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Jade Is Ready for War n Tina

Started by The Perry Family, April 25, 2018, 01:15:53 AM

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The Perry Family

jade west is shown backstage ready to take tina down she walking around she got the perry sisters with her she then begin to talk.

Jade West.im so excited wow,this is going to be the greatest most hardcore match of our entire lives!1

Jade West i want to totally destroy Tina i want to break every bone in her arm and make her beg for forgivness as iam ripping it out of her damm arm socket and make her scream in total ageney!

jade west im going show her what happens when u mess with the baddest family in the world of wrestling!

{She be quiet for a bit want be carefull there she takes a drink of cold water and begin to talk.}

Jade West. the future is with us the power and darkness is with us the Devil is on our side!

Jade West which means this company is never going loose faith is us we need to do what we want to do !

Jade West the devil of the darkenss has faith in us Tina can do what ever she want!

Jade West this is going to be the baddest match ever!

Jade West in the history of wrestling but we can be just as brutle evil crazy insaine in a ironwoman match a hole hour anything is possibell!

{She Think for while she need to win this match but dont want be so crazy she loses this match she begin to talk {

Jade West tina is not going know what hit her just me and her in the ring battling it out!

Jade West il totally anniliate everything that she is, she need to realize!

Jade West her career here is done i can not wait to see what she has in store for her,she got some surprises in store for her.she then talks

Jade west i need to go and train for my match.i hope she tries to destroy me i would not expect anything less,from her i don't expect anything less right now it going be like to dangerous dogs trying to rip each other apart

cruella perry what dont you relax there you are going to be just fine,please relax we be right here watching you backstage and if you need us we going be right out there making sure u make tina tap out like the bitch that she is

sierra perry tina has no idea what she is going be in for she is going be beat down like the bitch she is

Jade west she is going to be dog meat by the end of tonight!

Jade west il show her how daring iam she says she respects me i wil prove to her,how insaine iam in middle of the ring.

she leaves backstage,heads to the ring let tina know how ready she is for her match soon later her music hits she head down to the ring by being very quiet walks to the steel steps climbes under the ring ropes she looks around and is ready for action and begin to talk.

Jade west all right as you know iam ready for my ironwoman match vs tina i can not wait.

jade west soon she is going realize how bad ass iam,and how slow she is!

Jade west and how extreme she is who cares Bitch this is my life im going bring it all!

jade west looks right in the camera and begin to yell.

jade west i been doing this since i was a kid fighting against the odds

jade west is how i fucking suriave i expect nothing less from you

jade west so bring it all tina if u want destroy me do it make me tap out do it!!

Jade west use my bag of tricks against me then do it il never ever give up to you ever

jade west make me bag for my life cause bitch im more extrme then you can handle! my life is War

Jade west long as we rip the house down tear each other apart prove who the best is all

jade west we can do so get down to the ring  and let us here what you got to say cause

jade west when the mmatch begins nobody going be talking so get down here right now bitch!

she wait tbc by tina
Jade West


~{Tina one to not hesitate when some no name diva who tries too hard to be a big shot calls her a bitch, so over the pa we hear I Miss The Misery by Halestorm. Tina comes skipping out in a pair of blue jeans hugging her hips and white strappy heels with a pink halter top and her hair tied back tight in a ponytail that sways like her ass down the ramp. The Golden Gal smiling big and slaps a few hands stretching out over the guard rail before she slides in the ring under the bottom rope. Tina popping up and smirks at Jade, then points at her a bit mockingly before snatching the microphone from her opponent on next weeks WAR. Jade snarling and Tina daring her to try something, then brings the mic up to say something instead.}~

"So you are excited are you bitch?! You want me in a submission match, in a sixty minute match, well honey, you got me next week on WAR in a THIRTY minute iron woman submission match, thirty minutes Jade, that is what the booker of WAR made official, so cry about it all you want, cry that it is not sixty minutes, but you will cry harder after I tap you out every minute of the match! You do not want me for sixty minutes because you won't be able to handle me for thirty. You are not ready for me Jade, that is why you want to totally destroy me and break every bone in my body, because you know you can't do it. The baddest family in wrestling you and your little Perry Sisters are not, you are essentially posers who only extend a hand of friendship if you are getting something out of it. Impact X Facta is a real family and over the years we have went up against many teams who thought they were the baddest as well, but we are still here because our bond never dies, its for life. You can have the devil, but Satan will not be enough for you for there is nothing that can help you beat me Jade. You are in a hopeless scenario here because I do indeed miss the misery of being trashed to no end by some rookie who is making the biggest mistakes of her life. On WAR, you will be exposed for the rookie you are as you are facing someone you have never faced before. Its nice to see your little no show win over me on Anarchy has gone to your head giving you false hope in this match. In case you forgot Jade, last time we were in a ring together on WAR, I took you down in the T & A babay. Every time we have been in a ring together it always ends with me making you my bitch!"

