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universal6 star tag team

WAR 193 - 7/25

Started by mack420, August 19, 2018, 07:07:30 PM

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Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Live in the SBC Center is where WAR is at tonight down in San Antonio Texas with Mayhem by Halestorm blasting loud over the pa and Nick Miller says.

"Welcome to Wednesday night WAR! We are back and its hot down here in July, but we are in a full house ready for some hardcore action. We got five championship belts on the line and a World Title opportunity up for grabs to the winner of a fatal four way match. Tina defends her brand new Women's Title right here on WAR, plus we have champion versus champion in the opening match with both titles on the line and its call capped off with a main event featuring old friends and bitter rivals, Hick Janes going one on one with the Icon Iron Champ, Rick Reynolds."

Opening Contest
Hardcore Hell
SEF Chaos Championship
The Hardcore Championship
Steve White(c) v. PBR(c)

Steve using his power to try and corner PBR and wear him down with a bit of pound and ground. PBR getting a hold of some weapons including his signature singapore cane and more than keeps himself in this match. The hardcore icon shows us why he won The Hardcore Championship in the first place by bloodying up Steve before forcing him into submission with a boston crab @ 16 Minutes 42 Seconds

Winner: PBR

Revolution Is My Name by Pantera plays over the pa bringing the cage up and PBR rolls out to get awarded his two titles which he holds up fighting the pain he endured. Josh Diabolical comes running down to tackle PBR to the floor and starts hammering him with punches. Josh pulls PBR up to run him headfirst into the steel steps and grabs both titles holding them up showing what he wants when Steve White comes out of the ring to lock eyes with Josh, The RoP Sergeant At Arms. Back In Black by AC/DC plays over the pa bringing Bill McLane out with a title tucked under his left arm and a microphone in his right hand. He hustles down the ramp in a slick grey and silver suit with no tie and the sports jacket open. PBR pulling himself up to sit on the steps as Bill gets down there to say.

"Alright guys, enough fighting, we got a show to get on with and there is always next week when PBR defends his Hardcore Title in a triple threat match against Steve White and Josh Diabolical. Now for tonight, you may have a chance to continue the fight out of the ring as that Chaos Title is now the Total Chaos 24/7 Title."

Bill bringing the title belt under his left arm up to show everyone what it looks like.

Bill handing it to PBR, then grabs The Hardcore Championship belt from Josh to hand that to PBR and now takes the old Chaos Title from Josh to back up the ramp saying with a slick grin.

"Ok, there ya go, a match for next week and a title defended anytime, anywhere, but get the hell out of here as got a show-"

Walk by Pantera plays over the pa now and the lights dim a bit as Nick Torres walks out with the Universal Title around his waist and wearing black jeans with a black t-shirt and cheap shades. Jake Voss and Cliff O Clink flanking him with their Tag Titles around their waists and dressed in black as well. The three men bringing their fists together on the stage, then head down the ramp to brush by the GM and everyone else like they aren't there, to make their way into the ring. Jake getting a microphone to be the first to speak.

"Well look what we have here, its a couple members of this RoP, the Resurrection of Pain is it!? You boys may want to run along and go get your so called king to come out here and get what he got coming to him!"

Steve White looking ready to jump in when Josh stops him to talk some sense into the RoP Member. Nick Torres taking the mic to say.

"Yea, run along boys, you ain't ready for the Dogs of War. This our ring, our yard, our playground, this our ground and we will hold it against anyone trying to do what the RoP is doing. I admire the illusion of what you are trying to make it look like the RoP is doing, but I see through it, we all do. We all see through Viper because that guy was revealed a long time ago, he was exposed for the devious destroyer he became when he tried to kill SEF. So go get him now, go get Troy Storms, go get the rest of your crew and well you are at it, go get a f'n army cause you gonna need it against us!"

Nick passing the mic off to Cliff as Josh pulls Steve up the ramp and past the GM who stands on the stage listening as The CoC says.

"We are all here for some action, not to stand around pretending to be dominant. The RoP is old news. We'll see ya later boys!"

Cliff drops the mic and Bill McLane quickly says.

"Alright, well I happen to know Troy Storms and Viper are not here, but Troy will be next week when he defends the World Championship against the winner of the fatal four way tonight, a match Jake Voss is in against Robbie Ruckus, Bill Roberts, and Chris Orton. That is later and you other two in the ring may have to take tonight off, but next week you will have a tag team match against two members of the RoP."

Bill lowers the mic to make his exit and Nick just shrugs at Cliff who shrugs and nods ok, then they bump fists with Jake bringing his fist to his partners as well and Walk by Pantera plays over the pa. The three men make their exit to head backstage where Steve White and Josh Diabolical are double teaming PBR. Josh helping Steve get a pin over PBR to win the Total Chaos 24/7 Title when Cliff O Clink hits Josh with a spear. Jake and Nick double teaming Steve to bounce his head off the corridor wall a few times before Cliff gets up to help deliver a triple powerbomb through a table. Jake and Nick point to Cliff to make the pin and The CoC pins Steve to win the Total Chaos 24/7 Title. He gets up grabbing his belt and bumps fists with his partners before walking off and Nick Miller says from ringside.

"Wow, so we saw PBR almost walk out with two titles, but gets jumped at ringside, then the GM comes out change the Chaos Title to the Total Chaos 24/7 Title. The Dogs of War come out to declare the ring their ground to hold against anyone and Jake Voss gets a opportunity to fight for the World Title next week if he can win the fatal four way tonight. Nick Torres and Cliff O Clink get two members of the RoP next week and Cliff just won the Total Chaos 24/7 Title and we still got a lot more to come, so stay tuned."

