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WAR 207

Started by sefwun, August 01, 2019, 02:16:30 PM

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Showtime: 8 pm Est, Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

Bell Time: 7:30 pm EST

Theme Music: Justice by Rev Theory

Venue: Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit, MI


Main Event
SEFWUN World Championship Match

Cliff O Clink v. J X Cash(c)

15 Person Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Winner Receives A SEFWUN Universal Title Match Next Week on WAR 208

Nick Torres v. Rick Reynolds v. Hick Janes v. Bill Roberts v. Robbie Ruckus v. Mesa v. A Native Americano v. LAJ v. Chris Orton v. Jason Price v. Simon Lee Nash v. Chris Crest v. Black Bob v. Sammy v. Viper

SEFWUN United States Championship Open Challenge

Singles Match
The Wolf v. Ravenna

Opening Contest
SEF Anarchy Championship Match

"The Phoenix" Jake Voss(c) v. Jade West



Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

The Little Caesars Arena in Detroit Michigan is jam packed as Justice by Rev Theory plays over the pa and Nick Miller says.

"Welcome to Wednesday night WAR where we got three championships on the line and a shot at a fourth to be determined with a fifteen person battle royal. Also in action is new star Ravenna taking on The Wolf and we have the Universal Champion in the house ready to find out who who challenger is, but that she'll have to wait like all of us for the battle royal. Coming up first is the Anarchy Championship on the line when The Phoenix Jake Voss meets Jade West."

Bill McLane says.

"I would love to see The Phoenix brought down, but I can't see Jade West doing it. She has a lot of heart, but not much else!"

Nick says.

"She does have heart and that makes a big difference. Jake Voss has heart too."

Opening Contest
SEF Anarchy Championship Match
"The Phoenix" Jake Voss(c) v. Jade West

Jade flying into a roundhouse kick, but Jake ducking to spring off the ropes with a high knee followed by a  superkick for Rising Phoenix putting his opponent down and he makes the pin winning the match.

Winner: "The Phoenix" Jake Voss

Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa as Jake jumps up a bit shocked at the quickness of the win, but let's the ref raise his arm in the air. Jake getting his Anarchy Title and celebrates a quick win, but a win nonetheless as The Phoenix moves forward to his next challenger. Jade distraught at her quick loss and rolls to the floor holding her jaw with anger in her eyes as Nick Miller says.

"I guess The Phoenix proved he is not losing that Anarchy Championship and Jade is back to square one."

Bill McLane says.
"She wasn't ready for a challenge like The Phoenix who just held the World Championship. Like him or not, the guy is on a whole new level that Jade is not ready for."

Nick says.

"She wasn't ready for The Phoenix tonight, that's for sure. We'll see if The Wolf is ready for the new girl, Ravenna."

Singles Match
The Wolf v. Ravenna

Winner via Forfeit:
The Wolf

Bill McLane sys.

"Nope! Ravenna wasn't ready for action at all."

Nick Miller says.

"It would appear not with her lack of appearance for her debut match which is a loss to her. Up next we see which fifteen stars are ready for a Universal Title shot next week on WAR when they do battle in a over the top rope battle royal!"

15 Person Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Winner Receives A SEFWUN Universal Title Match Next Week on WAR 208
Nick Torres v. Rick Reynolds v. Hick Janes v. Bill Roberts v. Robbie Ruckus v. Mesa v. A Native Americano v. LAJ v. Chris Orton v. Jason Price v. Simon Lee Nash v. Chris Crest v. Black Bob v. Sammy v. Viper

