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universal6 star tag team

Live Event - 7/26

Started by mack420, August 19, 2018, 07:16:02 PM

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Thursday, July 26th, 2018

Venue: SBC Center in San Antonio, Texas

Opening Contest
Hardcore Match
Steve White v. PBR

Winner via Pinfall:
Steve White @ 13 Minutes 48 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
Sammy v. Stacy Wy v. Nykky Dy v. Tina

Winner via Pinfall:
Tina @ 16 Minutes 28 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Triple Threat Tag Team Match
A Native Americano + Hiroku Shinobi v. Simon Lee Nash + Jason Stratus v. LAJ + Mesa

Winners via Pinfall over Jason:
ANA & Hiroku Shinobi @ 15 Minutes 36 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
Chris Orton v. Robbie Ruckus v. Bill Roberts v. Jake Voss

Winner via Pinfall over Chris:
Bill Roberts @ 18 Minutes 49 Seconds

Main Event
Non Title Singles Match
Hick Janes v. Rick Reynolds

Winner via DQ:
Hick Janes @ 20 Minutes 54 Seconds

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