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This Is My Glory

Started by Da Gangstas, December 09, 2011, 10:59:01 PM

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Da Gangstas

Sitting on a bench in her locker room is Sammy wearing tan khaki shorts with chains hanging off them and a pair of white and pink sneakers. A red halter top showing off a little of her nice, big breasts covers her top showing off her mid drift also. The Franchise Title lays on her lap with her legs close together and Sammy looks up almost glaring says.

I want that Internet Title back, yea, I do Chris, I would love to hold it again and have a better reign than one week, to bring it together with this Franchise Title and be a double champion. I am more than willing to give what it take sin order to do that, so as impressive as you are, as you were in winning the title last week, tonight you lose it right back to me. But no worries, you’ll have a rematch only I’m not losing in a week for you Brooks…

She glares harder, anger seething from her cold eyes as Sammy says.

You want a shot at this Franchise Title and you go to Viper and Whitney asking for one, thinking you’re the franchise of SEF, well fine, I’ll make sure you feel my wrath at Christmas Carnage. Thing is, I don’t know that I want to wait for the pay per view to get some revenge for you doing what you did to me, taking my trust and squashing it the way you did. Tonight you’ll find out I want this match against you as much as you do if not more, so get ready to lose you asshole and Chris Rogers, you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your time is over as champion and SEF is about to feel Sammy slam her way to glory!

Sammy scowling now gets to her feet sling the title over her left shoulder, then storms out leaving the room empty and now fade to black.

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