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Calling Out The Owner

Started by Jake Voss, August 04, 2019, 07:39:45 PM

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Jake Voss

(Jake Voss marches through the hallway wearing his black swat gear with his long hair down his back and the Anarchy Title clutched in his right hand by his side. The Phoenix stomps down until he gets to a door marked Anarchy Owner and he knocks. No one answers, so he knocks again and this time when no one answers he turns the knob opening a unlocked door. Jake steps inside the office to find it empty and he looks side to side, then kicks at the desk in frustration before turning to lean on the edge of it. The Phoenix lifting his Anarchy Title to his right shoulder and looks up with a gaze of a champion with no show.)

"Michael Flecha Jr, where the hell are you!? You are late Michael, you are way too far behind on your job around here. I have been promoting Anarchy as the Anarchy Champion longer than you have been Owner, so maybe I should be the Owner, maybe I should take it from you. The only problem with any of it is that you don't have the balls to show up and do your job. I heard about you whining that you were so hurt years ago, but we all were, and we got over it. What's your excuse pal? We been here busting our asses while you go do your talk show and leave Anarchy to die! I may as well as toss this title in the trash because that's what Michael Flecha Jr thinks of his own brand."

(Jake turning to look next to the desk finding a wastebasket, so he holds the title over it and looks up to say.)

"You want this show to be a success, to live, then you better come stop me because if I drop this belt in the trash, I will make sure Anarchy is dead. I will fight to kill this show, to stop you from ever bringing it back. But its funny Michael, you could have me fighting for you, for the survival of this show, fighting to insure Anarchy is number one! So what's it gonna be Michael Flecha, are you going to be a punk or a man!?"

(Jake just stands there sneering in disgust while holding the Anarchy Title belt over the wastebasket waiting for the Anarchy owner to show up.)

Simon Lee Nash

Mike Flecha walks into the office and looks over the desk.

A desk that has been untouch in months.

He looks at the Garbage and notices the Anarchy Championship at the top of it.

MFJ: What the fuck?

Then looks at the photoage of what Jake Voss had done and said.

MFJ: Alright Jake, You do have a valid point about me being gone.

MFJ: I won't stand for this though.

MFJ: We'll chat. I will promise you that.

Jake Voss

(Jake never let go of the Anarchy Title and slaps it back to his left shoulder, then looks forward and down a bit to snap his head back whipping his long hair behind him. The Phoenix with the look of a man who will not stop fighting as he says.)

"I'm right here Michael. We can chat now because now is as good of time as any to chat with your Anarchy Champion. I didn't want to do what I threatened to do just now, which is I didn't toss this title in the trash. I want Anarchy to live, I want to be the champion, but if the show is dead, then what!?"

(Jake looks at Michael and leans back on the empty desk of the Anarchy Owner.)

"Hell, you could strip me of this title right now. You own the brand. You could ban me from the show, or you could see what you have standing before you and shoot for the top. Sure, Anarchy may have been second to WAR for years now, but when things were hot, Anarchy was as hot as WAR, regardless of being a "B" show. Granted, I didn't get to compete here during the time, but I remember it and I am back now. I am Anarchy Champion and you would be a fool to dismiss me for I am The Phoenix, the only real phoenix to step inside a SEFWUN ring. And again Michael, I am here now, let's chat cause I ain't going nowhere."

(Jake crosses his arms holding his Anarchy Title up on his left shoulder still and leans against the desk ready for anything.)

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