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Jim Duggan says he has six more weeks of radiation for prostate cancer

Started by Liz, June 22, 2022, 03:46:06 PM

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In a video on Instagram regarding an update on his health, WWE Hall of Famer Hacksaw "Jim Duggan" said he was feeling sorry for himself, listing the several health problems he went through over the past few years including kidney cancer, several trips to the ICU with heart problems, and now prostate cancer.
"They take out my prostate and I still have to have radiation because the cancer is still in me. I'm sitting there feeling a little sorry for myself," Duggan said.
"Then I look in the mirror, and the man in the mirror is looking back hard at me. And it's, 'Duggan, pull your head out! Stand up straight! God bless that you have only 6 more weeks of radiation. God bless that you only have six more weeks of radiation,'" a fired up Hacksaw said.
He said that despite everything, he still got it a lot better than a lot of other people. He urged fans to get their physical examinations done to save their lives.
Duggan announced that he's battling cancer again for the third time in May, five months after he declared that he was cancer free.


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