Immediately we see Viper rally Bill Roberts and Robbie Ruckus around Rick Reynolds to work together as four. Nick, Hick, and ANA a bit perplexed, but they quickly have each others backs in this battle royal that sees Sammy the first victim of Viper, Rick, Robbie, and Bill as she is sent over the top rope to the floor. Black Bob is the next to find his way over the top rope thanks to Bill and Robbie while Viper helps Rick fight off Nick and Hick. ANA double teamed by Jason and Chris while Jay and Mesa fight it out amongst each other. Chris Orton and Simon Lee battle near the ropes with both watching their surroundings as this is a battle royal and anything can happen. Bill and Robbie helping Viper and Rick to eliminate Hick Janes, then the four focus on Nick Torres. ANA dumping Chris Crest over the top rope and sends Jason Price into a corner, then nails Justice on him. ANA coming to Nick's aid and sends Bill Roberts over the top rope to the floor. LAJ is eliminated by Mesa who targets Chris Orton trying to wrestle him over the top rope. Simon Lee trying to eliminate Mesa now and across the ring ANA has Viper reeling in a corner as Nick Torres nails The Westside on Robbie Ruckus. Nick is up to meet Rick with punches driving him into a corner and scoops up the Natural Sinner looking for a elimination. ANA whipping Viper out of the corner sending him colliding with Chris Orton and the CKO looking to fight Viper, but ANA with a double spear to Chris and Viper. ANA pulling Viper up to toss him over the top rope, but Viper fighting it and Simon getting away from Mesa to come over and help ANA eliminate Viper. Robbie on his feet to deliver a rogue kick to Mesa sending him over the top rope as Jason Price pulls up Chris Orton looking to toss him out. Chris reversing to send Jason flying out to the floor.  Robbie saving Rick from Nick and hurls him on the top rope trying to heave him out when ANA runs over clobbering Robbie across his back. Simon Lee following to help ANA pull Robbie into a irish whip across the ring, then both men look to each other and nod before chasing after Robbie. Chris Orton with a kick to Simon's face and Robbie ducking ANA to run into Nick sending him over the top rope to the floor with a thunderous clothesline. Chris looking for a clothesline to take Robbie out, but the irish warhorse ducking to whip around and clobber Chris across his back. Robbie lifting Chris up and over the top rope dumping him to the floor, then turns and ANA comes charging, but Rick meets him with a superkick to the jaw and Robbie runs into ANA taking him up and over the top rope eliminating both men. Chris Orton hanging on to the top rope still and dangles a foot off the floor as he only touched with one foot, so he still in this. Simon all over Rick with punches driving him against the ropes as Chris pulls himself up on the apron and back inside. Simon pull Rick off the ropes and up into what looks like a F-5, but Rick dropping behind him to deliver a german suplex. Rick getting up and comes eye to eye with Chris and these two old rivals begin trading punches. Chris getting the upperhand and whips Rick to the ropes, then follows him for a clothesline, but Rick ducking and nailing a superkick to the back of Chris' head draping him over the top rope. Rick dumping Chris to the floor and this time he is out, then Simon gets up Rick drives a knee to his head keeping him down. Rick hammering Simon with punches to the head, then pulls him up to deliver The Plunge and dumps him over the top rope to win.

Winner: Rick Reynolds

King of The Hole by Skrew plays over the pa as Rick gets to his feet smiling at his win while Nick Miller says.

"Rick Reynolds is going to challenge for the Universal Championship next week on WAR. I hope Tina is ready because Rick appears to be ready to win by any means after the alliance we saw in the battle royal."

Bill McLane says.

"Not sure what that was all about, but I like it and if it means the Natural Sinner reigns on top once again, I am ready!"

Nick says.

"He is certainly controversial and knows how to carry championship gold, but I can't help but feel Tina will be ready for the Natural Sinner. She has been through so much in this company and even teamed with Rick Reynolds at one time. Gonna be a good match between the two, at least until someone interferes!"

Bill says.

"I doubt either of them could have a bad match and together, they will carry the show!"

Nick says.

"Its a main event indeed, on any card, on any show, anywhere. But we got a different main event tonight and its for the World Title, but first we have a US Title open challenge and we don't know who the challenger is."

Blurry by Puddle of Mudd plays over the pa bringing out PBR with his US Title around his waist and sporting blue jeans, sneakers, and a torn black tee with the sleeves missing. He carries a thirty pack of Pabst and one in hand drinking it as the SEFWUN President makes his way into the ring. PBR finishing his beer and drops his thirty pack in the middle of the ring, then gets a mic and goes to pick up another Pabst cracking it and says.

"Well, its time for the United States open challenge to begin, so whoever wants a shot at this belt, come and get it!"

PBR dropping the mic and slams down his beer and before he finishes we hear Freedom by Rage Against The Machine ring out over the pa. Black Bob marches out with Earl and Flamez in tow as PBR cracks open another Pabst drinking it down. The Black Day make their way to ringside and Bob steps up on the apron when We Own It by Wiz Khalifa plays over the pa bringing out Simon Lee Nash with a mic in hand and he says.

"Cut the music! I am challenging for the US Title! This is my opportunity, MINE!"

Simon heading down the ramp and around Black Day to stomp up the ring steps while Bob enters before him and PBR drinks another beer. Simon gets in PBR's face as Bob stands next to them and Simon says.

"Well champ, President, what's it gonna be, or who is it gonna be, me or Bob!?"

PBR finishes his beer and grabs another, kicks the thirty pack to the edge of the ring and removes his US Title to lean in and say.

"Triple threat rules, so it will be, Simon Lee and Black Bob challenging for the US Title!"

