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Jade vs Jem Anarchry Woman's Championship RP

Started by The Perry Family, October 10, 2019, 10:30:51 PM

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The Perry Family

jade is in middle of the ring with the perry sisters and she then looks around and begin to talk.

Jade all right as you all saw last week the Wolf my ol buddy i mean don;t get me wrong she like family to me but what happens in just buisness it really is i could have her re hired right now

jade but i won't im sure she busy and her ego is to hurt and batterd over me making her quit in front of 20 thousand people that was at the sefuw last week but as we say life goes on!

jade hears cloud of boos over the audiance she tries not to get it to bother her,she then begin to talk.

Jade anyway this brings me to hey boo all you want i dont give a fuck wolf is gone she is not coming back she quit her loss let's move on all right.

jade this brings me to Liz or Jem what ever the hell her name is! i don't care you see we quit caring about people'feelings a long time ago,and we realized it get's us nowhere so on with Life.

Jade jem we see you are the Anarchry Womans Champion,a Championship that schould of been mine in the first place but coming tonight that excitaly what is going to happen i waited far to long and with my family by my side my family that what the perry sisters to me are my family! and jem when im in the middle of that ring destroying every single thing that makes you who you are, let me say this!

jade anyway jem i hope you don't make the mistake and come at me lightly and don't see me as a threat. because what i did to wolf! i can so easiely do to you and leave u a bloody bald headed mess right in the middle of the devil playground ring!

jade this is my home this is our home everytime we step in to this ring it is our home i may not have the many talentes or championships or history you have but what we got and make here are moments! we make Moments we make Historic moments!

jade this is going to create more historic moments for us once i de thrown you , and make you our Bitch in the middle of this ring! now im sure what we do is nothing like steeling somebody idenity which can get you thown in jail for long ass time!

Jade but let me say this your career is going keep going or it can end tonight your choice u can easiely come down to this ring hand me your anarchry womans championship and we can save yourself the beating of a entire life time and send you to a wheelchair or a body cast which ever comes first.!

jade cause let's face it your history jem hey why dont you call sinergy and have her give you a new body once i literly one by one destroy the one you got now you just became another victom in the devil graveyard and bitch u be digging your own grave !

she looks around and begin to talk again

jade so jem get down to the ring and say what you got to say because when the match begin's talking is over its time for the devil to come out and play!

she wait for a reply
Jade West


Jade West better learn to care a little bit about who she faces or she will be beaten before she realizes who she is up against. Jenom Elizabeth Marret, better known as Elizabeth Marret, or JEM these days, is the CEO of SEFWUN, and an accomplished veteran of professional wrestling. She earned the Women's Championship by doing something Jade West couldn't do, beat Tina. JEM is sitting back in her office with the Women's Title and the Intergender Tag Team Championship sitting next to each other on her desk. JEM's face smiles from behind her desk as she as her ruby red locks tied back in a ponytail with sparkling red lipstick and silver hoop earrings making her look hotter. The CEO wears a red satin blouse unbuttoned to reveal a little cleavage and her arms rest on the arms of her chair as she just smiles knowing what she has to do.

{Jenom Elizabeth Marret}
Jade West, you think I would take you or anyone lightly when one of championships is on the line? Sweetheart, you are dead wrong on your assumption because I have been watching you since you got here. I know what you are about and it hasn't been the least bit impressive since you showed up in SEFWUN two years ago. How is it that you should have been Women's Champion when you can't even act like a champion?! You are not going to do anything to me Jade, let alone cut my beautiful hair because you have no idea what kind of world you entered two years ago. You came here thinking you already been there done that in pro wrestling, so you knew what to expect in SEFWUN. But you didn't because you got schooled, yet you couldn't accept it, so you grew dens, or maybe you have always been that way, I don't know much about you Jade, not as a person. You like to run around thinking you do the devil's work, but I worked with a more devilish character than you ever represented in SEFWUN, I worked with Viper, I was manipulated by Viper, but no more.

Elizabeth smiling with her own devilish demeanor showing may have become the manipulator.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret
Now I am in charge, I am the Queen, and the King of Gods that is Viper is dead! The Devil's Playground is no more feared than the Flint River Posse, but at least they aren't the posers you three are! Jade West, you have a lot to learn here in SEFWUN because this is like no place you have ever been to, this is the big time, and you are not ready. You weren't prepared when you arrived here though, and I am sorry I didn't say something then, but I am now Jade. You need to grow a lot more before you will ever take what I have, but I will always be waiting, so good luck sister.

Elizabeth making a cutting motion with her hand to her throat and like the view is cut to black leaving us with only a lasting image of our new CEO.

The Perry Family

Jade how you like that she dont even come down to the ring to meet me in person she is scared of me as i thought she be saying i don't act like a true champion ido soon i will be a champion and  i will show you what a true champion is i don't ever change for anyone and i never will, i don't care how people want me to act or change just to please other people, I Never will,so liz marrett if that is your real name cause we know it isnt,mis id steeler!

jade so your ceo i wonder how you slept with to get that job marrett, im sure whoever id you stool be pleased to hear how you are running her life but your personal life is none of my buisness,

Jade anyway marrett come time when this match happens your going down! i can' not wait to get you alone in this ring and show you a thing or two about what happens when you try to screw around with the devil and speaking of you say your more devilish then iam prove it!

jade i want to see how devilish you are woman! i want to see how devilish you can be when you meet your match in somebody you never faced before i love, Stepping up to the plate making people prove themselves to me,you know!!

she takes a deep breath and wait a while listens to the crowd and begin to talk agaian.

Jade you see im a woman who will do anything she wants when i want and nobody is going to stop me and i will do to you what i did to the Wolf!! and i will enjoy every single minute of it and  i don't care what happens during the match i just want destroy you, because when it all said and done the last words you be hearing is.

jade the winner and new anarchry woman's chamoion jade westt i can not wait to see you laying on the ground and seeing me raise the womans's championship above my head in victory!! it going happen mark my words ido anything to be champion!

jade and there is nothing you can do about it

she wait for reply
Jade West

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