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Are You Ready To Be Impress? (Evolution r/ps)

Started by ChrisRogers, December 09, 2011, 01:30:40 PM

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SEF presents "Evolution is on the air, and the scene opens up with the new SEF Internet Champion Chris Rogers already in the ring with a microphone in hand, so SEF are chanting his name, and Chris Rogers started speaking into the microphone.

Sammy, I know you want your SEF Internet Championship back, but you going to have to face impressive Chris Rogers which means this title ain't going back to you more like staying where it is on my shoulder. It was huge accomplishment winning this title after weeks of losing I finally reach my goal in this company winning a championship. so the next goal in my mind is defending this title being impressive every single week I'm book in matches. You see Sammy I know you going to do whatever it takes to win this title back. and I'm going to make sure that this title stays with me, because I got ask you are you ready to be impress?

Chris Rogers stop talking for a while as SEF fans are chanting his name for a while now, and Chris Rogers speaks again.

I know everybody wants to know what kind of a champion would I make, so let me tell you a fighting champion that who I am going to be defending this title against anyone who wants to take it that includes Sammy. I know she furious over losing this title to me, and I'm sure she thinks I won't be able to beat her again, so Sammy now you get to see a very much impressive Chris Rogers as champion which means you gonna see Chris Rogers raise the bar give you a match you won't win. Tonight on "Evolution", I'm going to retain my title show you that you aint ready to face impressive Chris Rogers in this ring, Sammy going to lose tonight!

Chris Rogers is done talking left the ring walks up the ramp turns around lifiting SEF Internet Championship in the air, "Evolution" went to a commerical break.

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