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Tony Khan Would Like To Hold AEW Tournament In Japan

Started by Liz, June 22, 2022, 03:48:54 PM

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In an interview with Tokyo Sports, AEW CEO Tony Khan spoke about expanding AEW's global reach and said that he would like to hold a tournament in Japan at some point. The company is currently working with Japanese promotion NJPW, with the joint event Forbidden Door happening this Sunday. Here are highlights:
On competing with WWE: "There was a big difference at first, but as a result of efforts, the difference in audience mobilization is closing and the audience rating is also increasing. I think the good thing about us is that we have achieved international growth in a short period of time. AEW games can be seen in 130 countries around the world, and the relationship with New Japan has strengthened my position in Japan. That led to the joint entertainment. The birth of AEW was a great stimulus for the professional wrestling world, and I think it had a positive impact."
On a future relationship with AEW and Japan: "I think Japan is the most valuable market in the world for Khan Wrestling. There are so many Japanese fans, smart and passionate. AEW will also be able to build a good fan base."
On holding a tournament in the country: "I haven't held a tournament in another country yet, but I would like to try to deliver AEW to the world. Of course, I want to hold a tournament in Japan, and if I do, I would like to invite a lot of new Japanese players. Japan is definitely included in the list of countries where you want to have an AEW tournament."

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