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Jade Ready For War.

Started by The Perry Family, August 04, 2019, 05:13:18 PM

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The Perry Family

Jade is in the ring surrounded by her team mates the devil playground sierra cruelle and the wolf she looks around her music dies down and she then begin to talk.

Jade all right i heard what the phoeinx jake voss had to say and all of it was some really good points if i want a title match i would have to accept his challange which ido i want a shot at his Anarchry world heavyweight championship i would love to be a champion for the first time in my entire life!

jade at least he has something to loose and i don't this is going be my entire life i need to make this work i need to make this the most inportand match of my entire career if i want to move up in the world you know what i mean! i mean my entire career of being a female wrestler i only held one championship in another wrestling company federation and that was some years back but now iam itching to return to the world of wrestling and this has got my name on it im a challanging queeen ido just about anything to do just about anything to make history in the wrestling buisness!

jade this is my life if i want be the man i got to beat and destroy the man and i want to do just that i don't care what i loose i will work my ass up to this company show the world iam not a quitter,il prove it each time iam in the ring and have my family the devil playground do exactly the same as ido they are going run up the rankings here as ido someday we all wil be holding gold

she realx for a while let her mind rest for a bit and then put mic up and she then begin to talk to the crowd of war.

jade this means the entire world to me as i said before and im not going let anyone or anything stand in my way of getting what i want i been here to long im going go all out and to win i got to take chances i also apperciate the company for giving me this chance for not giving up on me it means a lot so having that said!

jade west jake voss i want you to get ready because come war that championship  of yours is going be leaving your waist and it is going to be around mine,and there nothing you can do about it but give me the best greatest performance of your entire career! which im also going to do cause like i said before i only want to face the best and voss you are without the best this place has hell you are the world champion you would not be the best if you had gold around your waist right like damm!

jade west and i got nothing to loose if you want be a part of history you got to take chances and that is what i want to do some of you may think this is insaine but you know what so the hell am i! this company just has not seen it yet im willing to make my mark soon, i don't care what they want me to do i will do it no matter what.

she rest for a while and she looks right at the camera and begin to talk again.

jade west so enough talking i accepted your challange if u want me put something on the line to match your championship match then by god i wil do it but make my words you are going to wish you never went to to toe with the baddest bitch in the world because you are going get just that so good luck bitch you going need it.

she wait in the ring for a reply
Jade West

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