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universal6 star tag team

Anarchy 33

Started by Simon Lee Nash, June 03, 2018, 08:14:36 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Promo Deadline/Event Date
11:59:59 PM EST on June 15th 2018
Click Here To Check Your Time zone

Minimum Promo Word Count

Maximum Promo Word Count

Promo Limit Per Match

Promo Board
Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-14!

Anarchy Dome Los Angeles CA

Theme Music
Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil

Opening Contest
Jason Stratus vs Carter Thompson

Mid Card Match
Seth Moxley vs The Wolf

Main Event
Women's Battle Royal
Winner becomes first ever Anarchy Women's champion
Card Is Subject To Change



Friday, June 15th 2018

Anarchy Dome Los Angeles CA

Theme Music
Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil

Opening Contest
Jason Stratus vs Carter Thompson

Winner via No Show:
Jason Stratus

Mid Card Match
Seth Moxley vs The Wolf

Winner via No Show:
The Wolf

Main Event
Women's Battle Royal
Winner becomes first ever Anarchy Women's champion

Tina eliminates The Wolf

Jade West eliminates Stacy

Sammy eliminates Cruella Perry

Nykky Dee eliminates Jade West

Tina eliminates Sammy

Jenom eliminates Sierra Perry

Tina eliminates Nykky and Jenom

Winner and NEW Anarchy Women's Champion: Tina @ 6 Minutes 57 Seconds

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