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universal6 star tag team


Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2018, 08:51:15 PM

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Taylor Andrews


Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada

Bell Time: 5:30 pm MST

Date: Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

Theme Music: Dark Age by Vader


Tables Match

J X Cash v. Nick Torres (c)
SEFWUN Universal Championship

Singles Match
"The Resurrector" Troy Storms v. Robbie Ruckus (c)
SEFWUN World Championship

Tag Team Match
Hal Havoc & Steve White v. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss (c) & Cliff O Clink (c)
SEFWUN Tag Team Championship

Hardcore Hell
Josh Diabolical v. PBR (c)
The Hardcore Championship

Tag Team Match
Hick Janes & Nykky Dee v. Victor "Viper" Vladimir (c) & Elizabeth Marret (c)
Intergender Tag Team Championship

Taylor Andrews


Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada

Bell Time: 5:30 pm MST

Date: Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

Theme Music: Dark Age by Vader

Tag Team Match
Hick Janes & Nykky Dee v. Victor "Viper" Vladimir (c) & Elizabeth Marret (c)
Intergender Tag Team Championship

Hick Janes refuses to get in the ring leaving Nykky to get beat. After the match we see Viper hand Hick a leather cut for the RxP which is taken with a handshake.

Winners: Viper & Elizabeth

Hardcore Hell
Josh Diabolical v. PBR (c)
The Hardcore Championship


Tag Team Match
Hal Havoc & Steve White v. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss (c) & Cliff O Clink (c)
SEFWUN Tag Team Championship

Jake and Cliff look to win it when Thrash and Slash of Destruction get involved to cause a DQ. Jake and Cliff fight them off, but call them back for a a fight, so another title match is made.

Winners: Jake & Cliff

Tag Team Match
Destruction v. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss (c) & Cliff O Clink (c)
SEFWUN Tag Team Championship

Steve White insures Destruction win the match and walk out with the Tag Team Titles, but Nick Torres comes out to send the three RxP members retreating and the Dogs of War storm around the ring ready for more.

Winners and NEW SEFWUN Tag Team Champions: Destruction

Singles Match
"The Resurrector" Troy Storms v. Robbie Ruckus (c)
SEFWUN World Championship

Troy rides out on a easy rider motorcycle dressed in boots, black jeans, and his RxP leather cut. He circles the ring and parks in the aisle, then climbs off the bike grabbing what looks like a few other cuts. Troy climbing in the ring and grabs a microphone to call out.

"Robbie Ruckus, Rick Reynolds, and Frank Hussar, its time, come on down."

Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays over the pa bringing the three men out. Robbie with his World Championship belt over his shoulder and dressed in jeans a t-shirt as Rick carries the II Title while wearing a expensive suit. Frank in his sweats and the three men known as The Triad enter the ring to all get a mic with Robbie speaking first.

"Well let's do this then, Prez."

Robbie grinning and Troy embraces him for a hug, then breaks and says.

"Welcome to the club boys. Resurrection x Pain just got a big influx of talent and we got two of the top champs. I believe these belong to you guys."

Robbie taking his cut to pull it on as does Frank and Rick folds his to hold on his other shoulder displaying it as he does his II Title. Rick says.

"We belong in the RxP. SEFWUN needs us to balance the system."

Troy says.

"Yes. They will all feel what RxP does to this company, we will make sure SEFWUN never dies, we will control the fate of this place."

Rest In Pieces by Saliva plays over the pa and the lights go out to flash back on several seconds later revealing a empty ring.

No Contest

Tables Match
J X Cash v. Nick Torres (c)
SEFWUN Universal Championship

X cocky as hell from the get go because right away we see every member of the RxP come to the ring and they gained some on this night. Elizabeth Marret came to ringside with X, but Viper, Troy Storms, Smokey McWeed, Josh Diabolical, Robbie Ruckus, Rick Reynolds, Hick Janes, Bill Roberts, Mesa, Destruction, LAJ, Frank Hussar, Hiroku Shinobi, Hal Havoc, Fate, Steve White, Axel Tate, and Bill McLane would all end up at ringside sporting RxP cuts with their respective member tags. They would just surround the ring and when Jake Voss along with Cliff O Clink came out to fight them, they got outnumbered, but A Native Americano would come with a chair and help fight the RxP. Tina would end up coming out to help fight the RxP and give the mc a fight, but the numbers were just too much and soon they took their focus back to the ring where Nick Torres was bound and determined to put X through a table. Elizabeth Marret would call out some more bodies bringing Barry, Red Flowers, Phoenix Winterborn, Hristin Fox, Drew Stevenson, Johnny Rebel, Chuck, Jimmy Joe, Snot Ranose, Nerox, Ralph, Doug Melvin, Cadet Clyde, Greg Boone, JR Hawk, Tom Walker, and The Genesis from the crowd. These men were wearing leather cuts with the tag prospect on the back and no member tags. They all entered the ring at the nod from Elizabeth and outnumbered Nick to beat him down, lay him on a table and allow X to nail a Gangsta Splash putting him through a table and winning the match.

Afterwards we would see Viper take the Universal Title, after RxP kicked Torres from the ring, and award it to Viper, then says.

"J X Cash, or Xanthus, my friend, my brother, my fellow king, you ride side by side with me. You earned it kid, or should I say king, you and I are the kings of RxP. Smokey McWeed is our new VP, and with a vote earlier we saw Josh Diabolical become Secretary of State. Robbie Ruckus is back as Sergeant At Arms while Rick Reynolds, Hick Janes, Bill Roberts, Mesa, and Destruction are Corporals of Punishment as was also voted on earlier by our members. As you all saw we got some prospects, maybe they won't all make the cut, but RxP is taking over, hell, we have taken over. We always had control of SEFWUN and we always will. RxP is the future and we are now boys and girls, there will be much more to come, so stay tuned."

Hail To The King by Avenged Sevenfold plays over the pa as the show comes to a close.

Winner and NEW SEFWUN Universal Champion: J X Cash

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