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Simon is back (war rp)

Started by Simon Lee Nash, August 07, 2019, 01:33:53 AM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash makes his return to Detroit,

Simon: Let me think about this for a minute, First off there is a 15 man battle royal that the winner gets a chance to fight for the Universal championship next time on WAR then later in the night there is a special open challenge for the United States championship.

Simon: Looks like i came back to the federation in time.

Simon has been dealing with alot of injuries and plus had alot of things happen in his private life.

Simon: So 15 men will be fighting some of them i have never heard of before then there are a few guys that i know really well.

Simon: Pretty much it's my chance to prove that i am worthy of a chance of a championship. I have been dealing with alot of shit in my life but i need to get back to the basics. It's time that go back to what made me me. It's time that i focus on myself and not worry about the outside forces.

Simon: Stop caring about what people want from me and what i need for myself. years ago in SEF i used to be an impact player. then all the bullshit happen and that was that.

Simon: Ward decided to take his ball and ran home.

Simon: People that i cared about left me high and dry.

Simon: I used to be a champion in this company. I used to be so close to becoming the SEF World Champion.

Simon: I remember that myself and Tina used to have wars and even had mutual respect for one another.

Simon: maybe reconnecting with her might be good or at least a start.

Simon: But now it's about getting back to fighting and winning wars.

Simon: No more about what could have been or what i could have done different in life.

Simon: My life is pretty much looking back and thinking about the present and the future.

Simon: I don't know what the future will hold but one thing is for sure. I am Back and ready for a fight.

Simon: SO PBR is the United States Champion. He made an open challenge to anyone for a fight for the championship as well huh?

Simon thinks about it for a second.

Simon: Well Shit if there is a chance to win the United States title. Then so be it. Let's dance champ.


(A Native Americano is here in Detroit waiting for a opportunity to come face to face with Simon Lee Nash and now he has it, so the wait is over and he can say what he has to say.)

"It should have been you Simon, but you failed to be here when we needed everyone we could get. The show moved on, you failed to be the man you could have been, a champion amongst champions. Now yes, you may get to fight for the US Title, and you do have a shot at the Universal Title, if you can win the battle royal. Simon, I am in that battle royal and I am former US Champion, also Simon, we have a matter to discuss as far as your role in Impact X. Are you one of us..."

(ANA raising the wolfpac sign, then drops a crotch chop and smirks saying.)

"Or one of those who plays it safe, plays other people, plays by certain rules?!? Huh Simon, are you still with Impact X or are you not, its real simple?! Because if you aren't with us, then maybe you are against us fighting for guys like you to get a fair chance around here. By the way, Ward never played ball in this company because he never capitalized on opportunity staring him in his face. But he is not here, so screw him. Its between you and I Simon, you got something I want and that is your future. I want you in Impact X, but only if you are here to stay loyal and not disappear, otherwise, we will all drop you where you stand and make sure you never comeback!"

(ANA crossing his arms over his chest waiting for an answer.)

Simon Lee Nash

Simon: Impact X eh?

Simon: I remember the team really well A Native Americano. I know it really well. However i remember you trying to make my life a living hell. I remember that it was Tina Andrews and The ShowStoppa.

Simon: I remember you trying and usually successing in kicking my ass for no reason.

Simon: That wolfpac signal was actually mine and tina's signal when the shit hit the fan then we would have each other's back.

Simon: I am gamed for impact X. I am down with you guys. The biggest success i had in SEF was when i was apart of the squad. Like you said i have a chance and a future here. I am not going to give it up a second time around.

Simon: Let's just say i have alot at stake now in my life.


"You know what I remember Simon? I remember you no showing events in this company and that gave me good reason to whoop your ass. I actually want to be here and better this place, but you couldn't be bothered to always show up for your matches. And look at you now, you act like you don't care to be here and succeed. You can't even get the names of the two biggest stars of SEFWUN right. Tina Andrews is not Tina's name. Tina is who she is to friends and you would know that if you really knew her. Taylor Nina Andrews is her name, Tina is a play off her full name, TNA, but with a i. She had that name before coming here and when she did arrive in SEF, she joined Impact X which I was leading back in two thousand ten under the name Marijuana Mack. We had the wolfpac before you arrived in SEF or SEFWUN, we threw crotch chops together before we knew who you were. And we did so with the other guy who's name you can't get right. The Showstoppa, no, no, no, HBK hasn't been in SEF for fifteen years. Although he did team with Mack back then, the guy you know as The Showsteala, Shane William Mack, originally known as Daddy Mack, a guy I fooled the world into believing was me which is how I eventually came to call myself Marijuana Mack. You and the Ward's failed to impress Mack to be The Showtime in what could have been a legendary formation for years, but you did join Impact X with Mack and Tina, and I came back to lead the group once again because Mack isn't even here, he is not on the roster, but he could show up, if he wants. We could use you in Impact X, if you are truly down with Impact X and you are going to show us you want to be here by not having to be reminded when you have a match. By not having to be told when somebody has something to say about you. You show up to check out SEFWUN on your own and keep yourself relevant and Impact X will insure you are not left behind when the rebellion takes over."

(ANA still stands there with his arms crossed waiting.)

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