SEFWUN United States Championship Open Challenge
Simon Lee Nash v. Black Bob v. PBR(c)

PBR slams down his beer and Bob slams Simon in the face with a hard elbow, then runs him into a corner burying a shoulder to his midsection. Bob turns to run into PBR with a spear and rains punches into his skull, then rolls off and up to his feet dropping a leg across the President's throat. Bob on his feet to meet Simon with punches backing him into the ropes, then whips him across the ring and leaps up for a dropkick. Simon ducking and Bob falls to the mat, but Simon hitting the ropes and gets tripped by Big F who yanks the son of Nash out to the floor. Bob scrambling to his feet and stomps on PBR's head, then yanks him up into a suplex, twists out while PBR is in the air to hit DOG as Eazy E and Big F put the boots to Simon outside the ring. Bob with the pin on PBR to win the match.

Winner and NEW US Champion: Black Bob

Freedom plays over the pa and Bob gets his US Title rolling from the ring and getting Earl and F out of there while Nick Miller says.

"A new US Champ, but Black Day with the win, not just Black Bob."

Bill McLane says.

"A win is a win and it is a Black Day indeed and to coin a phrase from someone else, justice has been served here tonight and we still have a main event to get to!"

Nick says.

"That we do and The CoC looks to serve justice on King J X Cash, the SEFWUN World Champion!"

Main Event
SEFWUN World Championship Match
Cliff O Clink v. J X Cash(c)

Cliff all over X with punches backing the World Champ to a corner until the ref counts him off and The CoC backs up. X pointing at Cliff to tell him to watch it, then goes for a low kick, but The CoC a bit quicker with a kick to the gut and pulls X down in a ddt. Cliff into the pin, but only gets a two count, so The CoC pulls up X by his head laying in a couple knife edge chops to his chest. Cliff whipping X to the ropes and leaps up with a thesz press crashing the World Champ to the mat raining down punches to his head. The CoC up on his feet kicking at X, then pulls him back up looking for The End already, but X flipping through to his feet clocks Cliff with a couple elbows to the jaw. X with a kick to the gut and delivers his own ddt to Cliff, then heads to the top rope looking for the Gangsdta Splash. Cliff rolls out of the way and gets to his feet as X rolls in pain on the mat. The CoC pulling X up from behind to deliver a german suplex bridging for the pin, but the World Champ kicking out before three. Cliff springing off the ropes to drop a knee across the back of X's head, then tries locking him in the crippler crossface. Viper comes running out to slide in the ring and shoulder tackle Cliff from behind, then begins beating X across his back. Cliff getting up and entering the ring now is Bill Roberts and Robbie Ruckus who double up on the CoC while Viper pulls X up nailing the Unforgiven. Rick Reynolds and JEM make their way out to the ring as Bill and Robbie send Cliff to the outside, but here comes Nick Torres and Jake Voss with their masked partner in the Dogs of War. The three men hit the ring with Nick spearing down Viper and Jake Voss colliding against Bill Roberts. The masked man clotheslining Rick from the ring and helps Nick to send Robbie out as Jake tosses Bill out, then the masked man grabs JEM by her hair and rips his mask off causing Nick Miller to scream.


And it is and he rips JEM up for Sister Ann to lay her out in the ring. Robbie and Bill pull Nick from the ring and slam him against the guard rail, then they hop on the apron as Rick comes sliding in the other side to blindside Jake. Robbie and Bill come in to fight ANA and Cliff when I Miss The Misery by Halestorm plays over the pa bringing out Tina with the Universal Title around her waist and a chair in hand. She runs around the ring seeing Viper about to crawl in the ring and slams him across the back, then drops him with a superkick to the jaw. Simon Lee Nash comes running out as well to slide in the ring and help ANA clothesline Bill from the ring, then Tina comes in slamming Rick across his back letting Jake toss him out. Cliff sending Robbie out of the ring and turns to eye everyone else in the ring. ANA bumping fists with Cliff and Jake, then looks to Tina and Simon with a smirk motioning his Dogs of War brothers to raise up the X which they do. ANA and Tina slapping hands with their arms crossed in a X as Cliff does with Simon, then Jake and Tina slap hands. Nick and X getting in the ring as Viper, JEM, Rick, Robbie, and Bill retreat to the back. Cowboys From Hell by Pantera plays over the pa bringing out The Ressurector and Hick Janes sporting Da Gangstas shirts. Each carrying a shirt in their hands, they make their way down and step in the ring. The Resurrector tossing a shirt to Torres and Hick to X who slaps it over his World Title on his shoulder. Torres pulling his shirt on and slaps X on the back of his head, so he pulls the shirt on and all four men touch fingers with the wolfpac sign just like they did seventeen years ago. ANA doing the pac sign with them, then Da Gangstas exit the ring and Tina does the pac sign. Simon, Jake, and Cliff doing the same, then they break it down into crotch chops with ANA leading the charge. Cliff and Jake on either side of ANA as Tina stands in front dropping down on one knee patting her Universal Title and raising the pac sign in the air. Simon standing to the side of Jake doing crotch chops with Impact X as Raise Your Glass by Pink plays over the pa.

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