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Backstage Note on Communication of Vince McMahon Story to WWE Talent Roster

Started by Liz, June 17, 2022, 07:57:24 AM

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PWInsider has a backstage update on WWE communicating with talent regarding the news of yesterday's story by The Wall Street Journal on Vince McMahon. As previously noted, WWE previously sent an internal message to staff on the allegations and the investigation by the Board of Directors.
According to PWInsider, the only message that the talent roster has received on the Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis, who was also named in the allegations, was a text message that used similar verbiage as the internal message sent to staff members yesterday. Additionally, the report notes there are some in WWE who are openly wondering if McMahon will address the issue at upcoming TV tapings.
As previously noted, Vince McMahon is still expected to be present at the WWE SmackDown TV tapings this week, and John Laurinaitis' status with WWE is said to be "unchanged" at the moment.

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