~{The crowd with a loud ooh and ahh as Jade appears a little miffed over that, but smirks at Tina who is smiling bright. The Golden Gal not done as she says.}~

"But Jade, this is not going to be the baddest match in history, no, its going to be the biggest one sides match in history because I will say it again as it is too true to not repeat until you understand that you are not ready for me. Bring The Perry Sisters with you Jade, bring the devil, bring anyone who will help you because you need all the help you can get against me. You do not understand who you are facing and I don't blame you as the one person who is to be blamed is Carlos Mitchell. Carlos is the one who booked us against each other on Anarchy when he should have realized you weren't ready for me. That is why I no showed, because I had no care to destroy someone I was forming an alliance with. But now here we are Jade, you threw that alliance down the drain when you labeled my crew as rip offs. You got no idea what history we have made, about our roots as Impact X Facta, so go study up on the over decade of history we created together, but first sweetheart, you better go study up on the near decade history I have made in this ring, by myself. I am a former World Champion, Women's Champion, Tag Team Champion, the first ever II Champion, plus I have beaten a who's who of anyone who came into SEF thinking they were a big shot. I have beaten them all and you are next Jade, you are going to destroy yourself because you are not ready for the Golden Goddess of professional wrestling."

~{A lot of cheers for Tina who spreads her arms out wide in a cocky manner, then brings the mic back up to finish speaking.}~

"I showed you respect when you arrived here, but I lost respect for you when you trashed my crew, plain and simple Jade. I let your trash talk go when we were booked on Anarchy, as I said, I did not want to destroy you, I wanted to help you, to give back to someone who could use a strong ally. You threw that away though and now I don't respect you because you disrespected me. You think you are so insane, that you got your bag of tricks and you can cut anyone. Honey, I remember a guy named Jordan Cut who thought the same way and he never could beat me in this ring and he wasn't bad, he just couldn't cut it. You don't know what you are getting into against me Jade, you have no idea what I am all about because you are too concerned with hyping yourself up an convincing yourself you can do it. I have done my research on you Jade, albeit I have less material to dig up on you as you just got to SEF, but that is a disadvantage for me, and I still am miles ahead of you. You have the opportunity to learn things about myself in this ring that I may have forgotten about, yet you waste it by thinking you already know enough to make it to the top in SEF. You think you own this company now, ha, no, you are going to get owned next week on WAR. You say you been doing this since you were a kid Jade, that you been fighting the odds your whole life. I debuted in SEF at the age of twelve as a ring announcer named Brittany Fox and seven years later I made my in ring debut. I have been working for SEF for fifteen years, over half my life. I know more about survival than you Jade, I am a veteran of this ring while you are a rookie and you show those colors well. I don't need anyone else's bag of tricks because I have my own Jade, I have the ability to hurt you anytime I want, but I have more passion for this business than you do. You have not proven to anyone that you will not give up Jade and after you get locked into the T & A and there is no one to stop me from breaking it, you will tap, then I will break it and wait for another fall and again, same process, then another fall, same process, and so on until thirty minutes is up. The record will be thirty wins to zero Jade, a big, fat zero is all you get for your rookie mistake in disrespecting the Golden Goddess, while I get to tap you out thirty times in one match."

~{Tina finally lowers the mic as the crowd is all hyped up. The Golden Gal tosses the mic to Jade and steps back to lean on the ropes waiting to hear from her opponent.}~

The Perry Family

she thinks for while looks at taylor andrews she then stays quiet for short time and she knows she beat her once she can do it again,she then begin to talk.

jade west. You talk a big game taylor or tina what ever the hell your name is

Jade west. you are going to be my bitch,at the end of this match i know a lot about having to

Jade west. prove myself like i already said i been doing so no need to repeat myself,

she thinks for a short while and then begin to talk again.

jade west im going make u yell bith scream call out ur friends for help

jade west cause your not going to know what im going do to you next face it your done!

jade west let me tell you something i got more alleys then you can shack a stick at, but!

jade west i told them to stay backstage cause i wanted to personally destroy you!

jade west all by myself which is what i need and going to do so proudly in the middle

jade west of this ring and beat u with a inch of your entire life i can not wait!

she thinks for while and looks at her and begin to talk again

jade west i can cut anything or anyone and i will enjoy every minute of it oh i will,and ido

jade west.il prove it tonight when i stab u cut you in the middle of the ring and leave u laying

jade west in a pool of your own blood,i don;t care what happens to me i seen death and it is awesome.

she laughs evily n wait for tina reply

tbc by tina
Jade West

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