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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Throwing up The sign (Evolution)

Started by Taylor Andrews, December 24, 2020, 01:13:50 AM

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Taylor Andrews

(MJ sits on a metal chair backwards with his head leaning on his arms which rest on the back of the chair and he has his ring gear on. Tina behind him wears her ring gear and hair in pigtails and is massaging his back, targeting under his shoulders. MJ with his long hair in his face can be seen grimacing a little as she works him over good before finally stopping. Tina grabbing a bottle of water from a mini fridge and twists the top off to take a sip. She hands the bottle to MJ who savors it down while Tina grabs a Heineken popping the top with a BIC laying on a square folding table in their dressing room. Tina sits down on another chair to MJ's left and takes a a couple drinks of her beer before saying.)

"Only good thing about tonight is the fact that we are where we belong, in the main event. The Resurrector and Jade West, a match made in hell, and when we are done with them, they can go back to hell and burn for eternity. We're not losing these titles to those two, hell, Jade can't even be bother to show up anymore since joining the nWs. Maybe she been spending too much time on her back in their dressing room, or bent over at the waist?!? Not that its wrong, a girl gotta get some once in a while!"

Tina smirking at that and takes a drink of beer as MJ sits his empty bottle on the table and says.)

"Whatever be the case, even if she shows up, she ain't getting her hands on our gold. I still owe her and King Mack some payback screwing me in my TV Title shot. Its only making me hungrier to come back stronger and take that strap from her. Tonight though, we may need to throw up the sign and start this war!?"

(Tina smirking some more and guzzles down her beer, then hops up to turn and bend down grabbing the TV Tag Team Title belts. MJ standing and she tosses one to him, they both sling them over their shoulders and walk out the dressing room door ready for Evolution.)

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