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universal6 star tag team

WAR 192 - 6/20

Started by mack420, June 12, 2018, 11:52:16 AM

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Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

Promo Deadline
24 Hours Before The Event Date
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Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
SEF Chaos Championship
Triple Threat Match

Steve White(c) v. Dean Moxley v. PBR

Mid Card Bout

Mid Card Bout
SEF Triple Tag Team Championship

A Native Americano(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c) + Jason Stratus(c) v. Robbie Ruckus + Bill Roberts + Chris Orton

Mid Card Bout

Main Event
SEF Universal Championship Match

Card Is Subject To Change



Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

The Frank Erwin Center in Austin Texas packed full of fans as Mayhem by Halestorm plays over the pa, but is quickly replaced with Walk by Pantera. The new Universal Champion comes out to a rousing ovation sporting the black jeans and t-shirt with black lace up combat boots and a pair of cheap black sunglasses. The title belt strapped around his waist and Nick Torres with his usual sliding swagger carrying himself to the ring and up the steps to stand inside the ring stretching his arms out in a crucifix with an arrogant smirk across his face. Nick calling for a microphone and gets one through the ropes, then stands in the middle of the ring slapping the belt around his waist before saying.

"SEF TV was a hell of a show if you saw it and I watched it all, but my favorite part was when I won this Universal Championship to become the first ever SEFWUN Universal Champion and I have to be honest, it was awesome! Now maybe I am a little biased because I was involved, but Nick f'n Torres doesn't give a f---!!!"

The crowd popping loud and Nick grinning.
"Busting your ass pays off after all and you can bet on the fact that I will never lay down for anyone to take this title from me. SEF TV was a great watch, but not because of an action packed main event. Viper is at it again and this era of the RoP is only going to get met with a resistance from the DoGs."

The lights go out, then Dark Age by Vader plays over the pa and here comes Troy Storms in his hooded robe followed by Jenom, J X Cash, Hal Havoc, Josh Diabolical, Steve White, and Barry. They smake their way to ringside where the lights come back on and Hal, Josh, Steve, and Barry each climb on the ring apron on each side of it so they surround Nick inside. X slides in to pop up and swings at Nick, but gets out punched quick. The four men on the apron come in to just beat Nick down getting him on the mat, then X recovers to grab him and nail the Ghetto Busta. Jenom slides in and Troy heads up the steps to enter when Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa bringing Jake Voss out running with a metal chair in hand and his SEFWUN Tag Team Championship title belt around his waist. Lounge Act by Nirvana replaces it to bring out Cliff O Clink with a metal chair and his SEFWUN Tag Team Championship belt around his waist, running as well. Jake in the ring swinging at Hal's back and clocks Barry in the head as Cliff slides in to drop X with a shot to the head and kick Steve in the gut, drops the chair and ddt's him headfirst on it. Josh slugging it out with Jake as Jenom dodges the chair by Cliff and Troy uppercuts The CoC in the jaw. Nick Torres gets up to tackle Troy into a corner as Cliff irish whips Jenom to the ropes and clotheslines her out of the ring. He turns to help Jake send Josh out, then they help Nick with Troy. Cliff and Nick whipping him at Jake who nails Rising Phoenix staggering Troy into a spear from Cliff, then Cliff and Jake lift Troy up to Nick and help deliver a triple powerbomb to The Resurrector. Walk by Pantera plays over the pa as all three men raise a fist in front of themselves and bump them together in union as the DoGs.

Opening Contest
SEF Chaos Championship
Triple Threat Match
Steve White(c) v. Dean Moxley v. PBR

Barry ends up taking PBR out of the equation enough for Steve make the pin over Dean and win this match thus retaining his Chaos Title @ 11 Minutes 58 Seconds, but backstage we find Tina with her blonde hair in pigtails and the Anarchy Women's Championship belt over her left shoulder while she sports her usual pink and white ring gear.

"Last Friday night I dominated eight other so called women in a battle royal to earn this championship over my shoulder and I barely broke a sweat. I didn't even try to win, but it just seems that I am too good to lose any woman in SEFWUN today. I should have been World Champion four years ago, but my spot was given...GIVEN...to someone who wasted it, who didn't f'n deserve it in the first place! Now I am rebuilding myself and thought I had to leave this place, but now realize I cannot go anywhere else, not at this point, not after the time I spent here already. I made myself in SEF and now I will make SEFWUN all about me. Like Mack did for SEF, the future is staring you all dead in your eyes, so put on your shades boys and girls, cause the Golden Goddess will shine brighter than ever before."

Tina gleaming and beaming over herself when Sammy steps in from the right to eyeball the Women's Title before staring Tina in her bright eyes. Sammy says.

"Sweetheart, if you want to dominate, then get in the ring tonight and let's see how well you dominate the Sammy Slam!"

Tina nods ok with that luscious smirk of hers.

"I will see you in that ring in a few minutes, sweetheart."

Tina walking by Sammy with a slight shoulder nudge and Sammy just smiles.

