submission, then tried for the Sweet N Low. Julie kicked her away and and sprung up fighting hard. Lacey kept her fight going, but Julie ovewhelmed her in a corner, then ran up the turnbuckles hitting the S[iked Super Sault. Julie kept on Lacey from there with some high risk moves and then grounded her with a few holds, headscissors, a figure four which almost saw Lacey tap, then they fought up hitting each other hard and heavy. Julie took Lacey down into T & A and after a long struggle Lacey tapped out.

Winner: Julie via Submission

Tag Team Match
Chris Crest & Jason Price v. Troy Storms & Nick Torres

Storms started off dominating both opponents pretty good, but did get taken down by a double team and Crest kept on Storms legs. Torres would get in and show why he is the World Champ. Crest and Price showed they could be contenders with some awesome mat wrestling. Torres matching them and Storms coming back in with his raw power looked to be too much when Thor and Rob Rocco ran out giving Storms and Torres the win.

Winners: Troy Storms & Nick Torres via Disqualification

Afterwards we saw Rick Reynolds come out and all five me looked to beat down Storms and Torres when Viper, Whitney, Julie, Tina, Corez, and Xanthus all ran out. Rick was quick to exit and the rest of the DC took a few hits before getting free of the ring, then IX stood tall with Shady Smack coming out.

And to the back we go to find Destruction clad in their leather with the Tag Title over their shoulders. Frankie stands between them dressed as usual and says.

These two men here destroyed the Dudley Boyz when they debuted in SEF four years ago, then they went on to dominate tag team wrestling holding these belts a total of four times now. Through a legendary fued against The Machines to facing guys like Da Gangstas and their last win for these belts was a grueling one. Tonight though Viper is in the ring with fellow IX member Corez and the DC has two men involved also. Then we have Jay and Mesa who seem to have a fire lit under their asses lately, but to all of you, these titles go nowhere. Thrash and Slash didn't come here to lay low and keep the status of these belts as lowly titles. They came back to restablish tag team wrestling, to reinvent the lost art of a once great division. Jay, Mesa, I have no doubt that you two could pull it off on any given night and Destruction knows that, but they also know in a fatal four tag match they don't even have to be involved in the final desicion. They are monsters of mayhem, machines of Destruction ready to annihialate anyone in their path and tonight you six are the unfornate ones!

A slick smirk forms across his face as Thrash and Slash just look down menacingly into the camera which fades away.

Singles Match
Cactus Sac v. Cody Jericho

Pretty good match with Cody showing he has heart indeed, however Cactus would prove he came here to win and nail the double arm ddt to pin Cody in the end.

Winner: Cactus Sac via Pinfall

We find Jason Price and Chris Crest storm into the DC locker room where Rick is on a sofa while Thor and Rob are up going over their match tonight. Price moves quick to Rick who gets up and shoves him back on the sofa yelling.

You son of a bitch, fuck the DC!

Then Rick gets up driving Price back to the other sofa and starts hammering at him. Crest tries to grab him, but Rob and Thor shove him away and then pull Rick up and keep Price back. Crest grabs his partner pulling him away as Rob and Thor keep Rick back who yells.

Yea, get the fuck out cause the DC is no more and you ever try that shit again it'll be the last time!

Rick looks mad and Price is too as Crest just gets him out, then we fade away.

Singles Match
Midnight v. Taylor Johnson

These two girl end up fighting outside the ring and really just show a distain for one another not caring about the match as they fight to the back.

Double Countout

Main Event
Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match
SEF World Tag Team Championship
Viper & Corez v. Thor & Rob Rocco v. L.A. Jay & Mesa v. Thrash(c) & Slash(c)

As expected the match is pretty chaotic with Viper and Corez brawling with Thor and Rob before the bell even rang. Jay and Mesa tried double teaming Thrash and Slash and we saw everyone get involved in the ring as the Tag Titles were on the line. Saw a lot of good wrestling, highflying, hardcore action like only SEF gives anyone these days. Of course we saw Reynolds involved which got Viper out of the ring, but Torres ran out to take care of him. Thrash and Slash kept going strong the whole match and we would see Thor and Rob help Reynolds instead of go for the gold. All of IX ended up out there and Destruction picked up the win with a pin over Jay after Total Destruction.

Winners: Destruction via Pinfall

Afterwards They headed out with Frankie and Reynolds retreated with his cousins as IX stood tall.

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