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universal6 star tag team

Live Event - 9/6

Started by mack420, September 21, 2018, 05:37:42 PM

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Thursday, September 6th, 2018

Opening Contest
Dogs of War v. The Triad

Winners via Pinfall over Jake Voss:
The Triad @ 19 Minutes 37 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match
Hick Janes & Hiroku Shinobi v. Priceless Paine

Winners via Pinfall over Hick Janes:
Priceless Paine @ 18 Minutes 26 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Jordan Brooks + PBR + Black Bob + Destruction v. Troy Storms + J X Cash + Josh Diabolical + Hal Havoc + Steve White

Winners via Pinfall over Josh:
Jordan, PBR, Bob, Destruction @ 14 Minutes 18 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Singles Match
A Native Americano v. Bill Roberts

Winner via Pinfall:
Bill Roberts @ 25 Minutes 1 Second

Main Event
Non Title Singles Match
Elizabeth Marret v. Tina

Winner via DQ:
Tina @ 21 Minutes 47 Seconds

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