Mid Card Bout
SEF Anarchy Women's Championship Match
Sammy v. Tina(c)

Tina looking to breeze through Sammy, but gets a bit surprised and nearly loses her title. The Golden Gal coming back though and looking to put away her first challenger when Stacy Wy and Nykky Dy storm the ring to beat Tina down causing a DQ loss for Sammy @ 16 Minutes 27 Seconds. Sammy helping Stacy and Nykky in assaulting Tina, then orders them to hold Tina up for her to hit the Sammy Slam in the middle of the ring. Sammy grabbing the Anarchy Women's Championship title belt to hold it in the air like she won it.

Sammy tossing the belt down on Tina, then exits the ring with her friends as Nick Miller says.

"Good match until Stacy and Nykky decided to intervene. Seemed like it may have been a plan as Sammy was chummy with them, so we will see what else those girls have in store as Tina may want some revenge knowing the Golden Gal."

Backstage we find new WAR General Manager, Bill McLane, wearing a nice silver suit with a white undershirt and no tie. He looks a bit annoyed as Rick Reynolds walks in with the II Championship belt over his right shoulder sporting a thousand dollar suit just radiating his arrogance. A pair of cheap sunglasses covering his eyes as Rick says.

"Bill, so what, no competition for the champ!? Everyone too afraid to come for this title because they know they can't handle the SIN!?!"

Bill looks to say something when LAJ and Mesa walk in laughing and elbowing each other. Bill asking the two.

"Can I help you guys?"

LAJ says.

"Yo dude, Mesa and I got a bet going that either one of us can kick Rick's ass on any night, so why not put us in a triple threat match with the douchebag!?!"

Rick arching a brow and snarling a bit as Bill shrugs and mesa nods in agreement, but in walks Hick Janes who gets in Rick's face, then says.

"Make it a fatal four way Bill, NOW!"

Bill McLane not liking the tone, but says.

"Fine, you all want the II Champ in the ring, then you all got him later tonight in a fatal four way match, but the title is not on the line. If one of you pin Rick in this match, that man will receive a II Title shot next week on WAR!"

Rick grinning and says.

"Pin me, none of you can even beat me. I am walking out the winner tonight like I will whenever I defend this title."

Rick patting the belt and walks out of the office.

Mid Card Bout
SEF Triple Tag Team Championship
A Native Americano(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c) + Jason Stratus(c) v. Robbie Ruckus + Bill Roberts + Chris Orton

Bill superkicks Robbie right away and walks to the back leaving Chris to start the match and he holds his own. Robbie even tags in to help, but the numbers are too much and ANA nails the CNC to Chris and makes him tap out at 9 Minutes 40 Seconds. Robbie drags Chris from the ring to deliver a powerbomb into the ringpost before heading backstage as ANA shrugs and celebrates with his partners.

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
Rick Reynolds v. LAJ v. Mesa v. Hick Janes

Hick Janes stole the show in this match with an amazing performance and almost won a couple times. Had Rick reeling at one point, but LAJ and Mesa working together a little bit, however it would be LAJ that took advantage of a moment to hit Mesa with the West Coast Splash and make the pin to win at 21 Minutes 17 Seconds. Rick escapes out of the ring to grab his title and catch Hick coming out after him with a smack to the head from the II Championship belt. Rick heading to the back as LAJ watches him go, but Mesa getting up with eyes of rage to drop his partner from behind with a devastating clothesline. LAJ falling across the top rope and Mesa dragging him backwards with a russian leg sweep, then gets up kicking at LAJ and stomps on his forehead. Meisa leaving the ring as Nick Miller says.

"Mesa a bit upset with his partner who may not be his partner after tonight!?! LAJ with the win though and while he may not get a II Title shot, we are bound to see something as a result of this brutal assault by Mesa. Hick Janes finally making his way out of here now after getting bashed in the head by Rick Reynolds who used his II Title belt before escaping and I got word he is leaving the arena."

Backstage we go to find Rick Reynolds heading straight for the exit with his title in hand and in the parking lot is a limo waiting. Someone putting his bag in the trunk and Rick nodding to the driver to hurry it up as he climbs in the back door. The driver shutting it and hurries to the drivers door, climbs in, and drives the Natural Sinner away. Inside we find Hick Janes yelling at the WAR GM, Bill McLane.


Bill nods ok and says.

"Next week you and Rick Reynolds will go one on one, non title."

Hick yells.


Hick walks out holding his head.

Main Event
SEF Universal Championship Match
Troy Storms v. Nick Torres(c)

This one starts off classic between these old friends, but Nick taking control early into it which leads to Troy going defensive, using shady tactics to fight back. Troy eventually kicks Nick low getting himself disqualified at 10 Minutes 43 Seconds. J X Cash runs out to beat down Nick which sees Jake Voss and Cliff O Clink run out to drop X and double up on Troy sending him out of the ring. Hal Havoc, Josh Diabolical, Steve White, and Barry run out to battle the two men, but Nick gets up to help his partners and he puts down Barry with a big boot, then hammers Steve into a corner allowing Cliff to nail The End on Hal. Jake with the Rising Phoenix to Josh and Cliff clotheslines Josh from the ring. X gets up to get met with punches from both Cliff and Jake as Nick gets the upperhand on Steve to nail The Westside rolling him out of the ring. Nick gets up to clobber X across his back, then motions to Cliff and Jake for a powerbomb. They lift X up to Nick and perform the triple powerbomb and stand tall with their fists in front of them bumped into each other's while Troy Storms stands on the stage sneering in disgust as the show comes to a end.

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