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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by thewhisperersarmy, July 04, 2019, 11:50:54 AM

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The sound of static on a television could be heard in the next room over. Over that static is the sound of a small child, no more then 7 years old maybe younger, giggling and singing to herself a random incoherrent song as we come to the room where it all was and began to witness some oddness about what is transpiring in front of our view.

"The cat's meow, has broke it down, I tumble the weed, that broken the feed. Weeeeeeeeee" The girl sang while in between giggling. She crawled over to the tv and placed her hand on it as she spoke"Their inside there. All of them. Every last one. They don't mind, but their crowded." Suddenly the floor gave way and tile by tile they started falling. The whole area shook but the little girl was unfazed by the events taking place around her. She stared at the tv, hand still held on it as her head slowly twisted around in a circle, stopping to look directly towards whoever is watching. She then smiled"Be a good girl Ravenna or they will get you"

An alarm goes off and suddenly.....


Ravenna slowly turned over, groaning as she reached over and smacked the alarm clock to shut it off. Laying in bed she muttered some words"Finally get to go home" She said. Slowly sitting up, she immediately held the sheet against her topless sensual body,Her bosoms a bit large underneath but nevertheless she covered herself until she was able to close and lock her door. She was in a the mental ward area of the hospital, Nurses and doctors roaming around and doing what they do best, treat patients. Ravenna got up, closed her door, making sure it was locked so no one could just walk in on her as she was getting dressed. She first got her blue jeans on, buttoning them up at the top as she bent down, her voluptous rear end in plain view, grabbing her tank top from the foot of the hospital bed before putting it on, pulling it down over her large heaving breasts. She then placed her feet in each sneaker and then tied her shoes before she walked over to the door and unlocked it, opening wide for air. She then grabbed her bookbag that has all her belongings in it and walked out the room, stopping short in front of the counter. She then spoke"I am ready to go" She giggled as Dr. Eugene Carson stepped up to the opposite side of the counter and spoke"Alright Ravenna, you got your stuff and the paperwork is all done. You are free to go." She smiled, as Claire, her friend walked up and started talking"Goodbye Ravenna. Gonna miss you here. Wish I could go with but I am still not well." Ravenna nodded, hugged her friend and spoke"It's ok Claire. Your the new teddy bear queen now" Claire let go and jumped up and down in joy of the news as Ravenna waved goodbye before she went out the door. She stopped at the elevator, pressed the down button and waited for it. After a minute the bell gave off a DING before opening the doors for her to step inside. Once inside she pressed number one for ground level and the door closed on her. After a minute or so riding the elevator, the door went DING and the doors came wide opened for her to stepped out. Once outside the elevator she started walking to the front entrance of the hospital. As she goes outside, she stood there and sucked in the fresh air of the outside world before couching. She spoke"Bad idea"

Taylor Andrews

(The view opens to find Tina sitting at the edge of her hotel room bed filing her nails while wearing a large grey t-shirt with USMC in black letters across the front. Her slender tan legs crossed at the knee as she is hunched over focused on making her nails look good. Tina with her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail and she blows at her nails, looks them over satisfied, then stands up to walk in the bathroom putting her file away. She walks out of the bathroom shutting the light off, then walks back to her bed bending down to crawl across it pulling the covers back and turns to lay back on the soft white sheet. Tina sitting up a bit and says with a seductive smile.)

"Sunday night was a early showing for the Golden Gal, so I am off to bed because tomorrow is going to be a long ride to the next show, but I needed to let the world know, more importantly, the SEFWUN Universe know that their champion is watching it all, I am watching you all. I would like to point out that Anarchy is dead which is I do not carry a Women's Title because I dropped the Anarchy Women's Championship and it remains on MY mantle since I am the first and only Women's Champion in the history of Anarchy. I carry the SEFWUN United States Championship and the SEFWUN Universal Championship. I also carry anyone who steps in the ring with me, so naturally everyone wants to be in the ring with the Golden Gal because I will make you look good. However, you will never look as good as I do, so sleep well my little minions, enjoy your dreams and make the most of them, especially if you dream to be like me."

(Tina scooting down in her bed and leans over to turn off the lamp, then pulls the covers up and the view fades to black.)

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