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universal6 star tag team

Live Event - 4/17

Started by mack420, April 17, 2018, 11:02:24 PM

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Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
Non Title Singles Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Sammy

J X Cash runs in with the RXF Title belt bashing Simon in his head with it right in front of the ref.

Winner via DQ: Simon Lee Nash @ 15 Minutes 38 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match
Seth Moxley v. Jason Price

Dean Moxley makes a run in to distract Jason long enough for Seth to nail his finisher.

Winner via Pinfall: Seth Moxley @ 8 Minutes 25 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match
Jade West v. Jason Stratus

Winner via Pinfall:
Jade West @ 14 Minutes 19 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Singles Match
Chris Orton v. The Showsteala

Winner via Pinfall:
The Showsteala @ 6 Minutes 17 Seconds

Main Event
Tag Team Match
A Native Americano & Tina v. The Perry Sisters

Winners via Pinfall:
ANA & Tina @ 11 Minutes 36 Seconds

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