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
SEF Anarchy Women's Championship Match
Sammy v. Stacy Wy v. Nykky Dy v. Tina(c)

Stacy and Nykky helping Sammy at first to try and take Tina out of the match, but Sammy gets double teamed after the Golden Gal is subdued. Stacy and Nykky showing no sign of turning on the other and even tease the crowd with an attempted kiss over a fallen Sammy. Tina comes back in to double dropkick both to the mat and nails Nykky with a superkick, then nails a high knee to Sammy sending her out of the ring. Stacy catching Tina with a kick to the midsection and rips her up for a powerbomb, but Tina flips through to chop Sammy over her head and lands in front of her. Tina taking Sammy down into the T & A making her tap out @ 15 Minutes 49 Seconds

Winner: Tina

I Miss The Misery by Halestorm plays over the pa as Tina rolls from the ring to get her title and head up the ramp raising her arms high in the air. Nykky recovering to check on Stacy as Sammy stares down Tina and Nick Miller says.

"Hell of a match between these ladies of the ring and Tina with another successful title defense. Sammy looks like she wants more though, but up next, whoa, I got word Cliff O Clink is defending the Total Chaos 24/7 Title right now."

Backstage we go to find Hal Havoc, Steve White, and Josh Diabolical kicking at Cliff who is on the floor, then Hal tells Steve to chokeslam Cliff and Josh hits him with the Violent Impact. Hal takes the pin over Cliff though and wins the title. He grabs the belt and sees Jake Voss running at them with a chair, so Hal takes off running with Josh in tow and Steve just avoiding the chair as Jake checks on Cliff and we go to Tina now who stands with her Anarchy Women's Title over her right shoulder and clutched with both hands. A fire burning in her eyes as she just gives a seductively sarcastic smirk before saying.

"I did it again and I will continue to dominate this women's division in SEFWUN for as long as it takes. No woman on this roster can stand toe to toe with the Golden Goddess and neither can any man because I am the face of this company."

Tina flashing a pretty smile, then looks a bit sour when Jade West and The Perry Sisters approach her with Jade saying.

"Tina, so I have found you at last. why won't you answer me? Why won't you meet me in the ring in any match imaginable?"

Tina arching her brow in curiosity and just nods her head no, then says.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Jade. Every time we have been in the ring together I have beat you. Anytime we got physical, I proved to be better. You hold a win over me because I walked out and forfeited the match by no showing. That is the only way you could get a victory over me because if I choose to answer some irrelevant challenge from you, it would not end the way you want. You and The Perry Sisters are no match for me, so I tell you what Jade West, I will face you on one condition, you and The Perry Sisters versus me, handicapped match, cause you need the handicap sweetheart!"

Tina smirking arrogantly and turns walking away not even waiting for an answer cause she don't have to.

Mid Card Bout
SEF Triple Tag Team Championship Match
A Native Americano(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c) + Jason Stratus(c) v. LAJ + Mesa + Hiroku Shinobi

ANA starts this match for his team and runs through all three of the challengers himself before tagging out to Jason, but once the Stratus one comes in we see ANA shove him, superman punch him, and nail Justice, then rolls from the ring. Simon confused and staring at ANA who holds up the pac sign to Simon who seems hesitant. Hiroku with a Tokyo Tap to Jason and pins him to win the match @ 9 Minutes 34 Seconds

Winners: Hiroku Shinobi, LAJ, Mesa

Distant Dream by Vader plays over the pa bringing Jay and Mesa in to celebrate with Hiroku and ANA drops his arms in to a crotch chop at Simon before heading to the back. Simon just slowly heads to the back as Nick Miller says.

"What a turn of events by A Native Americano who looked to be setting up his team for a win when he turned on Jason Stratus and caused his team to lose the Triple Tag Team Titles. And the way ANA acted towards Simon, first throwing up the pac sign, then doing a crotch chop, maybe that was because Simon didn't throw up the sign, no matter though, ANA made a statement."

Backstage we go to find Cliff O Clink leading the charge to find Hal Havoc and runs into Josh Diabolical tackling him into a stack of metal pipes. Jake Voss all over Hal with punches as Nick Torres battles with the big man Steve White. Cliff choking Josh with a metal pipe, then pulls him up into a ddt before helping Jake with Hal and they double russian leg sweep him against a wall. They look at each other and Jake motions to pin him, so Cliff does and wins the Total Chaos 24/7 Title. Jake helps Nick put down Steve and then they run out of there with Cliff who has the title in hand.

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
SEFWUN World Title Shot Next Week On WAR
Chris Orton v. Robbie Ruckus v. Bill Roberts v. Jake Voss

Chris getting beat down by every one in this match and nearly pinned by them all, but Robbie and Bill showing the heat between them is boiling when they end up in the crowd fighting each other. Jake Voss able to nail Rising Phoenix on Chris and make the pin to win @ 14 Minutes 57 Seconds

Winner: Jake Voss

Main Event
Non Title Singles Match
Hick Janes v. Rick Reynolds

Hick Janes wins this with a pin after the Extreme Effect @ 26 Minutes 42 Seconds

Winner: Hick Janes

Backstage we go to find Steve White and Josh Diabolical attacking the Dogs of War with Hal Havoc, then J X Cash joins the action with a steel chair smacking Nick Torres in the back and head. X helping to keep down Jake and Cliff, then makes the pin on Cliff himself to win the Total Chaos 24/7 Title and runs outta there with his crew in tow as WAR goes off the air.

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