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Anarchy 32

Started by Simon Lee Nash, May 22, 2018, 01:04:35 AM

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Simon Lee Nash

Promo Deadline/Event Date
11:59:59 PM EST on Saturday May 26th 2018
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Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-14!

Anarchy Dome, Los Angeles CA

Theme Music
Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil

Opening Contest
Major Announcement by Carlos Mitchell about the Women's division on Anarchy

Mid Card Bout
Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus vs Priceless Paine
Tag team match

Main Event
Chris Orton vs Dean Moxley

Anarchy Championship Match

Card Is Subject To Change



Friday, May 25th 2018

Live in the Anarchy Dome in Los Angelos California and from ringside we hear that familiar voice shout.


The ringside timekeeper and announcer settles down to say.

"Nick Miller here with you all and we got a huge announcement tonight from the Commissioner of Anarchy about the state of the women's division, plus our brand new Anarchy Champion, Chris Orton, defends his title for the first time and he does it against Dean Moxley. Also in action we have Priceless Paine making their way to the Anarchy Dome to battle two men they have battled recently on WAR, Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus."

Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin plays over the pa bringing out the Commissioner now and he struts out in a casual black and white suit looking chill as he enters the ring. The Commissioner getting a microphone and says.

"As was announced for this show, we have a huge reveal concerning every woman competing on this show, Anarchy. SEF, or rather, SEFWUN may be all about inter gender wrestling and women can compete for the World Championship or any other title, but it is still a revolution among the women of professional wrestling and some women may need to compete for a gender exclusive championship. That is why in two weeks, right here in LA, in the Anarchy Dome..."

The crowd popping loud for the mention of the dome and LA. The Commissioner just smiling and remaining chill, then says.

"Yes, right here in the Anarchy Dome, in two weeks, on the next episode of Anarchy number thirty three we will see the crowning of a brand new Anarchy Women's Champion and much like how we crowned the Anarchy Champion two weeks ago, it will happen in a battle royal with every woman in SEF eligible to compete."

The crowd cheering loud and chants for Anarchy breaking out.


The Commissioner just keeps smiling and says.

"Yes, right here on Anarchy we will see our very own Women's Title crowned in a battle royal featuring every woman on the SEFWUN roster. But that is two weeks away on Anarchy thirty three. Tonight we have good show planned as well with Chris Orton defending his Anarchy Championship for the very first time, plus a riveting tag team match that features four men that have been tearing each other apart in recent weeks. That is all from me, so enjoy this show and the next one and stay tuned to SEFWUN because its going to be a fun summer!"

Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin plays over the pa and the Commissioner makes his exit as Nick Miller says.

"Wow, last time on Anarchy we crowned a new Anarchy Champion, now we get a Anarchy Women's Champion, this is huge folks. Anarchy Commissioner, Carlos Mitchell, is reestablishing a women's division in SEFWUN and doing it right here on Anarchy! What is next for Anarchy?"

Mid Card Bout
Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus vs Priceless Paine
Tag team match

Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus hanging in there with Priceless Paine for almost twenty minutes when Chris Paine avoids a spear from Simon to tag in his partner. Jason Price leaping to the top rope and flies off with a shoulder block taking down Simon. The Priceless one on his feet to run into Jason Stratus with a elbow to the jaw knocking him to the floor, then looks for Pay The Price on Simon. Simon ducks to bounce off the ropes and nail Price with a spear, then goes for the pin,



Chris Paine dives in to break up the fall. Jason Stratus slides in to tackle Chris hammering him with punches and the two roll out the other side of the ring. Simon pulling Jason Price up for a F-5, but Price slips down to deliver a german suplex bridged into a pin for the win.

Winners: Priceless Paine @ 20 Minutes 46 Seconds

Raise Up by Saliva plays over the pa as Jason Price stands up getting his arm raised and his partner comes in the ring to celebrate the victory as Nick Miller says.

"A hell of a match here tonight with Simon Lee seconds from ending it, but Jason Price nailing a perfect german suplex into a beautiful bridge for the pin. These two teams are sure to meet again as Simon Lee and Jason Stratus won the Triple Tag Team Champions with A Native Americano from the Priceless Paine and Rick Reynolds. A rematch is in order, but when it happens remains to be seen. Up next we got Chris Orton in his first Anarchy Title defense."

Main Event
Chris Orton vs Dean Moxley
Anarchy Championship Match

Dean flying out of his corner at Chris who leaps up to catch him with Lights Out and sits up smiling like this is too easy. Chris into the pin for the win.

Winner and still Anarchy Champion: Chris Orton

Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park plays over the pa as the crowd cheers loud. Chris getting his arm raised and is handed his Anarchy Championship belt which he takes and raises over his head as Nick Miller says.

"Dean apparently didn't show up for a fight and Chris taking advantage to drop him very, very quick. A big win for Chris who needed this after capturing the Anarchy Title two weeks ago, however he has not had the best outings prior to that. Hopefully this is a sign of things turning around for the former World Champion who looks to be getting back a spark. That is all for tonight, but be sure to tune in two weeks for the Anarchy Women's battle royal to crown a brand new Anarchy Women's Champion right here in the Anarchy Dome and don't miss next weeks WAR where we continue a SEFWUN World Championship tournament to crown a new SEFWUN World Champion after the unexpected departure of The Showsteala. Have a goodnight folks."

Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil plays over the pa signaling the end of Anarchy with the fans in the Anarchy Dome still a bit riled up.

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