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Soulless Empire helps Demonica

Started by Demonica, October 22, 2011, 09:15:27 PM

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Demonica was walking through the graveyard and stopped near a mausoleum and sat down on the steps. Her pet bird Poe caws and flies near a tree branch and perches on it while Demonica begins to tear up. Dante happen to be in the same graveyard and sees her crying and approaches her. He sits down beside her and began to speak. He speaks in German so she will understand what he is saying.



as i look at Demonica as i start to speak

Dante King Mein Kind den Schmerz und das Leid der Mutter Sucht wird durch den Anstieg der Dominanz in den Ring überschattet werden.(My child the pain and sorrows of your mother's addiction will be overshadowed by the rise of your dominance in the ring.)

Demonica looks at me as i start to speak again

Dante King Schmerz kommt aber, wie Sie das Gefühl des Schmerzes, wie Sie als Person zeigt eingesetzt. Jetzt ist es Zeit, dass Sie nach oben steigen und helfen führen die seelenlos Reich zu neuen Höhen. (Pain comes but it how you used the emotion of pain that shows how you are as a person. Now it time that you rise to the top and help lead the Souless Empire to new heights.)

Demonica looks at me as she starts to speak


"You right. I can rise, but leadership is handed to cousin Lexi. I follow her as she leads Empire to great things."

Dante put his hands on Demonica's face and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips and smirks. Dante in his mind wanted to be the love in Demonica's life and show her more of the darkness that was within her. Demonica did like Dante and didn't mind the soft gentle kiss on the lips. She was hoping he would ask her to be his. But she didn't know what he would say.

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